RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteG-Whiz... bummer you can t make it. My brother works in a winery, and I d bring some red " just for you" . What s your fav type? Cab, Merlot, Pinot? I ll bring a bottle of it to the Gold Rush.

 Wow, that s cool.  What winery???  I bet you wish your brother worked at a brewery tho! [;)]  I m definitely becoming a Cab snob as I " mature"  in my wining. [:D][:D]

 He works at McNab Ridge Winery. Long story short: John Parducci had Parducci Winery. John sold Parducci Winery. Rich Parducci (John s grandson) also worked at Parducci, and went to collage with my brother. Charles (Ab Diver s brother), got a job at Parducci working with Rich in the winery s lab. Meanwhile, John decided to open up a new winery making top-end wines (McNab Ridge), and Rich went to join him. Charles rose up the ladder to become the assistant winemaker at Parducci. McNab Ridge continued to grow, and Rich asked Charles to join their growing concern. Rich is now the assistant winemaker at McNab Ridge winery, and Charles is basically in charge of getting things done at the operational level. Hey, *somebody* has to lick the back of the labels so they stick to the bottle. (Not really, but it s a good joke when you want to break your brother s concentration while playing horseshoes.)
 Clear as mud? What it all boils down to, my dear g-whiz, is I can pretty much make sure you have a quality bottle of wine at your disposal come the Gold Rush Rally. So, you want a fab cab? You got it. (And you thought my family was only good at painting boats.[;)] )
 Speaking of working at a brewery--- Hmmmm, I still have a sister. I wonder if she d consider a career change...[;)]
 Anybody else want some wine at Ft. Bragg?

Red neff Barchetta

QuoteI think I am in for one night at Fort Bragg. I m going to try the Surfcal method of truck camping.

 Allright Holly!
 I am definitely going to be ready for this rally after the crazy work week this week and early next week!
 Who s the idiot who schedules my days anyway?!

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalWe are currently installing a floor in a tasting room at a winery outside of Healdsburg near lake Sonoma.  The office for the winery is through one of the barrel rooms.  What a great smell!  I still don t like the taste of wine though, lol.


 SurfcalAb Diver, hmm...
 Do you think I ve been mistakingly calling Bill as John?  Sometimes, being at the dock, boats aren t the only things that slip.

Red neff Barchetta

 Surfcal8 days to go! (only 7 for lucky Otter and SurfCough)
 " Ooh I need your beer Dave
 Guess you know it s true
 Hope you need my help Dave
 Just like I need brew
 Open one, drink one, open one, drink one
 Ain t got nothing but thirst Dave
 Eight days a week"


 SurfcalNext Thursday we will be watching the sun set near Ft Bragg.  kewwwwl!
 Hmmm . Will it be a beer night or a wine night?  Will it be abalone or tri-tip?
 Will it be an assigned campsite or somepoorunsuspectinglateNNCcampersspot?  
 So many few days to decide.
 So glad Holly is going to make it!  
 We are packed! We used the camper Memorial Day Weekend with the family all here in Santa Cruz, so did some fine tuning and got it ready to go.  This is such a great idea!
 chompin  on the bit

Ab Diver

 otterWow-- I was just serenaded by John, Paul, George, and *Red-neff*!  I m not worthy.[;)]
 Jeff, echoing the others: Nice web site, dude, and nice work as well. You lay a mean floor, bud. Considering the clientele you must have, I ll bet folks expect their floors to be " perfect" . I m gunna be interested in talking to you about your techniques for mitering the stair treads and getting gap-free joinery, as well as finishing procedures. Always ready to talk wood-talk. Bet you don t have to go far for solid oak scraps for the campfire, do you? [8D]
 Dianne, the coast was clear yesterday[:D], foggy today[: (]. Keep your fingers crossed.
 Everybody---- I m gunna bring a bunch of wood for a campfire. I can also bring my Mr. Heater " Buddy"  if anybody needs it. Although we have electrical hookups, you never know when somebody s heater won t work (right, Sal?[;)] ).
 And, bit of *bad timing* news: My oldest daughter s year-end school dance was supposed to be this weekend, but guess when it s gunna be? Yep, Friday, June 6th! Grrrr.... So, we ve been tossing around ideas on how to deal with this--- have Elaine stay home and bring her the next day, or let her stay with my brother s family and they can bring her over Saturday morning (Charlie was gunna come over and dive anyway). We re leaning towards the brother option. This is a big deal for my daughter, as it s her *first* school dance. Daughter #2 has no such ambitions at this point. (whew!) God help me, it s starting... and all my high school friends have little boys. Gunna be the end of some beautiful long-time friendships over the next few years.[;)]

