RE: Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally (1/17-1/19/03)

Started by gsm x2, Jan 05, 2003, 08:39 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2Holly, that would be very cool!  Wouldn t the crowd scratch their heads when " Welcome Nick-Neff-Cougher s"  pops up on the scoreboard, lol!


 gsm x2Hyrbrid Holly:
 You found us!
 Yea, I got it, thanks.

Hybrid Holly

 gsm x2Yeah, and we could all play our kazoos and camp at Lake Chabot afterwards!
 or maybe just in the pacbell parking lot!


 gsm x2Hey, my eight year old niece is going to come along to Chabot.  Is there other kids that age attending?

Hybrid Holly

 gsm x2Pete is entirely capable of acting 8....but then again, I am not sure if he is coming.
 Don t worry, we will entertain her.  Boy will she have stories for school!  (keep her away from m not sure who you shouldn t keep her away from!)


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Hybrid Holly
 Did anybody notice that it says beer and wine only at the campground? Maybe this has been true at other campgrounds too, and we have ignored it. Does this mean I have to hide my tequila in a beer can?

 Hybrid Holly:
 Why don t you just pour the Tequila in your hook-up hose and have it running out of your tap?  That s the thinking man s way.

Hybrid Holly

 gsm x2
QuoteHybrid Holly:
 Why don t you just pour the Tequila in your hook-up hose and have it running out of your tap? That s the thinking man s way.

 Would this be a form of winterizing?


 gsm x2If approved by the kitchen nazi, I would still like to make buscuits and gravy Sunday morning.
 Maybe this will lure CWB into joining us!


 gsm can make buscuits and gravy on your well broken-in two burner Camp Chef stove.
 Cheers,  KN


 gsm x2Holly..we are returning your Tequila to you along with all the other stuff we have been piling up from the nick-neff coughers. Have to lighten the load so that I can bring my new metal detector along.

Hybrid Holly

 gsm x2Larry,  
 Thanks for holding on to it!  Yum!  Metal detector, that should be fun!  Keep it away from Surfcal!


 Hybrid HollyI m going to use it to gather up all the coins from around the picnic tables..we could probably keep the older kids (me) amused for hours.


 Hybrid HollySounds like fun Larry.  I m looking forward to that new (broken in ) stove.


 Hybrid HollyLarry:
 You have to share your toys with the other kids in the playground.  I learned that in Kindergarten.


 Hybrid HollySays the guy who never brings his telescope................