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RE: 2001 Coleman Bayside Refridgerator Setting

Started by mike4947, Apr 23, 2003, 09:55 PM

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 We have only had our PU since late last Fall, thus most of our camping has been in cool/cold weather.   Every trip we have taken I manage to set the temp on the fridge too low and everything freezes.
 Would anyone happen to have some guidelines for setting the fridge temp based on the ambient temp?


 TheWallRocksI ve found it depends on how full the fridge is, how good the installation & insulation of the fridge was, and how many times a day it gets opened. To many variables to give a: " this number means this temp in the fridge at this temp outside" .
 Actually be glad it will freeze up. There s quite a few owners that wish it would get cold enough to keep the milk from spoiling when set on max.
 If the install was done correctly, both manufacturers say for around 70 degrees you should be about in the middle of the range. Lower outside temp closer to the " warm"  end of the range and warmer outside closer to the " cold"  end of the range. Of course the manufactures Dometic and Norcold use exactly oposite numbering systems. One has high number for more cold and the other low number for the same thing.


 TheWallRocksAnother variable is whether the fridge is on the north or south side of the pop-up.  I d bet the temp in the cooling compartment could vary by 15-20 degrees from full sun to full shade.
 The only formula we ahve worked out is " Hon, the milk is frozen, could you turn down the fridge?"
 Also, it s not clear whether the temp control regulates electric (120V), propane, or both.  Nothing regulates 12V, it doesn t do a great job cooling, and should only be used while driving.

Red neff Barchetta

 TheWallRocksAustin -
 I e-mailed the fridge manufacturer last summer and their reply was that the temp. control regulates the 120V.  I agree, these fridge s could use some more thought, but oh well, I m camping!
 I m just glad to be able to grab a beer and not have it soaking wet with water and the label slipping off in my hand!


 TheWallRocksTouche Red/Neff/Jeff:  I like my beer dry and my wine red!!!