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RE: Neighbors and music

Started by garym053, May 01, 2003, 06:49 PM

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 It bothers me (us) to death when people at a CG fire up their stereo when camping.  I go camping to listen to the birds and bugs..... not someone elses music.  
 I love music, listen to it loud at home, and sometimes wish I had a CD player in the PU, but I won t install one because I don t want to bother anyone else.
 Does this bother anyone else???  or since I just turned 40 last week am I getting too old? lol


 TheWallRocksI agree! I say any noise that is heard off your site is polluting someones space, that includes Music, TV, loud cars or motorcycles, Guitars, (and I play one at home!) Dogs, I do, (sometimes grudgingly), make an exception for babies and kids, unless they take shortcuts through my site!


 TheWallRocksWell, I think we have to look at different types of camping here.  In a public campground with sites close by we very seldom turn the radio us so anyone else can hear it.  But, when dry camping the closest " site"  is over 1/4 mile away so I don t worry so much.
 I do agree that I don t want to hear my neighbors Snoop Doggie Dog while I m sitting around the campfire.


 TheWallRocksIt bothers me too, unless it is Jimmy Buffett.[;)]


 TheWallRocksBothers us, too, unless it s someone playing an acoustic guitar, and they stop playing when quiet hours start.
 Neighbor of ours at Beuscher SP, TX played a guitar for several hours one night...we left him a note on his trailer door thanking him.    We re pretty sure he was there for the cancer research center that s located within the park...there were quite a few campers there for that.

Turn Key

 TheWallRocksKeep it low enough that only you and yours can hear it and I have no problem.  Also, turn it off during " quiet time" .


 TheWallRocksI love to play my music when we camp,it helps me relax.[:)]But I also turn it down and take a walk around the C.G. to see how far away my music is being heard.I hate it when someone rolls in and uses the T.V. stereo and leaves their doors open so they can hear it.[:@][:@]


 I love to play my music when we camp,it helps me relax.[:)]But I also turn it down and take a walk around the C.G. to see how far away my music is being heard.I hate it when someone rolls in and uses the T.V. stereo and leaves their doors open so they can hear it.[:@][:@]

 That s why I like you SCCS!!! [;)][:D]


 TheWallRocksWe find this  problem  to be most chronic at the parks that have a lot of seasonal campers in them.
 Let s face it, any music playing that isn t what we want to hear at that time is annoying.  Tracy said that with Jimmy Buffett.  I probably wouldn t mind Big Band, 60-80s Rock/pop, Christian, and/or modern country.  But I wouldn t want to hear rap, doo-wop, old country, or whatever that stuff is playing on pop stations these days.
 I personally vote for quiet to no music, but I totally understand somebody liking something that I don t care for, just keep it down - regardless of what it is.

Gamecock Camper

 TheWallRocksAm I the only one who brings my drumset and electric guitar? (LOL).... Really, I agree that when I am in a campground that I don t want to hear other people s music either.  When we play it on our site we keep it low.  I usually will walk away from our site to see how far I have to go from our site to hear the music.  If it is too loud then it is turned down.


 TheWallRocksI think you have to take it all in context.
 If I am at Doheny State Beach, and there is a 40 ft. motorhome next to be blaring music and having general partying activities going on, I have no problem with this.  I have been to a few wild camping parties myself.  However, once the quiet time roles around, I would expect the noise to tone down.  Some campgrounds are more of a party atmosphere than others, so to expect silence is asking too much.
 That being said, there are times when I camp in more remote, National Park type places.  These are the places I go to when I am looking to enjoy nature, birds chirping, etc.  In this case I would only play my radio really low as to not take the experince way from others.
 Isn t it more of a common sense kind of thing?  If you are looking to commune with nature in silence, then a site on the Colorado River over memorial day wekend may not be your best bet.  On the other hand, if you are looking for some partying fun, then don t pick Yellowstone.  
 Just my 2 cents.

Ab Diver

 TheWallRocksNo, no, no--- you guys have got it all wrong. The trick is to get to the campground early, pick the site you want, and utilize the appropriate music type and triple-digit decibels to eliminate any possible neighbors that would arrive later from deciding to stay. Rap or opera music seems to work the best. This strategy can also be combined with excessive amounts of certain body noises, assorted drying laundry hanging from any nearby tree branch, and a whole possum (or two) roasting on a spit over the open fire. [:D]
 My DW (reading over my shoulder) has just pointed out that such behavior might also eliminate any chance of her staying at the site with me. Rats-- I m gunna miss her...[:(]
 Oh, you wanted a serious answer! Ok... Campground noise pollution is a major peeve for me. We always keep it down during quiet hours, and try to be respectful of others seeking the same relaxing get-away during the daytime. I can hear city noises any day of the week at home or on the job. Some wing-nut who think we need to listen to his new (insert artist here) CD after 10 PM while he guzzles down his second six-pack is in for a rude awakening: if they do not quiet it down, the camp ground authorities will be kept awake as well.
 But when it comes to payback time for hung-over noisy neighbors, the beginning 30 seconds of Pink Floyd s " Time"  on the " Dark Side Of The Moon"  CD starts the day off right. Bwa-hahahaha! (But that story will be saved for another thread.)


 TheWallRocksMusic while camping has never been an issue for me, I never brought the boom box along. We do bring a TV for news & weather, but keep it inside the trailer, and the volumn is kept low.
 However, the new trailer will have a built-in AM/FM/CD with speakers in the ceiling. I know the 13 Y/O nephew will try and blow those speakers up the first time out, after that the stereo should never bother another person because the speakers won t be worth a darn....[;)]

Red neff Barchetta

QuoteBut when it comes to payback time for hung-over noisy neighbors, the beginning 30 seconds of Pink Floyd s " Time"  on the " Dark Side Of The Moon"  CD starts the day off right. Bwa-hahahaha!

 Dave - LOL!
 That s the exact same 30 seconds (except on vinyl) I used to use on my hung-over noisy roommate s!  Jimi s solo on " All Along The Watchtower"  worked quite well too.  Turned up to 11, ala Spinal Tap.


 TheWallRocksI ll be turning 50 in 23 days.....oh, my g--!!! Not thrilled by any means. I enjoy hearing music at the campgrounds and like to play mine. The only problem I have is if its playing loudly after 11:00 pm.....quiet talk is okay.