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Electrical cable for Finally !

Started by birol, Jun 28, 2004, 10:43 AM

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Things like cobbled up electrical stuff tends to fall befow the radar level in my brain. I can still remember my FIL letting out a yell when he forget the put the canister back on when he unplugged the trailer end first and gave himself a 110 volt zap. Consider it a temperary fix until the money supply gets back n the black side of the ledger.


Found the male receptacle :)

Acts 2:38 girl

Yep, Lee again..
Briol.. Either way you end up at the camper, I would buy yourself an extra male & female plugs and make 2 cords.. Make the main one say 25' long by cutting the cord 25' from the end you will run towards the camper. Now just make a standard extension cord with the long left over half to be used if you need a long run.  I personaly like the proper plug as well.. But the set up we put in would work as a temp solution (and almost free) If you can get the correct male socket you only need to change the end on your 25' cord.. If you could, I iwould try to buy a twistlock plug & socket for the camper if you can find one..


I found the male receptacle ! and installed it ! it loooks so cool ! You open the cover, and here it is, three pronges recessed in ready for the female to come in ! I know, the solution we had was free but I wanted to have a better solution. 25 CANADIAN BUCKS LATER , it is now perfect :)

I was thinking of having one 30' and one 50' long extension cables .......Did not cut it and put in the ends yet, tomorrow I will  though ....

Acts 2:38 girl

Sweet.. That is the way to do it.! Dangit.. Yep, Lee again! :eyecrazy:


Thanks for all the help Lee, without the help I got from you, and rest of the members (Mike that specificaly means and includes you too)  I would not be able to fix most of the stuff !

I am so excited that Finally is almsot ready to rock and roll ! Roll to the eastern rally that is !



a pat on the back for a job well done


Tested the electrical connection today and the receptacles inside did not work !!!! :(   I thought the fuse had blown or cables needed replacing. Turns out there is an on/off switch !!!!!! Turned it on and VOILA !!!! Power on all receptacles ! Electrical stuff all done now ! I will make one 50' and one 30' extension cables tomorrow !!! We are ready to rock and roll !!!!


It always helps to flip the switch.