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Started by dbaldree, Feb 27, 2007, 06:21 PM

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2001 coleman tacoma corrosion on aluminum roof couple small holes.Was wondering the best way to repair thanks.



Quote from: dbaldree2001 coleman tacoma corrosion on aluminum roof couple small holes.Was wondering the best way to repair thanks.

How old is the roof?  A 2001 did not come from the factory with an aluminum roof, so it must be a replacement.  If you had it replaced (not a previous owner), you should be able to get it repaired or replaced at Fleetwood's expense.

Do you know how it got corroded so badly?  I would expect the aluminum in an aluminim roof to last 20 years or more unless exposed to some caustic chemicals.



Quote from: AustinBostonA 2001 did not come from the factory with an aluminum roof, so it must be a replacement.  If you had it replaced (not a previous owner), you should be able to get it repaired or replaced at Fleetwood's expense.

Sorry AB, but the 2001 Destiny Series, of which the Tacoma is on of five models offered did in fact come from the factory with a "insulated sandwich aluminum roof".  In addition, the roof only had a five year warranty.

If the holes were small, I would just clean up the corrosion (a wire brush comes to mind) and seal the hole with something that will sticjk to the aluminum and create a water tite seal.  JB Weld is a product that I use a lot, but there may be a better product for this application.

Under the aluminum should be the foam core, so before I sealed it I would use a small screwdriver to open a hole under the aluminum skin to form a small pocket,  This will allow what ever product you use to grip the back side of the aluminum skin  to form a tighter seal.


Quote from: Tim5055Sorry AB, but the 2001 Destiny Series, of which the Tacoma is on of five models offered did in fact come from the factory with a "insulated sandwich aluminum roof".  In addition, the roof only had a five year warranty.

Uh, yes...tunnel vision strikes again.  :rolleyes:



Quote from: dbaldree2001 coleman tacoma corrosion on aluminum roof couple small holes.Was wondering the best way to repair thanks.


What has my attention is to what might be the cause of that corrosion. An '01 popup is just not that old and there are aluminum roofs out there twenty years old + and are still going strong. Where might you be parking the camper when not in use?

I have an alimunum roof that I had to repair as the result of an awning getting away from me and the awning rafter-bar punching a couple of holes in it.  I did a repair that's held up for nearly six years now and will be glad to share that info with you, but beside the cause of this corrosion, how big a holes are we talking ... B-B size, dime size, golf ball size ...?  Important as there comes to a size where patching is better then filling (I had to do both).



Not sure what happened i just bought it my first pop up.There is 3 holes in one area bb size i would say and one in the rear near the seam down the middle.Took a wire brush and cleaned it up.need to patch and find a paint that matches.



Quote from: dbaldreeNot sure what happened i just bought it my first pop up.There is 3 holes in one area bb size i would say and one in the rear near the seam down the middle.Took a wire brush and cleaned it up.need to patch and find a paint that matches.

I would use 3M


Agreed.....marine glue is just amazing.  I think it would be perfect for this application.  I'm big fan (and big user) of JB Weld also, and that would be a good fix as well.  JB Weld also paints nicely.  And, you can put tape over it to hold it flat to a surface and once dry it looks great.


Quote from: flyfishermanWhat has my attention is to what might be the cause of that corrosion. An '01 popup is just not that old and there are aluminum roofs out there twenty years old + and are still going strong. Where might you be parking the camper when not in use?

I have an alimunum roof that I had to repair as the result of an awning getting away from me and the awning rafter-bar punching a couple of holes in it.  I did a repair that's held up for nearly six years now and will be glad to share that info with you, but beside the cause of this corrosion, how big a holes are we talking ... B-B size, dime size, golf ball size ...?  Important as there comes to a size where patching is better then filling (I had to do both).


My gut feeling is that it may be more abrasion than corrosion.

If the previous owner parked it outside, something like a tree limb, tarp or any number of things could have rubbed through the aluminum surface. Even parked in a garage, someone could have put boxes (or other items) on the top and moved them around a lot. That stuff is pretty easily scratched and dented. Mine has it's fare share of abrasion marks on it. The previous owner put bikes on top of it. If it were parked outside, I can see how those marks could corrode fairly quickly.