Ab Diver

 otterHaving to wait another 7 days for this rally makes one weak!
 Ab Diver--- up early so I can take DD #2 on a school field trip to Marine World. What a great reason to take a day off from work!

Red neff Barchetta

 otterDave -
 Thanks for the kind words.  Since I m so fussy about things, this was the perfect job for me.  Plus, if I need time off, I just simply ask myself to make a large " X"  on my calendar.  Don t have to try and shmooze myself with questions about how my kids are or how much I enjoy working for me, etc... before I feel the time is right to ask me for the time off.
 Of course, when I m not around I then have to make sure in triplicate that the guys can handle evereything while I m off PU ing.
 Have fun at Marine World!
 Yes, I currently have 3  SN Pale Ale 12-pack boxes and 2 24-pack boxes full of kindling (Oak mostly) in the garage.  I ll bring 2 of the smaller boxes to Fort Bragg.  The rest is for Plymouth.  You almost don t need newspaper when using this for kindling.  Burns real quick though.
QuoteGod help me, it s starting... and all my high school friends have little boys. Gunna be the end of some beautiful long-time friendships over the next few years.



 Red neff Barchetta
 God help me, it s starting... and all my high school friends have little boys. Gunna be the end of some beautiful long-time friendships over the next few years.

 Hahahahha....since my baby is now 33 I can laugh.  I suggest you buy stock in Rolaids or tums..... [:D][:D][:D]


 otterJust been catching up on reading the boards and I couldn t resist letting Surfcal know that I read his post a few pages back about the Kayak he purchased.  As an Official for the US Kanoe & Kayak Team, I have connections so, Surfcal, let me know if you need anything else for the Kayak.  I am a lifetime member of the local Sacramento paddeling group called " River City Paddlers"  and I can hook you up to people who live in the Bay Area and belong to the club.  There is also a wonderful business called " Current Adventures"  that I time a lot of Canoe & Kayak races for (they are also part of River City Paddlers) that offers classes and trips.  Let me know and I can guide you in the correct direction.  If I had known you were looking for a Kayak, I could have hooked you up with a used one, BUT, it looks like you got a great deal with the one you got.   Happy Kayaking!!!  Wish we were going camping with you all, but, I have to time one of those races that Saturday.


 otterHey Joan:
 Great to hear from you stranger.  I am a neophyte and always looking for more information about hobbies, especially new ones.  I took the boat out yesterday and as expected, I had a blast.
 You know, I have champagne taste on a beer budget and those kayaks I ve tried in the past were definitely of a higher caliber and I can tell that I will be cruisin  for a higher end touring kayak.
 Anyway, I won t bore the rest with this posting and I will email you in the back-channel.  Give my regards to Calstate 361 minus 1.
 Paddling off into the sunset,


 otterWhat routes are everyone taking and when do you plan to arrive? Mapquest and Microsoft Streets & Trips both show that from Sacramento to go up I-5 and cut across on 20. Therefore, I think we ll go 80 to 37 to 101 to 128 to 1. That drive on 128 that Dave describes sounds pretty inviting. We re shooting for a noon departure from Sac.

Red neff Barchetta

 otterDave -
 I m heading over via 128 also.
 When you pull out of the driveway at noon on Friday buddy, just think of me finishing popping-up.  I ll keep the beer cold for you.


QuoteORIGINAL:  champ521
 I think we ll go 80 to 37 to 101 to 128 to 1. That drive on 128 that Dave describes sounds pretty inviting. We re shooting for a noon departure from Sac.

 Hey Bee,
 Good to hear from you.  I think I m taking the 128 route too off 101.  I checked it out on Yahoo! maps today and that s what it recommended.
 See you there.