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RE: Mosquitoes

Started by Danusmom, Jun 02, 2003, 02:10 PM

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 whitestar505I think I ll take my chances with DEET.  We live near the most  infected area in MI
 with West Niles last year with 8 deaths within 1.5 miles of our home. 20 deaths total in the county we live in, and over 250 people infected.
 Also suffering thru what was believed to be a minor bout with it myself last summer I ll chance the DEET any day.
 How To Reduce the Risk of Getting West Nile Virus:
     * Drain standing water in your yard. Empty water from mosquito breeding sites, such as flower pots, pet bowls, clogged rain gutters, swimming pool covers, discarded tires, buckets, barrels, cans and similar items in which mosquitoes can lay eggs.
     * Minimize activities in areas where mosquitoes are present, such as shaded areas.Kind of hard for us campers to do
     * Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants outdoors.
     * Spray clothing with insect repellent containing no more than 35% DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide). When using insecticide or insect repellent, follow manufacturer s directions for use.
     * Avoid using repellent on children under 2 years of age.
     * On childred 2-6 years of age, repellents should be used sparingly and contain only 10% DEET.
     * Be careful using repellent on the hands of older children because repellents may irritate the eyes and mouth.
     * Maintain window and door screening to keep mosquitoes out of buildings.
 There is no vaccine for West Nile Encephalitis.  However, by following these guidelines you can reduce the risk of becoming infected


 whitestar505All, I thank you all for your input but I have to say that I am more confussed, undecided on what to use. I sure hope they come out with something that works and will not do as much damage as the bit.[&:] Had to write this a second time because the first time it did not take.


 whitestar505When Pregnant, nursing, or on DS I use something with less then 10% DEET. On DS I don t put it on his face or hands. This seems to work just fine in TX. In fact I ve only felt the need to use anything here a couple times since we moved here a year ago. Mosquito s just aren t that bad.
 Now when I go home to MN and camp up there I go for the deep woods off if I can.[:D]
 Honeslty I m not that worried about diseases. If I m going hiking into tick country I ll use something, but as far as West Nile Virus goes, I really think it was blown out of proportion by the media last year.


 whitestar505My hubby s used DEET for years while camping in MO.  This explains alot.  Is Deet also related to the loss of coordination it takes to empty a dishwasher??


 whitestar505I heard people a radio talk show the other day and one suggestion was taking vitamin B12 once a day keeps away the mosquitoes.  Anyone tried that??[:)]


    " " Is Deet also related to the loss of coordination it takes to empty a dishwasher?? " "
   From my point of view YES! I have the same problem MY WIFE TELLS ME. I think it has something to do with out of sight out of mind.[:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  cam
 I heard people a radio talk show the other day and one suggestion was taking vitamin B12 once a day keeps away the mosquitoes.  Anyone tried that??[:)]

 I have heard that from people who have tried it.  They claim that it works, BUT once you have taken enough to be effective, you end up smelling like a load of rotting hay. [: (]
 Austin (proofread, proofread, proofread)
 Changes in BLUE


Quoteyou end up like a load of rotting hay.  

 Boy that is something to look forward too. I wonder if they dislike garlic?


 whitestar505Just got a new Avon book yesteday at work. The special feature for this campaign is a DEET-free insect repellent. Of course, I don t have the book with me & have forgotten the name. (I think it s something like " Bug Guard" .) It specifically said it was safe for kids, and was effective against the type of mosquitoes that carry West Nile.
 When I get to work this afternoon, I ll check the book for more info.


 labontefanSounds like the one Comsumer Reports tested. If I remember right it was good for about an hour and then had to be reapplied. As always DEET came out on top in the tests.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Gatsmommy
 Honeslty I m not that worried about diseases. If I m going hiking into tick country I ll use something, but as far as West Nile Virus goes, I really think it was blown out of proportion by the media last year.

 Maybe it was  blown out of proportion to a degree, but it is a reality and something we should take some precaution of all the same.
 We had not 1 Crow in our area last summer, kind of eerie if you ask me. Also had to pick up several dead birds.....thats enough  reason for a little cautious spray now and then if the skeeters are in a biting mood.
 If we all worried to much we d never camp! [:@]


 whitestar505While taking little (?) Spanky to the vet for her shot last week, he provided me with the stuff that you put the drops on the dogs back and it keeps them free from Skeeters, ticks and fleas etc for a month.  I asked if I could have another package of the stuff for me and DH, and he gave me a very strange look.  I was really only kidding, but heck.......
 as Austin says(proofread, proofread, proofread)


 whitestar505I bet they put a pink tag on your chart now.[:D][;)]


 whitestar505Pink tag?   Does that have anything to do with indicating that the state of my mind is somehow  tweaked ?   If so, they are just beginning to get to know me, LOL.   Actually, I said to the vet, " If it works so well for dogs, then why do you think no one has come out with a version for human animals?"    He had no answer, but I m thinking that the DEET people have some kinda political connections.....Hey, wait, don t put that white jacket on me again, I m in the middle of developing a very good idea here....helllllppppp!


 whitestar505Be careful Toni, that pink flag may turn to Red![8D]