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Local group asks for prayers.....

Started by angelsmom10, Aug 04, 2004, 07:35 AM

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A local group has asked for prayers for this young boy, also, I need to vent.
I do not personally know this boy, but locally we hear of these attacks way too often.  At first Pit Bulls were banned, but they have changed it to where you have to prove insurance and take extra effort to confine.. apparently this has not done it either, except for the fact the owner will now be charge (BIG DEAL) that still doesn't help the boy.  I watch animal planet with the Michigan and Texas humane societies and see the slap on the wrists people get for things like this and it upsets me.
Being a dog lover, and an owner of a Chow mix, I am very cautious of all our dogs. especially the Chow.  People need to take responsibility for the animals.  Bringing our girls up, we taught them to be very careful around dogs and NOT ASSUME the a dog being inside a yard is safe for you... dogs can and some will get out.
I realize that any dog can attack and we watch all of our dogs when they are around anyone.
I really don't know what I'm trying to say, except our city needs to do something about these attacks.
A 10 year old boy, Daniel Foster was mauled by a pit bull on 7/31 in a small township near Cincinnati, Ohio.  Part of his nose was bit off and his face has had severe damage.  He has already had several surgeries and will need to have many more.  He is very discouraged and feels that he will be considered a freak with scarring on his face.  He came home from the hospital today and his mom is asking that people send him get well cards to cheer him up.  Please send cards to:  Daniel Foster, 6800 Vine Street, Elmwood Place, OH  45216-2028.

Thank you for any well wishes that you can send Daniel.



While I agree that an attack on a child (or anyone for that matter) is a tragic event, and our thoughts and prayers are with the little boy.  

On the topic of pitt bulls I have a different belief.  If the dog that attacked the boy was a chihuahua or a poodle or a rottweiler or a great dane, it wouldn't get any press, but the PB has and will have a bad reputation so the knee jerk reaction is to ban the bad dogs.  It amazes me that the community wants to convict the dog, but truly the owner is the culprit!!  I have owned a PB, and he was the most gentle, loving dog I have ever owned, Calstate360/361 have a very sweet PB mix that I would never have a worry about as well.  My dog never acted in a manner that would be considered agressive or even assertive in the 11+ years that he was with us.

This is the same as blaming a gun for the death of someone who has been shot....and not focusing on the owner, or blaming a car manufacturer for a traffic death when the driver was intoxicated or driving recklessly.

Nancy, you said that they are prosecuting the owner and your response was "big deal", which while I agree that it won't help THIS boy, it is misdirected anger.  ALL dog owners are and MUST be held responsible for their animals and it shouldn't matter what breed the dog is.

You have to remember that you can site hundreds of examples where Pitt Bulls attack, but that is mainly because that sells papers and that is what is reported!  If they were to equally report all attacks, I doubt that the number of attacks is any higher than that of any other large breed.

Sorry for my rant, but I hate seeing the dog taking the blame for something that the owner has trained the dog to do.  We love dogs that obey their owners when they do cute things, but we hate them when they do things their owners want when they are bad things...the common factor here is the owner, not the dog!

Stepping down......


I totally agree, it's the owner's fault, like I said we have a chow mix and he's great, but because of the reputation, we are very careful.  Some dogs are just prone to attacking, but people who own dogs need to take responsibilty; the excuse the owner gave "The dog jumped the fence -- I feel it's not my fault." I don't feel is a good excuse; our 2 older dogs used to climb our fence, so we would stay out with them when they would go out to avoid them getting out.  This is all I say is people need to take responsibility.

My point goes really to dog owners... not dogs and since the city has ordinances, people need to comply.


Poor little boy.  I hate hearing about things like that.  My son was viciously bitten on the chest by a mixed breed (predominately Labrador) when my son went to pet it but unknowingly got too close to the other dog with it which happened to be a female in heat.  The male dog's hormones were raging and he tore into my son.  Fortunately a neighbor saw it and ran the dog off before it could do any more damage.  He still has a scar on his chest from it.

I've been in rescue for ten years and I've been bit by a total of two dogs.  A Pekingnese and a Pekingnese mix.  One of my daughters was bitten by a Schnauzer, and another by a Min Pin.  

So far the only human aggressive Pitties that I've seen are ones being held at animal shelters from drug busts.  They are definately dangerous, as they've been taught to be.  

On the other hand, any dog can bite, and I have to say I'd rather be bitten by a Chihuahua than a Pitty.

Like you said, Nancy, his saying it's not his fault is ridiculous.  If you own a dog and anything like that happens, it's your responsibility.  And I would bet the dog has climbed the fence before.

I will keep the boy in my prayers.