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Mother and Child Parking spots ?

Started by birol, Apr 27, 2004, 06:13 AM

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After my car accident, I didn't get a disabled sticker ... I was limping really badly, and could not walk faster then a snail, but I did walk and used the empty spaces.

Maybe it is different in USA, but In Canada (at least in our experience), if you need some medication and can leave the emergency department, they give a  few pills to start you off.

If somebody really can not walk extra 30 feet to go to the pharmacy, I think the best thing to do is for someone else to get the medicine or call a pharmacy which does delivery (we have tons of them here). Most of the people I see who want to park very close to the entrances are perfectly healthy young to middle age people. They did not figure out yet walking will save them from having to really park next to the store entrances at a later stage !

Quote from: tlhdocOK, how about this.  What if a person is hurt, recently had surgery, was in a car accident, etc. where walking is a problem, but they do not qualify for handicap parking?

FYI doctors don't samples of all prescriptions to hand out to patients.  If they prescribe a medication they don't have samples of you have to buy a prescription.  I have never been given samples of medication at the emergency room.

I still can't believe people waist time and energy just to aggravate others and that they "Just love to piss off some people".


I betcha 10 to 1 that the majority of those PITneck impatient folks wanting to run over you to make you leave the parking space are too lazy to walk from a distance.  I equate some of them in the same category of road ragers and the ones who tailgate on the highway as though they own the road and can break the speed limit any time they want.  Anyone with a real medical emergency for prescriptions in NC can have it called in and then pick it up when ready.


All I want is for the sgn to say "PARENT AND CHILD" parking ! Where are all the woman who say we are only after equality now ? Isn't this little bit too equal ?  :Z I will complain to the store managers about the sexist signs they have and see where it goes ...


Quote from: B-flatI betcha 10 to 1 that the majority of those PITA impatient folks wanting to run over you to make you leave the parking space are to lazy to walk from a distance.

You are probably right about the numbers, but what about that one out of ten.  I have never had anyone honk their horn (maybe that is a city thing) but I have had people wait for my parking spot.  It doesn't matter to me if they want it, why are people so bothered about someone waiting for their parking spot.  My point is

Birol you live in a city.  I live in a rural area.  We have hitching post at the grocery store and at Wal-Mart they tie the horses to the light post.  We don't have any pharmacy that delivers.

You do not know why they are waiting and to assume that they are lazy isn't right.  You and I may not know.

For someone to go out of their way because they "Just love to piss off some people"  isn't right.  People with that attitude aggravate situations and don't help.  I know someone is prison because they shot a neighbor, it was over who had to clean up the apples that fell from a tree.  He knows it wasn't worth it, but couldn't help pissing off the other party. :)


You have a point there, but when you see time and again that they are waiting (for up to 5 minutes) just not to walk 50 feet extra, I am afraid every one gets painted with the same brush.

I won't answer your pissing off sentence as I agree with that, it is not worth as people are crazy and they shoot each other for no good reason ! (OK do not ask me what a good reason is, I come from a country where a family STRANGLED their 14 year old daughter because she was raped and was considered not honorable anymore  :mad:  :banghead: ). I don't think I would shoot anyone for something as simple as a parking place but I am sure there are people who would do it. I don't let people walk all over me but I also try not aggravate people.

Quote from: tlhdocYou do not know why they are waiting and to assume that they are lazy isn't right.  You and I may not know.


I have never intentionally gone back into a store from my car when I knew someone was waiting for the parking spot.  For someone to be sitting there honking  is being overly  aggressive and very rude and this does not help, either.  Honking and edging up on someone already in the space is a sure sign of rudeness that will provoke some people.  In our area, most people simply wait for the space without honking because they are respectful toward the person who already occupies the space.  In the one time someone honked at me, I got out of the space and pulled up a bit and waited for the driver to get out and asked if he had an emergency or something I could help him with to which he answered that he had  just wanted an up close parking space.  I have yet to see anyone who had a real emergency when someone cut me off and zipped into a parking space when they were coming from the wrong direction, either.  I have watched folks like that go into the store and they are just looking at stuff and not going to a pharmacy or even the bathroom, for that matter.

I have done a lot of quiet observations of the particular situation and my opinion is still the same:  they want an up close parking space so they don't have to walk very far and they don't have an emergency plus they are rude when they honk.  I have yet to see anyone all crippled up or anyone with difficulty walking that just had to rudely honk for a parking space.

(And, I was talking money there on the bet of 10 to 1 :D  :p  ;)  )