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1983 Starcraft Lift System

Started by owntime, Nov 10, 2006, 09:32 PM

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I am going to try and tackle replacing the lift system on an 83 Starcraft.

Does anyone have a manual or tips on how to do?

I have found the supplies at Home Depot but need some moral support to install.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Clark from Texas


I am currently redoing a lift system on a 1984 Starcraft. Trust me on this one: Use original cables and equipment. It is cheap, and pre-cut to the right length. Will try and find any diagrams I have.

I have a lifter manual for Starcrafts of that era, but not of mine. It might match yours, however. PM/email me your email address, and I'll send it to you.



Hi larry,

My email is

That would great if you could do that for me.

Did you purchase the cables from a local RV dealer or from Starcraft direct?

I have found two local dealers in my area they work on Starcrafts but they are very proud of the work they do. $80 bucks an hour to $250 a side.

Thanks for all of your help.



I'm not up to speed as to what Starcraft was doing for that era, but for sure, you can contact Starcraft's tech services and they will know for sure and I'd bet they will assist you in the information department.

I have a '99 Stracraft that I bought new (bought it early in '00 as it was a left over from the season before). Since I was seriously looking at Starcrafts at the time I can tell you what was going on in the lift department for that period of time. Starcraft had two different lift systems, one for their lower end sales line and the other for their top of the line models (which I believe is still pretty much true for thier present line). For the lower end models (the kind I have), they used the Goshen lift sytem.


Starcraft's top of the line models used their own pattened lift system; a little bit more elaborate than the Goshen lift, however, I hear tell that Goshen still manufactures it for Starcraft.

It would'nt surprise me if that '83 Starcraft was not sporting a Goshen lift, as they (Goshen), has been providing lifts for several popup manufactures for a lot of years ... they go way back



Clark, I sent the manual by email in pdf format. I will also say here what I said in the email. Maybe it will help someone else.

I tried to attach the manual to this post, but it was too large. If anyone else needs it, drop me an email, because I might not see the post here. The subscribe to thread function isn't working. Again, the manual's lifter system isn't exactly like mine; in fact, it really isn't much the same. However, it has some principles in it that probably apply to all lift systems.

I ordered the cables directly from When you call, have the year, model, and VIN#. They actually order parts from the VIN#. The cables were about $20 each. I have four winch cables and four lifter cables on mine. Be sure to specify which ones you need. Each post has two cables: One starts at the winch and goes to its pulleys, and then attaches to a lifter cable with a turnbuckle. Hope this helps.

Cathey's RV was able to have them shipped directly to me, instead of shipping to them, then to me.

Before you get into it too far, look and see how strong the floor is. If the floor is weak, or the posts/lifters have sunk, that could be causing problems. We had to replace the whole floor. This is a HUGE job. I would have given up by myself, but I have a friend who is very interested, and has lots of tools. Take a look at my Starcraft Restoration page, and you will see how much work it has been.



Thanks again Larry for sending me the manual.

This cable thing is a job. I wish I had the extra dough to have someone replace for me.

I am glad I have some spare time on the weekend to work on it.

I hope to have at least the two rear broken ones completed tomorrow.

Thanks to all for the assistance.



I did not use factory stuff, I got stainless cable from Lowes, and dit it myself.  All four corners, and the main, and it has worked fine for 4 seasons, with no problems  I think it ocst about $60 total, and I did not have to wait, or pay shipping.  Let us know how it goes.