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I saw Frank...

Started by campingboaters, Apr 26, 2004, 12:15 PM

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From Trading Spaces, shopping at Ikea!  You never think you will run into anyone "famous", but there he was shopping for baskets.  I didn't bother him, as I hate to be "star struck", but I can share my excitedment with all of you!
I hadn't been watching TS lately as it was starting to grow old -- maybe because I was LIVING a remodel in my kitchen, but I was intrigued with the Home Free series.  So, who here still watches Trading Spaces and did you watch the home free series?  Did you think the right people won last night?


ah, you Easterners are just like the Californians--ALWAYS seeing famous people!  ;)   (Down here in the rednek boonies all we ever see is someone famous for shooting Cousin Bubba when they caught him stealing  their  tires.)

I have to admit I havent watched TS American Style lately and  dont know who won the home free series.  I  watched the original BBC version this weekend though.  It is fun too, although a bit wacky sometimes. :screwy:   some of the fixes they come up with look like they will last  until  about 15 minutes after the cameras are taken away  :J  Sometimes I even think that about the US version! :o   Does anyone else have this impression or am I just jaded?

Bawwww--I want an IKEA in Atlanta!!!!! :(  :banghead:


Yeah, I think some of the things done on that show really are just for the looks of things.  I personally think MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) was created JUST for that show!  :eyecrazy:   In case you don't know, it's basically THICK cardboard.  Anyway, I just don't know how some of the things they build with MDF even hold up -- like entertainment centers for HUGE TV's.  I used it on a set of cabinet door in my daughter's room and will never use it again.  The screws for the hinges already ripped out and I don't think it was anything my daughter did.  BUT... THAT is another story.  :-()
As for Ikea, I'm not a huge fan of many of their items since they are a little TOO modern for me, BUT their housewares are great!  I'm putting brushed stainless steel into my kitchen and Ikea REALLY comes in handy for THAT!  I do like MANY of their storage ideas and gadgets too!  :#


We like TS; I always had trouble with "family" as I felt the designers really talked down to the children; and home free, I guess it was just the thought of strangers in someone elses house just didn't seem right.
Favorite designer.... Has to be Frank ... why I like his style (country)
Least favorite.... tie between Hildi and Doug... why I don't like modern or stuff on the walls (hay, feather, artificial flowers etc)


Yeah, I have to say Hildy is NUTS on that show, but THAT is why she's on it.  I would have had to hurt her for the hay on the walls or the flowers in the bathroom or even the walls covered with old vinyl records!    At least the records were just screwed onto the wall.  Can you imagine pulling out all the staples left behind after the flowers!  I have to say, I DO like the times that Hildy wrapped the walls with fabric.  While I couldn't do that in my house (with kids), I think it's a very elegant look.

I think my favorite designers would be VERN (who's no longer on the show :swear: , but is getting his own show on NBC, I think), Laurie or Genevieve.


Quote from: campingboatersCan you imagine pulling out all the staples left behind after the flowers!  

I think those were actually hotglued!  Imagine pulling those off and having little bits of the dry wall come off with each one.  Not to mention... didn't anyone ever tell Hildi that bathrooms are full of MOISTURE and that those silk flowers will easily start to mildew?  Of course someone had to tell her that... she's such a  :screwy: ding-dong that she wouldn't even think of that.  I think she mostly does the crazy room designs just for the shock value... not to actually try to give the homeowner a nicely decorated room.


Hah! Reminds me of a time when I was in Arizona. One of the women came into the office one morning all in a huff. Seems she was at a mall when she passed by a limo. Sitting there was Tatoo (Herve something) from the Fantasy Island show (which was one of her favorites). She became excited & ran over to the limo yelling Tatoo, Tatoo can I get your autograph? He rolled up the window & turned his head. Shocked, she began cursing and calling him a useless midget. She said she'd never watch the show again unless they dumped him.


Quote from: topcat7736Hah! Reminds me of a time when I was in Arizona. One of the women came into the office one morning all in a huff. Seems she was at a mall when she passed by a limo. Sitting there was Tatoo (Herve something) from the Fantasy Island show (which was one of her favorites). She became excited & ran over to the limo yelling Tatoo, Tatoo can I get your autograph? He rolled up the window & turned his head. Shocked, she began cursing and calling him a useless midget. She said she'd never watch the show again unless they dumped him.

   Wow, I think he commited Suicide not to long ago... poor guy!!


Quote from: jpreiserWow, I think he commited Suicide not to long ago... poor guy!!

yes, he did, but they say it was a small loss.

sorry, just couldnt help myself :J  (used to love "sick jokes" )


Quote from: NightOwlyes, he did, but they say it was a small loss.
sorry, just couldnt help myself :J (used to love "sick jokes" )
I think cabin fever is really getting to a lot of us :eyecrazy: :yikes:


Frank who ? :eyecrazy:  :p