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RE: People Joking about our military needs

Started by cooncreekers, Mar 08, 2003, 09:54 AM

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 Mahaffey-FamilySorry, I was going to be done.. But RUSHING??!! It has been 12 years!! You have got to be kidding Toni... I don t mean to be snipe, but you have to remember, this is not a " new"  war/attack.. this is a continuation of the Gulf war.. We never signed a peace treaty, we halted military action against them with the agreement they were going to disarm!! Well I am sorry if Clinton kinda forgot about all that while they were working on a plan to kill us! But this is a joke that has gone on way too long and our country man s lives have paid a dear price for it.. What is the latest " Woops.. did I have that??"  unmaned aircraft.. Yea, they don t even need to be in it when they load it with all the new chemical firepower he " forgot"  he had..
 Do you all seriously think the missels he is destroying is anything more than a game?? The best way to beat the United States is to make it un-united.. Time will do it, we have an attention span of like a minute.. drag it out and people tire of it, support wains and people get back in their routine thinking how good life is..
 the time is near, it is not about oil, it is about our way of life plain and simple.. We here in the USA have not had to know the hell of war, if it keeps going we will..
 Look around you, any country out there.. it is going on all around you.
 HELL.. comming to a neighborhood near you..

Acts 2:38 girl

QuoteHELL.. comming to a neighborhood near you..        

 Man, babe, what a depressing, bad attitude you have! [>:]  Hopefully nobody will take you to seriously since you posted this at almost 1am and I personally know your very overworked and exhausted.  I agree this is not about oil and Saddam is playing some kind of power game, but what makes our country so great is that we all have the FREEDOM of a different opinion!!! As stated before, Toni totally supports our troups, just not the issue behind it.  I m sure that over in Iraq, they are not supported totally either - how can you have full support in countries this big, with so many people?  This big deal here is supporting our troups!


   Be patient my friend. They do not know, so they do not think. I am afraid of this war turning into another Vietnam. We have fought hard and died so they may have the right to say what they want, no matter what.
 Retired, US Army Still Serving


 Mahaffey-FamilyI wasn t going to post and logged off only to have my mind change..
 I support our troops and our President..
 Do I think this is what we need, I don t know???
 The President and his staff know a whole lot more than is shared with us the general public.. SO I have to trust him and his decisions to go and fight this mad man. If he(saddam) ever gets to the point of North Korea what are we going to do then??
 Look around, the North Korea s have a nuke and we cant stop them for fear of the unknown... Thats where we will be down the road if we dont stop him now!!!
 But he is crazy enough to use a nuke if and when he gets one. This needs to stop now. Also Iran is in the process of developing a nuke..
 We have to stand up and be counted today..
 We believe in peace but sometimes peace cost..
 Mahaffey-Family I support your children and all the others who have loved ones serving the military forces..
 My dad was 20 year career Army.. SO my feelings run a little deep on the military side of this.. He was in Vietnam & Korea.. He received a purple heart in NAM.. Bronze Star and several others there also..
 I support this country and our leadership..
 I support our troops..
 God Bless them all and God Bless this land of the free...
 where you can have a different opinion, not go to jail because of it and you can express it on an open forum..
 God Bless the USA


QuoteI support this country and our leadership..
 I support our troops..
 God Bless them all and God Bless this land of the free...
 where you can have a different opinion, not go to jail because of it and you can express it on an open forum..
 God Bless the USA

 The Kruger s
 2000 Astro
 1999 Jayco Eagle UDK12


 Mahaffey-FamilyLee, I m sorry, I used the wrong word.  When I said " hurried"  I really was thinking of a word more like " hustled" .   I just feel, and again, only  MOHO and not meant to try to persuade anyone else or create dissension here on the board, that we were going along after 9/11 with all of our energies on finding Asama bin Laden.   We had a very focused purpose.   Suddenly the focus reverted and then one day we were after Saddam Hussein, again.   We don t appear to be any closer to making any noticeable progress now on either task.   I know this started 12 years ago, and we should have taken care of it then.  But, we didn t.  Right now tho, it looks like we are making enemies all over the international front, and even here in our own country some are wondering just how many wars we are prepared to fight.   You ll notice that I didn t say anywhere that I disagreed with doing something about Saddam.  Just that maybe it would be a good idea to listen to the advice being given by the world at large.  I also have a bad feeling, and fervently hope that I m wrong, that we will send our men to that part of the world and then find a movement on that front similiar to Custer s last stand.    
 I also wonder if GW is so intent on a regime change, who does he have in mind to make over the govt there?  And who do you suppose will take charge of the operations of the oil industry there while the new regime is being set up?  
 Sorry, but during Viet nam the whole issue was supposed to have been a  police action  to help protect the south Vietnamese.  But, if you will look back into the industry of the country you may find that there were offshore oil rights and companies drilling, and the companies there included some of the U.S. biggest and wealthiest.   There was fear that they would have to leave and lose their offshore rights.  
   Anything that I ve said is not meant to try to make anyone  take my side , just wanted to express my feelings and fears.


 wiininkweI must say that, if listening to the rest of the world includes listening to France, it s not worth it. They have a particular interest in Iraq- they sell them arms and get their oil at reasonable prices. If anyone is looking at this from an " oil"  standpoint, it would seem the French are, as well as the other countries getting oil from Iraq.
 It would seem we are being naive if we don t acknowledge that there is a very probable tie between Hussain and Bin Laden. There s no use in sitting back and watching and waiting. The situation will only escalate more, including the foot stomping of North Korea. The longer we wait to take action with Iraq, the more missiles North Korea will fly, until we turn our attention there.
 Again, what will be the opinion of the citizens of the USA if Iraq decides to start lobbing chemical and biological bombs at us, both here and at our citizens abroad? Hussain has the capability and says he ll use it. I don t see where there is any other choice than to take action now.
 Waiting longer just makes no sense.


