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Bunk Weight

Started by stewartlittle, Jun 26, 2008, 10:23 AM

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I am serious,I have a "99 Jayco Eagle 12'er that I'm gonna let the church use for night security while selling fireworks at the local Wally World.

This guy and his wife are gonna stay a few nites together and they are prudy good size people.
I know he has to weigh at least 300-325 lbs. and her about 250.

I dont want them to get up there and bend the bunk,poles,fall thru or tip it end up.

How much weight will they support?


As they would say down under, No worries mate. Your bunk ends are rated for 1000 pounds minumum.
Tipping is a function of not putting the stabilzers down, and falling out under the canvas is a fuction of bad velcro/bungies, or missing a stretch point when setting up.
One of my favorite ad photos was of a Coleman Niagara (old low box type) with the canvas off one bunk end and one of their Taos trailers sitting on the bunk.


Believe me the bunk ends will support them and alot more.  I believe they are actually rated for 900 pounds, but will hold much more than that.  The only weak point is where the two sheets of OSB come together.  

I'd be more worried about the damage some newbies can do to your camper if they don't know what they'er doing.


Quote from: McCampers.....I'd be more worried about the damage some newbies can do to your camper if they don't know what they'er doing.

 :yikes: I hear that.  Talk about a couple of bulls in a china shop! I can't wait for pictures!


Our camping friends sister and bro in law are a heavy duty couple. He's at least 300, probably more....he's a huge man. His belt would go around my 120 lb. wifes waist 4-5 times. His wife is not petite by any means 2-250 I'm guessing. They both waddle when they walk.
They sleep in friends camper, a Coleman with king beds. It holds um just fine.


Wally World allows pop ups now?