RE: " I Scream Rally" Collins Lake Oct. 10-12

Started by SactoCampers, Jul 10, 2003, 05:08 PM

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 Calstate361Hi Michelle,
 I am in the process of rearranging my schedule and I am pretty sure I will call and try to switch to staying Thursday-Sat nights.  Hubby will drag trailer up and leave from there for work on Friday.  Hoping they will let me make changes.

Red neff Barchetta

 Calstate361We sure wish we could make this rally.
 Have fun everyone!

The Memory Maker

 Unfortunately we needed to cancel out. MIL is scheduled to have some unexpected surgery the Thurs before the weekend and we need be near home. I called Collins Lake directly and made our cancel.


10 days for Thursday arrivals
 11 days for Friday arrivals
 Oh my gosh!  What will we do if Larry & Rita (Sammyslave) can t make it.  We will have to designate a gathering spot because it is always around Larry s site.  PcMom, if you get your camp stove, I guess you will be the designee.  Hope you get your wish and get it for your Birthday.  I have been looking at them also.  BTW, Happy Birthday, early.
 I have already cooked 4-1/2 lbs. of bacon for Saturday morning breakfast.  I have wrapped them up in papertowels and put it in the freezer so all I have to do Saurday morning is zap them in the micorwave and we will have a bunch of bacon for breakfast.  Do we want to start a discussion about what people are brining for the Saturday night pot-luck?  I m thinking of bringing a wonderful Banana Cream Pie that fits into a 9x13 pan and is made with the Pepridge Farm " Chessmen"  cookies as the crust and top.   But, I m not sure the pan will fit in my refriderator to keep it cool.   I will have to measure it this weekend and see.  
 I m SOOOOO ready for camping.


9 days for Thursday arrivals
 10 days for Friday arrivals
 Yoooo  Hoooo, any body out there?

Red neff Barchetta

 Calstate361Hi Joan,
 I m here, but unfortunately won t be " there" .
 HAVE FUN at Collins Lake and know that I ll be jealous of everyone.
 Sure wish we could make it.  We are already missing camping and our looking to do a quick one-nighter in 3 weeks.


8 days for Thursday arrivals
 9 days for Friday arrivals
 Jeff/Neff, thanks for the response.  I guess everyone is so busy they are not posting much on the boards.  Kevin usually helps me with the countdown.  You will be missed at the rally.  I ll try to make a toast to you, or mention you, Saturday night around the campfire, if we can have one.  If we can t then it will be within the circle of friends.  Not sure if we will make it to the next rally or not in November because that is the weekend before Turkey Day.  Since I do all the cooking, I need to get the house in order, do shoping, etc. before the big T day.   Still discussing it with Sal.   See you whenever.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 We sure wish we could make this rally.
 Have fun everyone!
Well gosh darn if RNB is not going to make it, then we are not going to show up.
 Unfortunately, work is getting in the way of my camping activities, and we are going to have to cancel this weekend.
 I called Collins lake, & took care of it.
 We will be thinking of you, as I get stuck having to work that weekend[:@]
 Here we are with a new Hybrid, itching to go camping, and we have to cancel,


7 days for the Thursday arrivals
 8 days for the Friday arrivals
 Kevin (6Quigs), sorry you can t make it we were really looking forward to seeing your new half-a-hybred, and, of course, all of you.[:(]
 Hey, is anyone bringing bikes and/or scooters for their kids to ride?  My Stepson and his family are coming in on Friday to tent camp with us and I was going to tell them to bring the bikes/scooters for the kids.   My Grandkids are:  Alexis, age 6; Danny (Dan Jr.), age 3; and Scotty, age 1.  They are looking forward to going fishing with Grandpa and meeting all of you (since we talk so much about you all).


 pcmomHello Everybody,
 I released the extra sites that had not been reserved as of today.  However, if you plan on attending and have NOT reserved a site, then you should call ASAP.  They are almost sold out on sites with hook-ups and were happy to get the sites I released.
 This is who I have attending:
 108 - Rturner
 109 - CA_Girl
 110 - Champ521
 111 - CKkevin
 115 - Clueless in Sacramento
 116 - PCmom
 122 - Hybrid Holly
 126 - Cookie s Camper
 128 - Calstates
 129 - Abbear
 So, do we want to have a potluck breakfast on Saturday?  Think about what you want to bring for the potluck dinner on Saturday night too[:D]
 Rturner - I will email you privately about our activities [:D]
 Calstates, I think we will be bringing the kids bikes.
 Anyone planning on fishing?

Hybrid Holly

 Calstate361For the potluck, I am planning on frying up all that fish that Pete and Dave catch on their Saturday excusion (yes Pete and Dave are going out in a boat).  I guess I ought to have a back up plan!
 I can make aebleskiver Saturday morning, but only if enough people are interested ....who is NOT on that no carb/low carb diet?


QuoteAnyone planning on fishing?

 Me and Pete (Hybrid Holly s ol  man) will be knockin em dead on Saturday.


QuoteSo, do we want to have a potluck breakfast on Saturday? Think about what you want to bring for the potluck dinner on Saturday night too  
 Anyone planning on fishing?

 We will probably make a " Poppy Seed Chicken Dish"  for the potluck on Saturday night.  
 I have been known to wet a hook or two so I will have my fishing gear ready

Red neff Barchetta

 Calstate361PC Mom/Michelle -
 You have done a great job with this rally.  Way to go!  You will enjoy a rally this size.  I know I do.  You can actually get past the niceties and tell these people what you really think of them.
 Btw, anyone foolish enough to count on Pete & Dave to bring back dinner deserves to go to bed hungry!  Hee, hee.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteBtw, anyone foolish enough to count on Pete & Dave to bring back dinner deserves to go to bed hungry! Hee, hee.

 the only thing I think we can count on them bringing back is empty cans!