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RE: 12 hour shifts and camping

Started by Turn Key, Jun 28, 2003, 12:15 PM

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 We started working 12 hour shifts about a month ago, 4 days 7am to 7 pm then we get 4 days off. We come back and work 4 nights 7 pm to 7 am and get another 4 days off in row does anybody else work this type of schedule. It should be good for camping having 4 days off in a row every week. I just finished my 3rd midnight in a row and I am tired.

Turn Key

 hbfc6Wishing you the best but I think you will find the switching from days to nights and then back to be a real drag.


 hbfc6I ve worked 12 s for almost 4 years, only I work every Friday, Sat. and Sunday.
 But I also have every Monday thru Thursday off. Camping is good!


 hbfc6We used to have a Miller Brewery in Fulton that was on 3 on 4 off/4 on 3off schedule. Every Wenesday and Saturday the parking lot would be full of campers either coming back or getting ready to go camping.


 hbfc6DH worked the 4on off 3 and 3on off 4 for about 6 yrs. Then they did the switch with 4days on off 3 and 3 nights on off 4. He was always tired and sometimes grumpy. His thinking was a little clouded. It was hard to adjust from days to nights. Then we had a newborn so that didn t help his sleeping pattern. Now he is on 4 10 hour days. Makes every weekend a 3 day weekend. Great for camping.[:D]