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Suggestions for finding a used pop up

Started by lesliew, Apr 03, 2007, 07:18 PM

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My husband and I are looking to be first time buyers of a pop up camper.  We are located in Gainesville Florida.  I have been looking for a  month and have seen nothing but one or two used pop ups in the area.  Unfortunately we don't have time to travel all over southern Florida looking for one, nor do we have a hitch yet.  We will have plenty of time this summer, but that will be to late?

Any suggestions on where to look for a used pop up?  //www.rvtrader is full of new units from dealers and not much else.    

We would like to find a Fleetwood Westlake, Utah or Bayside.  We need the potti/shower and ample seating (more than a dinette).  


llamamama 1999

I just bought my first pop up!! Yeah!! I just kept checking my local craigslist. Also I checked on ebay... I just hate to buy something without checking it out first..and there is always the newpaper.I hope this helps.Good luck!! Alison


I found my starcraft on E-bay. It needs alot of work, but I expected that in a 35 yr old camper! And I got it cheap.

There were quite a few that I bid on before I bought this one.  I limited myself to those that were close enough that I could go see them before the auction ended. Even if you don't find one you like on e-bay, it does give you an idea of what they are going for, what kind of condition and amenities are available in your price range.

The other thing is to simply put the word out to everyone you know - I work in a 'farm equipment' store - we have many employees who live all over the county; I told everyone I know that I was looking for a pop up.  I had people I hardly knew collecting phone numbers of pop-ups for sale in their neighborhoods for me! LOL!  Many were out of my price range or not what I wanted, but it certainly widened my choices.  In northern Illinois, it's still cold (we had flurries this week! BRRRRR!)  and many people haven't pulled theirs out of winter storage yet - there will be many more 'popping up' for sale thruout the spring, I'm sure.  

It's also a good idea to check with the local RV dealers - this is the time of year when PUP owners start to think of trading up to a hybrid or hardside - your local dealer gets notice of all kinds that are NOT necessarily 'their brand'.  Let them know what you are looking for, and ask to be added to their list.  I had a local dealer who kept in touch with me every week by e-mail - until I found what I wanted.  If I ever DO buy new - I'll probably go back to them, just because they were so helpful and responsive.  ( I really love the hybrids, but can't afford that right now - they have my dream camper!)

Good luck and happy camping!
