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RE: Fuming Friend-What Would You Do

Started by jpreiser, Jun 22, 2003, 10:32 PM

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 Starcraft DadStarcraft Dad,
    Where are we with this? Can you give us an update? Do you have insurance on the trailer?


 Starcraft Dadwas just wondering the same thing, what s going on here?   I can t believe that a twelve year old wouldn t know that you shouldn t be jumping on the roof of a camper, unless she is challenged in some way.   But if that s the case, then the parents should be supervising her much more closely.   I m so totally teed off about people who don t teach their kids the difference between right and wrong, and appropriate behavior.


 Starcraft Dadthis thing sticks in the back of my mind (and in my craw as well)  I try to imagine these three kids breaking through the lid of a  camper without making noise and drawing attention to themselves visually as well.  Most camper roofs are usually made pretty sturdy (ours supports a 3,500 pound snow load) and can carry things on them in special racks or can support the weight of an adult doing maintenance so I cannot believe this happened in a matter of 5 minutes or so.  WHERE THE H-LL WERE THOSE PARENTS while this was going on?  Are they maybe " hearing-challenged" ?  Or maybe thinking-challenged!  


 NightOwlKids do stuff like that. These things sometimes happen. Parents can t always hear or know what their kids are doing all the time, it s simply not possible.
 Kids will make mistakes (even good ones), and parents can t be everywhere all the time watching their kids, the parents still need to take responsibility for any and all damage incurred by the kids. It s part of being a responsible parent. If they don t take responsibility for that damage, then they don t value the friendship very much. I m not even sure if you should make a homeowners claim as your premiums may go up, plus who knows what the deductible is. I think this would be a small claims court matter.
 BTW Starcraft Dad, I m really sorry for your friend. This has to be a frustrating and awkward position.


 Starcraft DadDon t kow why they wouldn t want to make an insurance claim?
 Especially for things that are definately not their fault.
 I suppose you could try the court route, if they have a few grand around. Or if they don t want to camp for a year or two until it s settled.  
 Well just an observation, hopefully they already have this all figured out.


 Starcraft DadEven though they are neighbors, it is time to confront them, and (first, politely), inform them that they and the kid(s) are responsible. They will have to pay the bill, one way or another. If the PU owners " let it go" , the friendship likely won t be saved anyway, as there will be a long-standing grudge that will happen.
 This sounds like a repair that will be in the thousands. I hope things turn out. I believe if the offending family makes things right, and the PU owners are happy, then the friendship should last, and become stronger even. I hope this happens.


 brainpauseI think I d get estimates before I head over to the neighbors, since they ve yet to offer to fix it openly I d want some exact figures to go to them with.  I wouldn t count on getting Christmas cards from them next year, but alas the cost of a new roof may exceed their friendship budget.  Hope all works out peacefully.


 brainpauseOK, I had to get in on this one. Yes, kids do make mistakes but this is far beyond a " mistake" . Where is the responsibility  of the kids. I havent heard anyone say that those kids should be apologizing in person to your friends. The parents should be holding any allowance or money saved by these kids to be used as some compensation. Where is the accountability of our children today? Regardless of their age they should have known that this was wrong.

Acts 2:38 girl

 brainpauseYIKES!!!  Ages 10-12???How could they NOT know??  I totally agree that sometimes kids do foolish things, goodness knows Lee and I have questioned the possibility of brain damage and our boys [8D] , but this is crazy!!  Sometimes children just do not THINK!  But this is where the parents step in and say, " OK, bad move - go over yourself and say sorry and figure out how your going to fix this whole situation"   Granted, the parents will have to pay, but I know I d sure feel better if the children said sorry instead of the parents.  One time we had a neighborhood boy writing curse words on our stone wall,  I pointed it out to the mother who asked the boy.  Even though he admitted to it, SHE cleaned off the rocks and apologized.  It didn t seem to cross her mind to make him say " Sorry" .  Yeah, he was punished, but I think he should feel the intense embarrasement of facing me anf apologizing!  That does more for a kid to drive the point home.


 Starcraft DadStarcraft Dad,
    What is the latest?

Starcraft Dad

 brainpauseWhitestar, I haven t heard anything yet.  Being that we were camping last week I haven t been in touch.  Will let you all know when I find out more details.


 Starcraft Dad
QuoteORIGINAL:  Starcraft Dad
 Whitestar, I haven t heard anything yet.  Being that we were camping last week I haven t been in touch.  Will let you all know when I find out more details.

 Just curious if you have heard anything yet.


 brainpauseI agree that the kids did something wrong but the neighbor-friends did something even worse.  They didn t apologize or offer to make arrangements for the camper to be fixed  (as though, they think the camper is just some kind of toy that doesn t matter at all.)  I would keep communication open and let them know you are getting estimates on what it will cost, that you will present them with the bill.  Then, you will know by their reaction what route you will take.  I hope it all gets worked out quickly and easily.  Those parents are responsible for the actions of their kids.
 So sorry that you will not be able to camp until it is fixed.  Let us know about the insurance situation.

Starcraft Dad

 brainpauseSorry, forgot to update you on the PU situation.  The neighbors (husband actually) agreed to help in purchasing a new PU.  The home owners insurance covered some of the damage but not all.  Being the damage was so extent, they are scrapping it and are going to use it for parts.(apparently more damage then they originaly thought).  They are looking for another one in  about the same price range.  So everything seems to be going thier way again.
 BTW, the father of the kids could not be more sorry about this incedent.  I don t know what he has in  plans for the kids, but bootcamp was mentioned for the oldest.  Seems this kid has been in trouble before.


 brainpauseI am glad the father made the right decision.  I hope they can find something they really want at the price they expect to find. I would not want to go thru something like this at all, it is a very horrible experience.