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RE: Permission letter

Started by Y-Guy, Jun 17, 2003, 10:55 AM

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 As you guys know I am taking my two kids to VA. Recetly I had seen a a permission letter (just to avoid problems) in a Canadian government web site stating that the non travelling spouse declares basically yeah my spouse is taking our children and it is ok with me. Does anybody know where that letter is ? I don t want to get stuck at the border


 birolAck I have one of those but its in storage, let me call one of my work friends that has done some Canadian teen trips and see if I can get a copy.  You also need permission to seek medical treatment and that the parents give you that right, without it a hospital could decline some level of treatment.  You might check with the CAA too and I ll try to find these for you as well.


 birolBeing their Parent I thought hospitals would listen to me ? What happens if something bad happens at home and one parent at home and they need to do something and the existing poarent says yes, they call the other one ? Sighh ... then again they might .....
 Thanks for looking for the letter :) Very appreciated ...With all the stuff going on I am sure they will ask me for it. Or maybe they will just ask the kids a few questions and let us go, I don t know. I am not taking chances though ....


 birolThat s something I never heard of, or even thought of.[&:]
 It s a strange world we live in.
 When a DAD needs something like that, To take a trip with HIS kids.


 birolSigh ... tell me about it, my kids, they can talk and express themselves ..... and I (might) need a permission letter from their mother to cross the border ..... We are still married and stuff for God s sake ! I guess all the weirdos are messing our lives ......


 birolEven with a permission letter sometimes the hospital won t treat non life threatening emergencies without permission.  We drafted a permission letter for my husband s parents, and when our daughter fell and cut her head, the ER still wouldn t treat her without calling us.
 I ve since started using the letter my pediatrician designed.  Here s his webpage if you need it.  [link=][/link]  We haven t had to use this one yet, but maybe they would take it without having to call.  As the parent I don t think you would need one, but its a good thing to have around if your kids spend time with an adult other than you or your spouse.


 birolFound it , here it is :
 Canadian government strongly suggests that this letter be carried ......


 birolI signed a power of attorney for my mother, when she kept my oldest son after my father died.  This essentially gave her all the rights of a parent.
 Birol, I got the form at a Hallmark store, back before computers were the norm at home and before internet access.  Check with card stores to see if they have legal document you want.
 Or have your wife write a letter stating that she and you are married, and she has full knowledge and agrees that you are to take the children on holiday in the USA, it might not hurt to have her add the dates including a little leeway incase you decide that VA and our company is just too good to miss out on. Both you and her sign in front of a notary, or what ever they might be called in Canada. Most banks here have notaries and the service is free if you have an account.
 As far as hospital and medical care, since you are the legal father, there should be no trouble, it is only if you were a guardian/caretaker and not a parent, at least in all the states I have had experience with.


 birolwhen my kids were young - in the 80s - I always gave a letter of consent for medical treatment whenever they were going somewhere with someone else.
 we had a case where the non-custodial parent had gotten a friend to call her ex and say he (the friend) worked for dept. of family & Children and was going to go to the house.   the whole thing was a hoax to kidnap the child.
 there are lots of domestic abductions (check your local milk carton).

Turn Key

QuoteThat s something I never heard of, or even thought of.  
 It s a strange world we live in.
 When a DAD needs something like that, To take a trip with HIS kids.

 My thought, exactly.


 birolThis is actually a response from many governments because of parental kidnappings.
 It will most probably be a bigger issue as you travel out of Canada and into the US.  The Canadian border agents amy want to verify that you are not trying to remove the children from the country to evade the jurisdiction of some court order.
 A notarized letter from the parent not traveling will assist in border crossings.  In addition to that, copies of birth cirtificates and insurance cards are also a good thing to have.
 Generally when I travel out of the country I take multiple copies of these types of documents packed in different bags.  That way if one is lost i still have copies.


 birolAlso remember that you will have two RN s, one being an acute care nurse practitioner, at the campground.
 However, our licenses are good only in the state of Tennessee. My NP license is good nationwide, but is essentially negated without the nurse license.
 Anyway, in emergencies, I don t " forget"  how to perform when I cross state lines. Heck, if you guys remember, Holly and I treated a girl in Hawaii who had fallen over a cliff on a bicycle. No complaints from mom or the medics, even though we were thousands of miles from our certifying state! And Lee (FF-EMT) is an EMT, so we should be set, should an emergency happen.


 birolI am taking DW to a lawyer tomorrow to have the paper signed ...... She will be very surprised, hey maybe she will say no [;)].
 The think is, when she travels outside Canada, the kids are on her Turkish passport and nobody asks for a permission letter from me. We are now Canadians so my rights are being violated ! I am going to sue Canadian Government  for a PU  as compensation  (Not a coleman with all the roof issues) !!!!!
 They had better cough it up or else !!!!!!
 Good to have some medical people ....... I hope you guys will not have to use your professional skills  but your humour and drinking skills [:)]


 birolSomebody found it!  That s great.  I know my copy is in the red notebook marked " Teen Caravans"  in storage lol.  
 Try taking about 35 american teens to Canada, heck we use to take trips to Mexico.  Permission form here permission form there, notary this and that.  
 Have a great trip!