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Spring Break

Started by endless horizons, Mar 22, 2005, 07:01 PM

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endless horizons

Hi Everyone,

Sad to say my kids school distrct changed easter vacation in march to spring break in April. Gee now we can't call it easter vacation!  Because all of our family doesn't live in the same area, we cant camp together this easter. Anyway we will be camping with some of my camping friends (from the same school district) April 17th thru the 20th at South Carlsbad state Beach.  We have been trying to camp there for some time but it is hard to book a week end during the warm season.
If any of you have some time off and would love to join us we will be in #177.

The bright side is; It is warmer in April on the coast.

Have a great Easter


We are also in the San Diego area, where we have 8 grandkids in 3 different school districts.  You guessed it...three different "Spring" breaks.  (I guess nobody can say Easter any more.)  San Diego Unified had theirs last week, Del Mar next week and Poway later in April.  Wreaks havoc on family plans, doen't it?

endless horizons

Hi cb,

yes it does reak havoc!  I have 2 Nieces in college and with my sons having spring break in April it has made our easter get together plans very hard.
My husband says I should write the district to at least keep spring break as in the past around  E_____.  How do I ask to keep it around E_____ if I can't even say the word?  Oh well, in our hearts we know what is happening in the US and how any reference to God is being taken away. Being an immigrant myself, it amazes me how most people in other countries want to come here for that "better life" and part of that better life is what our country was founded on. The principals of the 10 commandments. People are amazed when they come here to visit and we have so many different kinds of vending machines and the mail man or UPS can leave your packages in front of your house etc.
Ohps am I getting on a soap box? Sorry.  I just love this country. Yes I love the country where I was born but it is more out of love for my roots heritage etc. But I love the USA.