 wiininkweCount me in as one of those who support our president and his policies.  If you think he s lying, who do you believe?  Hussein?  
 Also, think back to Nazi Germany.  If you knew what was going on in the concentration camps, wouldn t you have wanted to stop it?  Similar things go on in Iraq all the time.
 As far as going to war over oil, I don t buy it, but even if we were, so what?  Oil is vital to our national interests.  You want to see our economy shut down, cut off the oil.  Then where would we be?


 wiininkweLet s see, years ago it was the Saudi s, Jordan, Egypt and other arabs states that TOLD Bush to back off once Kuwait was clear.
 He has no intercontinental missles (NK does).
 Iraq supplies oil to over 20 countries either directly or through intermedaries such as Jordan and Seria.
 Ever time Bush shouts democracy for Iraq, the Saudi and Jordanian King, Queen, & princes all shudder.
 Here s to our troops, misled as in Veitnam, but the greatest in the world anyway.


 wiininkweQuick history lesson........France begged us for help against Hitler and we liberated them (over 10,000 plus GI s are buried in France to prove it) and then later when they found that they had their butts in a ditch begged us to help them out in Vietnam because France was afraid of losing their riches in that region. forward to 2003 and France AGAIN is concerned about ITS interests and doesn t give a dang about the people of Iraq or what was done here in our country.  France DOESN T want to help America break the final backer s back (Sadam) who is fueling terriorists like Bin Lauden because France has the HUGE financial stake in this NOT US!  
 If this was ONLY about oil for America then why would we bother with Sadam at all and risk being cutoff from oil from that region?  This is the dumbest argument to date and with oil from South America and our own Alaskan reserves and all the wells that could be uncapped in Texas and Oklahoma heck we could just stay home kick up our shoes and watch the rest of the world hurl itself to perdition!
 But it is about the hatred of a leader (Sadam) who would pay for the death and destruction of America at the expense of killing his own people to squash the " Great Satan"  that they see us as and helped finance the death of 3,000 Americans on 9/11 that the hate started.  How can anyone not realize that it is France that has BILLIONS at stake  - NOT US and that we are a noble and caring nation that loves freedom and feels it necessary to destroy a tyrant such as Sadam in the interest of liberating a nation of people who WANT US to help them!  As a woman - I am so outraged that our fellow sisters here in America would tolerate what has been done to so many Iraq women and children and is still going on today.  You can object to war and protest all you want but I would suggest this.......if you feel that these women who risked so much to testify about what has and is being done to them over in Iraq is lying then feel good about protesting and stand your ground. If you feel that those people that have been arrested or defected are liers too then by all means protest and beat your chests against going to war with Iraq.  But, what if they are telling the truth and we as a nation turned our heads away because we just didn t think we should get involved because we don t have enough proof?  God have mercy on this country if that is what we have become................


 wiininkweLinda- Amen from our family for your post. It is digusting what that madman is doing to his own people. He needs to be stopped- now.


QuoteMahaffey-Family I support your children and all the others who have loved ones serving the military forces..
 My dad was 20 year career Army.. SO my feelings run a little deep on the military side of this.. He was in Vietnam & Korea.. He received a purple heart in NAM.. Bronze Star and several others there also..
 I support this country and our leadership..
 I support our troops..
 God Bless them all and God Bless this land of the free...
 where you can have a different opinion, not go to jail because of it and you can express it on an open forum..
 God Bless the USA

 Thank You very much.  I also agree that he has to go.  He has murdered thousands of his own citizens, if he isn t stopped now we may be facing another 9/11 we can t let this happen again with or without the U.N. approval.  This isn t about OIL, it is about safety.
 But, The way some American people are treating the Soldiers is very sad.  The men and women have a job to do we need to stand behind them and keep supporting and praying for them.

Acts 2:38 girl

 wiininkweGreat point Linda.. And let s not forget Russia, Russia has loaned money to Saddam himself to support his goverment.. (Oh wait.. Russia wants to Veto as well?? Gee, Wonder why)
 Second point about the treatment of women in Iraq.. Have you heard about a legal pratice of " Honor Killing" ?? (I am dead serious about this BTW) I f a woman is caught with another man in public even to the smallest point of holding hands The Iraq men find no problem with publicly shooting the " offending lady"  in the back of the head.. Oh, did I mention this ia a public display remminisant of the salem witch trials?? Or the Roman gladiators??
 And finialy, Toni... I am really sorry.. I really should not of bit your head off, I only was going to mention about the time frame and I got typing like a mad man and blowing my mouth off and all in all it really came down hard on you even though I was not speaking all to you.. Sorry.[:o]


 wiininkweDoh... If you all have not figured it out.. Yea, that was my post up there... [;)]


 wiininkweS okay Lee, no problem.  We are all living in really uncertain times right now, and have only got what we read and see on TV and what we may have drawn from past experiences to base our opinions on.  There s no doubt that many of our opinions are going to differ.  I m glad that this is the kind of forum (in a country) where we can compare our differing beliefs with one another.  I count on a lot of you on this board to fill me in with details and information that I might miss.  I didn t take what you said as a personal attack and I m glad to see that most of you have taken my remarks as I intended them.  
 BTW, I just came home from going to my DGD s school program,  (she s 5) and the whole thing was based on pride of country.  All those little kids singing " I m Proud to be an American"   had me bawling like crazy.  