Watkins Glen in June

Started by SheBantam, Apr 20, 2005, 01:41 PM

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Just was over at the "other" forum and was ready to book for Watkins Glen...the only sites left in loop B are for 20 foot "equipment". I posted over there about Loop A Cayuga. It is wide open and looks on the map to be close. Just how close is it really to loop B??? Would it be feasible for me to book there and walk (or drive over) for events? What sites would be closest??

Tracy, you seem to be to local expert what cha think???...I really do not want to take my tent in June. guess i could if I had to.


Cayuga is very close to Mohawk.  It would be an easy walk, but they don't have electric in Cayuga.  Here are the 30 foot sites in Cayuga  6, 11, 12, 20, 36, 37.  39 and 48 are along the road to Mohawk.  The sites that are closest to Mohawk are 48, 36, 37.


Called the park and they said that the 20' sites would accomodate me.

So I will be on site 100, just will let Raymond know when it is about to happen.  ( 0 :


Paula you will be just down the hill from Beckie and I.  I am glad you will fit on an electric site.:)