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Happy Thanksgiving

Started by RVMOMNDAD, Nov 23, 2005, 01:20 AM

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Many years ago, after the last of her five children married, mom started two new family holiday tradtions.

For Thanksgiving, after the blessing was said, we each took a a turn saying what we were thankful for during the year.  Then we each stated what we were thankful for that we could do for someone else.
Like being thankful we could shovel our elderly nieghboors walk that year.
Or adopting an extra angel from the angel tree at the mall.
Or baking an extra pie to take to a shut in.
It really really helps in these hard times to realize just how much we have to be thankful for to also realize how much the little things we plan to to for others enrich our lives.
So Happy Thanksgivings---give thanks and give of yourself!


Quote from: RVMOMNDADMany years ago, after the last of her five children married, mom started two new family holiday tradtions.
For Thanksgiving, after the blessing was said, we each took a a turn saying what we were thankful for during the year. Then we each stated what we were thankful for that we could do for someone else.
Like being thankful we could shovel our elderly nieghboors walk that year.
Or adopting an extra angel from the angel tree at the mall.
Or baking an extra pie to take to a shut in.
It really really helps in these hard times to realize just how much we have to be thankful for to also realize how much the little things we plan to to for others enrich our lives.
So Happy Thanksgivings---give thanks and give of yourself!
What great traditions!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone:U


I will second that, what a cool tradition.  Happy Thanksgiving to All!:)


I agree with the others ~ great tradition!  We do something similar several times a week and just say what we were thankful for on that day.  Helps the kids to see things a little differently.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Quote from: KellyI agree with the others ~ great tradition!  We do something similar several times a week and just say what we were thankful for on that day.  Helps the kids to see things a little differently.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!


This is a special day and one that makes us realize how fortunate we are to be in America and have the opportunity to share this wonderful time of year with our families, friends, and those in need.
The real joy of the holiday season is doing something for those less fortunate and when we can pass that tradition down to our kids, it's even better.  
I'm thankful that we are able to help others and share our success to make their lives better.  We receive so much more in giving, and the pleasure one receives from helping others is the best gift of all as we enter this wonderful time of yeear.
We hope all our readers and forum members will have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and celebrate our blessings with those you care most about.