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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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 OC Campers
QuoteAre you gonna change your Name? Cottonwooder just won t fit anymore.

 Nah, we ll probably always be " Cottonwooder"  at heart, even when we re onto our umpteenth RV with 32 slide-outs and 14 TVs. [:D]   Didn t realize till later that our little pop-ups are the only RVs that seem to be named.  Everything else is just a model number.  No, I refuse to change my screen name to " 242er" , LOL!  I m sure Rebec and I will come up with a name for the " new baby"  (is this waiting and anticipation similar to an adoption???) after we ve had it for awhile.
 Sacto, is that Palomino made of paper?  (See the Dry Hitch Weight listed on its site.)
 I love all the different styles of RV out there.  There s a " perfect"  one for everybody!  [:)]



 We ll have to give each other the grand tour whenever we get to a rally together!  We have the Coleman Caravan (also with the bunkbeds). One of the things that sold me on it was that I could have a bed, dinette, AND the big bathroom.
 I don t know if the deisel pushers are still considered class A or if they are a class in and of themselves....they are HUGE...they have the engine in the back (hence " pusher" ), so there s no annoying lump between the driver and the passenger, and the seats turn around to become part of the living area when you re " camping"  (although that s certainly not camping...I don t even think I d consider it RVing....maybe " vacationing" ) They are totally self sufficient with HUGE tanks and enough generator power to run TWO A/Cs....I think you could park in a Wal-Mart parking lot and live there for two weeks with no problems! I actually think having one of those would be less fun for us right I said, they are FAR from " camping" .  BUT...when we retire and want to travel for months at a time, it d sure be nice to have our own " hotel on wheels" .


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 (is this waiting and anticipation similar to an adoption???)

 Only if you re scared to pieces that after delivering the unit to you, the dealer is going to change his mind and take the camper back, and then when the dealer doesn t, you still have to fight the toilet manufaturer in court because it s mother company has decided that it wants the camper and so forces the toilet manufacturer to file a lawsuit to block the dealer from giving you the unit. [&:]
 I don t mean to sound so negative, and fortunately, most families don t have to go through what we did to adopt a child.  (Before Griffin s contested adoption, we had a nightmare experience with the County of Orange, and then a failed placement after that!)  As an adoption professional (it s now what I do for a living, although in a more high-tech way) and as an adoptive mother, I really do have a heart for adoption.  I just wish that the world were better educated about what adoption is and isn t.  There are so many myths and misconceptions about it.

OC Campers

QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 (is this waiting and anticipation similar to an adoption???)

 Only if you re scared to pieces that after delivering the unit to you, the dealer is going to change his mind and take the camper back, and then when the dealer doesn t, you still have to fight the toilet manufaturer in court because it s mother company has decided that it wants the camper and so forces the toilet manufacturer to file a lawsuit to block the dealer from giving you the unit. [&:]

 Lori, you have quite a way with words. [:)]  You make me appreciate every last kid I have and every last kid I would have if I had unlimited cash flow.  I will try to remember your words next time I am about to throttle Matt.  Yesterday, he was so rotten, Randy called me 30 times cause he thought I was going to come unglued.  Worse yet, Matt would have me locked in the closet and he would be running around like a crazy boy.   I guess now when he is being so awful, I will just hug him a little closer and praise God for every day I have with him.


 OC Campers
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Lori, you have quite a way with words. [:)]  You make me appreciate every last kid I have and every last kid I would have if I had unlimited cash flow.  I will try to remember your words next time I am about to throttle Matt.  Yesterday, he was so rotten, Randy called me 30 times cause he thought I was going to come unglued.  Worse yet, Matt would have me locked in the closet and he would be running around like a crazy boy.   I guess now when he is being so awful, I will just hug him a little closer and praise God for every day I have with him.

 You know, everything we went through to get Griffin was such a blessing, even though it didn t seem like it at the time.  And because of what we went through, I think that I am a much better parent than I would have been had children come easily to us.  I don t think that I will ever take my boys for granted (I have a 17 y/o stepson as well) and there isn t a day that goes by that I don t thank the Lord for my baby boy and for his birthmother.  But that doesn t mean theat my sweet little monkey boy doesn t push my buttons![:@]  He has been particularly " two"  for the last few days--more so than usual--and I almost felt like I had to give myself a timeout this morning because he was so defiant and ornery!  [&:]  He tries my patience and it makes me crazy and guilty all at the same time!  And then Mike shares with us his cousin s loss and I have this overwhelming urge to grab Griffy and just hug him tight until he graduates from college--and maybe not even let go then!
 So, I guess what I m trying to say is, I know excatly what you mean.  [:)]


QuoteI don t mean to sound so negative, and fortunately, most families don t have to go through what we did to adopt a child.

