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fridge fan???

Started by jpreiser, Jun 01, 2008, 06:30 PM

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Do I want the fan to pull the hot air out or pull air in to cool the fins?? fridge works very hard in the hot months....


Quote from: jpreiserDo I want the fan to pull the hot air out or pull air in to cool the fins?? fridge works very hard in the hot months....
There are two schools of thought but they both work.

1. Mount the fan under the fins pointing up through a baffle that directs the air over the fins and out the upper door.

2. Use the fan as an exhaust fan, placing it as high as possible so that it blows the air out of the upper compartment. In doing so, it must draw air in the lower door and over the fins.

Either way, you must have a baffle so that the air is directed to pass over the fins and has no other way of travel.

The idea is to draw the cool air in the lower door, force it to travel over the fins then out the upper door (as high as possible).


Here's a thread from last summer when I was gathering info on doing this same mod.

And another thread where I was doing more mods to help my fridge cool better:


Quote from: jpreiserDo I want the fan to pull the hot air out or pull air in to cool the fins?? fridge works very hard in the hot months....

I bought an external fan that runs on solar at camping world.  I mounted it below the fins pointed up, and the little solar panel I just tie on the roof before raising the top.  It works great, and doesnt drain any battery.  When you are done, you just wind up the small cord and store at the bottom of the fridge on the outside!


"Cool!"  Got a part number or name so we could check them out online?