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Long lost son...

Started by Martorious, Jul 02, 2006, 07:31 AM

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Hello Gang,
It's been a while.  (almost 2 years) Place looks the same, though.
Partly through procrastination, partly due to other (family) concerns I've been away from the fold for what seems like forever.  (Ok, mostly procrastination)
For those who remember me, I bought a '71 Starcraft PU and was going to restore it.  Best laid plans of mice and men, as they say.  I have not touched it yet, but that is about to change.  Due to family matters and such, I am moving back to Tennessee, after we get settled in I am going to take the top off of the camper and redo the roof section completely, similar yet more extensive than the repair job that Birol did on his Starcraft.  Birol are you still out there buddy?  Do you still have those pictures?  I just glanced through the current threads and didn't see your username anywhere.
Anyway, just touching base, it is going to take me awhile to catch up on past messages.


Welcome back.  I hope you get it done!:D


I contacted Birol a few months ago and he is doing a better now. His divorce is now final and he got custody of his kids. Here is his email address if you want it.


Of course, I remember you!

Are you moving back to AC?

I sent you a PM.
