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Saddam captured!!!

Started by brainpause, Dec 14, 2003, 06:19 AM

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sorry, gang, I realize I was in true "rant mode" when I posted the above remarks.  It's just that I get very frustrated when US troops risk their lives to re-establish water, electricity, and oil lines in Iraq only to have some damn fool over there immediately blow up the utilities our  "can-do" American kids  have  worked so hard  to restore.  

Hundreds of those people  over there are constantly waving guns and yodeling in the streets.  Where the hell are they with their guns  when those bozos are sabotaging the infrastructure?   Why dont they form a vigilantes group  and help out a little bit with some " frontier  justice" of their own when this  damage happens instead of just complaining that they dont have water or gas or electric and it is all the fault of the Yanks?

Does anyone really believe that in ten years  Iraq will have any recognizable form of democracy?   No matter how hard our troops and leaders work to do that, I fear it wont happen.  I want to believe that all this blood and money will accomplish worthwhile changes over there, but I just cant.

And yet, I am SO PROUD of  the troops, the leaders  and planners and other workers representing  all of us in Iraq, and so delighted for the lift of spirits this capture must give them.  God bless them and keep them safe and return them to their loved ones.


Be sure to check out the poll on this issue in the Poll Forum:



Whatever is done, I hope the guy doesn't escape.  I wonder who his legal counsel will be in this matter.  Of course he is going to deny knowing anything about weapons and any links to other terrorists.....going to try to play games.  How much was the reward money?  Did his own family turn him in?


There is something SO  appropriate about showing him being searched   for LICE!  

This morning on tv, I saw a demonstration of a full-scale mock-up of the hole where they found him.  It wasn't much bigger than a coffin--and the guys who got him said he SMELLED!  I think anyone who had to get withon 10 feet of such nastiness ought to draw hazardous duty pay.


One of the guys who hauled him out is from my local area and it's all posted in the local newspapers, along with some photos that were emailed home.  I guess it's really something that a local boy is now a big hero.