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RE: APOLOGY and THANK YOU ahead of time

Started by birol, Jul 23, 2003, 12:57 PM

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 angelsmom10Seems as if it happens once a week to me that I unintenionally offend someone from something I innocently say.  Usually happens on a Sunday...Hmmmmm.  All I can say is one never knows where another is in life that very moment.  What would not offend the day before offends the day you say it.  Usually it is because of something going on in their life that causes their sensitivity level to be higher.  All of us have been there, both as the offended and the offendee.  I ve learned to take it with a grain of salt.  If I let it bother me then I need to get out of the ministry!  I just say an extra prayer for them and ask the Lord to help them through what ever they might be happening to go through that caused them to take offense over something I said that was not meant to be offensive.  In fact I d rather have them " go off"  on me than their child or their spouse.
 Hey this life is too short to get upset with someone over trivial things (really anything).  When you allow someone to upset you, you allow them to control you and what you do or don t do.  So... the advise of a preacher who sticks his foot in his mouth too many times...GO CAMPING!


 angelsmom10NightOwl, I have missed a whole lot on here but you don t need any Queeny titles.  So let it roll off your purple robe and forget it.[:D][:D][:D][:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  B-flat
 NightOwl, I have missed a whole lot on here but you don t need any Queeny titles.  So let it roll off your purple robe and forget it.[:D][:D][:D][:D]
How do you know she has a pruple rob ? Inquiring minds want to know [8D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  birol
 How do you know she has a pruple rob ? Inquiring minds want to know [8D]

 Birol, it is because she is a Peeping Tom--er, Peeping Nancy.  (I have a tiara as well as a purple robe, but I save the tiara for special occasions  like trips to WalMart)

Acts 2:38 girl

 Seems as if it happens once a week to me that I unintenionally offend someone from something I innocently say. Usually happens on a Sunday...Hmmmmm.

 I think that must go with the territory!  [:D]  If people are to comfortable every Sunday (Saturday?) I d question how much God is getting through!  
 Angelsmom - I love sarcasim!  I think that as long as it s accompanied by the appropriate smiley ( [8D] [:)] [:D] [;)][&:] ), just to let everyone know - then it s OK!  Sometimes I see things on here that seem sarcastic but I m just not sure.  These are the cases where I think, " hmmm.."  and just leave it at that!  You never know when someones kids are screaming throught the house, or they are stressed, or just having a plain bad day!  [:)]   And of course I wouldn t be sarcastic about sensitive/controversial issues (ie - the war), you can be sure to get flamed that way!!!  Some issues you can have a lot of fun with though!  (like birols porta-potty ![:D])


 Acts 2:38 girl
QuoteORIGINAL:  Acts 2:38 girl
  Some issues you can have a lot of fun with though!  (like birols porta-potty ![:D])

 Leave my Potti alone !!!!! It is brand new, never used and will stay that way until the family decides to break it in :) I bet that will be DD !!! It will be a sad day for us to have to break it in [8D][8D][8D]
 And for sarcasm, I make use of the smilies a lot ........Text is baclk and white and ones mood just doesn t reflect, or reflect well enough on how one types/presents himself/herself. So I always go bananas on the smilies [;)]


 birolSometimes it is the mood of the reader and not the tone of the writer.  If you happen to be in a bad mood and you read something you do not agree with, you might read it in a sarcastic mood.  So the shoe could fit in anyone s mouth.  Because I have read things after having a bad day with the kids and took it one way, and then read it again on a good day and wondered why I thought it was upsetting to me.
 I try not to respond to something that upsets me the first day, but read it twice before making negative comments.  
 You have never posted anything I found upsetting or offensive to me.


 birol[>:]I was wondering[;)]if I needed to go back and read all the posts.[;)]  Maybe I missed something somewhere.[>:]  I don t know what the apology is for but if you feel you have to make one[:(] then it s ok with me.  It isn t necessary since you didn t do anything to me[;)] or to the group, as it is obvious.[:)]  I agree that computers don t have emotions[:)] (well maybe so) and that one s mood might mean taking things a certain way [:o][>:][: (][:(][:@][&:][;)][8D][:D][:)].  That s why we have all those neat little icons to emphasize our points.[:)][:)][:)]


 B-flatAngelsmom10, as I said before, You are just fine [;)][:D][:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  NightOwl
 Oh, gosh, Nancy--I sure hope this doesnt mean I hurt your feelings and almost made you not post again?   If so, it was not intentional and must have been one of those moments I really was typing  while my brain was out of gear [:(]  
  You have been with us for a long, enjoyable time--and you are someone I have always enjoyed.  Remember,  we ALL  suffer from saying something awkward now and then (especially ME![&:] ) and I really  hope you know that no one who knows you at all thinks you have to go around apologizing to people.   After all, if Jeffrey can get away with the things he says,[;)]  I really dont think you have even a teeny tiny thing to worory about!!  (And keep in mind, our brilliant  muderator one thinks NIGHTOWL is the  QUEEN OF SARCASM so please dont try to steal my title from me!![:)] )
No it was not you, this was just in response to one person and I just wanted to make a formal apology the them.
 I also let this be a post for people to read and understand that the majority (and I mean majority) are all just friends (even though most of us have not met).  The scarcasism is just something to occupy time when not camping or JUST TO HAVE FUN.
 No one here means anything by it and even though there are not a lot of the answers do not get a THANKS!, it is greatly appreciated by all.  A lot of times, someone asks a question and I find the answer helpful, I won t post a thank you, since it wasn t my question, I m still thankful.
 As many have stated, here, they are just sarcastic and do appreciate the answers....  SO DON T HAVE A COW WHEN SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING SARCASTIC[;)][;)][;)][;)][;)][;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  birol
 Leave my Potti alone !!!!! ......
Oh great, I ve been trying to come up with something about your potti, and now we have to leave it alone.  I bet you ll beg for people to take your potti once you use it[;)][;)][;)][;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  angelsmom10

 Ok, My Grammar might not be perfect, my accent sucks, but I still think my English is not that bad and I never heard of this , somebody explain it to me please ?


QuoteORIGINAL:  angelsmom10
QuoteORIGINAL:  birol
 Leave my Potti alone !!!!! ......
Oh great, I ve been trying to come up with something about your potti, and now we have to leave it alone.  I bet you ll beg for people to take your potti once you use it[;)][;)][;)][;)]
Once we use it, everybody can say something about it, just not now, it is a clean potti [8D]


 birolbirol, " Have a cow"  down in these parts meant having a big " fit of anger"  or into something really, really big over some little something that someone has said.[;)][:D][:D][:D]

Jo Ann

 angelsmom10gee anglesmom...never found you offensive in anyway...but of course...most stuff doesn t bother me anyway.