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got a new camp pup for fathers day

Started by mtjeeper, Jun 23, 2007, 10:59 PM

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It has been just over a year since my 13 yr old black lab passed and our 10 yr old just had a birhtday so, the family thought it was time I got another lab.
So I got a yellow lab, 8 weeks old/18 pounds.
We named him Tank. He has paws bigger than our 10 yr old already. He has been with us a week now and he seems to be coming along nicely.
just about 100 pictures :)

I look forward to taking him for alot of swims.

Who else stands by Labs as the perfect breed??

I wouldn't have any other.

Who else has them?

Lets here some opinions....




He is a cutie! Enjoy the fur baby. I share in your excitement. We got a new 5 month old pup . But he's not a Lab.
We got an Aussie, not quite as mellow as Labs. My SIL has a Lab and he is a great dog.

Here is Koda at about 6 1/2 months, 50 lbs and growing!


My wife is the dog person in our family, and she got a black lab about 2 years ago, after it was already approx. 1 year old. I have to say, if I have to have a dog, she's a sweet one to have. Her name is Casey.


There can't be a better camping partner than a dog with their sunny disposition & easy-going temperment.... they never complain about the food, the sleeping arrrangements or anything else - as long as they are with their favorite people...

Whether it's in a canoe;


or in the camper:

"Fizzy", our Golden Retreiver, goes with us everywhere.  As did her predecessors, also goldens, Toby & Tara, and Tristan.  Goldens have very similar personalities to labs - they just have longer and fluffier coats!  Fizzy has a 'puppy cut' for summer, as her 'feathers' are particularly long and luxiourious - not good for weeds, sand and lots of water.  But she has the sweetest dispostion, and makes a wonderful companion anytime!



Labs......gotta love them. Harley our Chocolate is our camp mascot!