 We went through utter hell with both adoptions... so we feel for you!  You re right...  there s not a chance in hell we ll ever take our kids for granted... but then too... that doesn t mean they re going to get cake and ice cream every day... especially on those most memorable button pushing days!  If you think the terrible two s are bad... just wait until the f-in fours!  Actually, both my kids were pretty glorious during their twos... but 4... that s been memorable!
 Oh... and by the by... this is my viriginal post to the ha - ha sisterhood... sorry... I just don t have a whole lot of free minutes these daze!
 duanefamily mamma


QuoteORIGINAL:  duanefamily
 If you think the terrible two s are bad... just wait until the f-in fours!  Actually, both my kids were pretty glorious during their twos... but 4... that s been memorable!

 Oh please don t tell me that! [:o] I thought the fours were supposed to be so much better; at least that s what everyone has been telling me!
 On particularly trying days, I ll look Griffin in the eyes and say " I ll be so glad when you re four!"   If what you say is true, then I  guess I ll have to go back to my usual " Only  x  more hours until your nap (or bedtime, depending on what time of day it is when I say that to him!)  The really bad days are when I m saying that and he s just woken up![&:]
 PS Welcome to the sis-tuh hood!  Post as you re able.  We ll be here.[:D]

OC Campers

 CottonwooderLori, your singing my song.  Our 2 litlle monkey boys are 2 peas in a pod. (as you know).  Griffy just does different types of things to get under you skin.  I think the day you were having trouble with Griffy was the same day Matt was giving me H*ll.  There must of been something in the air.  Luckily for him the next day was much better.  I like you have had days when I am counting down the minutes/hours to bedtime.  I keep telling myself that at least he sleeps good at night.  
 Welcome dunanne family momma.  We haven t met yet, but Gold rush is just around the corner.  I try to log on at nap time.  Otherwise monkey boy is pounding the keys next to me.


QuoteOh... and by the by... this is my viriginal post to the ha - ha sisterhood... sorry... I just don t have a whole lot of free minutes these daze!
 duanefamily mamma

 Well welcome aboard.  We need you here whenever the minute arises!
 You " warrior moms"  have my unending admiration.  All Mothers do.  And as the mother of a 39 year old, a 37 year old and a 32 year: being a mother never ends: BUT they are in your life longer as adults than children, so go hug them again.[:)][:)][:)]


 Cottonwooderone up for the chat room tonight?  7:30-8ish?


 CottonwooderDon t tell Cottonwooder,  but...


 OC Campers
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Lori, your singing my song.  Our 2 litlle monkey boys are 2 peas in a pod. (as you know).  Griffy just does different types of things to get under you skin.  I think the day you were having trouble with Griffy was the same day Matt was giving me H*ll.  There must of been something in the air.  Luckily for him the next day was much better.  I like you have had days when I am counting down the minutes/hours to bedtime.  I keep telling myself that at least he sleeps good at night.  
 Welcome dunanne family momma.  We haven t met yet, but Gold rush is just around the corner.  I try to log on at nap time.  Otherwise monkey boy is pounding the keys next to me.

 LOL!![:D][:D]  Jacqui, you crack me up!!!  It s so funny to hear you talk about Matt that way!  Every time we ve camped together, Matt has been the epitome of a perfect little angel.  I can t count the number of times I ve asked Dave why Griffin can t be as calm and mindful as Matt!  Just goes to show, they re clearly more alike than I first thought.  Griffin sleeps well at night too and loves to sit on mommy s " dap"  as I try to post.  Of course, typing a post takes twice as long, because I have to clean up Griffin s typing gibberish, but oh well.  There s comfort in knowing I m not alone![:)]


 griffsmomOh boy, I m sitting here chuckling at your posts... only because it s not me going through hell at the moment, knowing that it could hit any time.  Jacqui, what you described about Randy calling home throughout the day has happened here more than once.  Mike has called asking " Do we still have two children?"  to which I ll reply " I m THIS close to becoming tomorrow s news headline!"  LOL!
 2s were so incredibly rotten with Rebecca, it was unbelieveable.  I look at the sweet thing now and still can t believe how bad it was.  Lasted from 18 months to 3yo, when she suddenly improved.  Karen has been fine so far, nothing " terrible"  yet, so perhaps 4 will be her year.  Oh, the things kids do to us, eh?
 As for taking a long time to get them, if we had our way, Rebec and Karen would be around 12 and 9 now, not 9 and 3.
 Well, gotta go.  They re clawing at each other in the kitchen over pretzels.  :::sigh:::

Young Moosette

 CottonwooderHi Girls,
 Yes, it s me.  We have finished organizing the food.  Boy the OldMoose sure does move slowly.  But he does most of the organizing so I should not complain.
 I am ready to hit the hay.  I have to run in the office of 1/2 hour in the morning before anyone comes in or I will never get out.  We hope to be on the road by 9:00.  
 I love hearing your all talk about your little ones.  Just goes to show we are all in the same sisterhood.  Ours are grown and BIG but they did the same things when little and I thought they were horriblely behaved but people kept telling me how good they were.  
 Better got to bed if I m getting up early.  See most of you soon and hopefully the rest in Gold Country.
 Young Moosette

