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RE: membership renewal poll

Started by gsm x2, Aug 07, 2003, 10:34 PM

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Used 2B PopUPTimes

 When we started the Pop Up Times message boards in 1999 we didn?t see the ride we were in for.  Well the free site became extremely popular; 7500 visitors per day and over 20,000 messages a month!  We had to continue to upgrade equipment and web hosting plans to maintain an acceptable level of service.
 Advertising never covered the bills and last year we made the difficult decision to convert from a free site to a paid membership site.  We set the $29.95 price working with expectations of how many people would sign up and how much we?d need to pay in web hosting & support for that number of members. The number of folks who originally signed up as well as the number of new members exceeded our expectations.
 One disappointment was the manufacturers who indicated they would support the club with rebates as well as other support have not been able to move ahead becuse pop up sales are way down and they re struggling to maintain.
 Well, now it?s time to look ahead.  The Charter Members received extended memberships and all others were 12 month memberships. Starting in February we will be looking for membership renewals and were asking for your input. What will it take to keep you here next year? Fill out the poll and / or reply to this post.

gsm x2

QuoteWhat will it take to keep you here next year?

 Dave---You know that I will be back even if you don t change a thing.  However, if you can turn an acceptable profit and were to include my subscription to the magazine or give me a coupon, I wouldn t turn it down.


 popuptimesWe ll be back[:)]


 popuptimesDave, I would like the magazine included.


 popuptimesAfter clicking " drop the price" , I changed my mind to include a magizine subscription, without increasing the price of course.


 popuptimesWe ll be back! But I d like the magazine too!!  :>  it s great and so is everyone here!!! This place is the best!


 popuptimesTo be honest, I was considering to not renew my membership.  However, if PUT were to include the magazine (which I did not renew) with the net site, I would renew.


 popuptimesDave, If you can swing including the magazine it would be a sweet deal. I m satisfied with things the way they are and will be back whatever you decide to do. My original reason for comming to this site was the magazine which we enjoy very much, after getting on the boards and learning the things I have I ve realized that they compliment each other. Hope all s well and things continue to grow.


 popuptimesI am glad to hear that the responce was greater than the expectation!  Having a magazine just for Pop Up s is great, the website adds to the fun, I want both [:)].
 I will likely renew no matter what but I would love to see the magazine included.  I have seen several magazines make access to their sites linked to subscriptions.  Consumer Reports lets you have either one or both, the cost of adding one to the other being somewhat minimal.


 popuptimesDave I understand that you have got to keep your head above water, with that said I personally will not pay again for a message board as you have lots of good competing sites out there. Most of your members here are members of the other free sites and honestly Its like reading tha same board at both sites, just drop a member here and add a member there kinda thing.  You had the market on pop up campers last year before your site went pay, now there are 2 good sites that I know of that are kinda of spliting things up. Like the Eastern Rally was down by about half this year, a rally should only grow and I KNOW it would have grown had your site remained free. I feel adding the mag does not add a lot of value to the cost, don t take it wrong but the issues are just to small I can read it in just a few and have to wait on the next. But I do feel you are doing a good and good luck with what ever you decide.


 popuptimesI will be back!!! I love both the magazine and the boards. It would be nice if I could pay for both at the same time instead of trying to keep track of subscription dates. What about a discount for paying for both at the same time?
     I have a feeling that some of the other message boards are running into the same problem that you did Dave... overload of activity, and will probably have to follow suit or fold. I prefer to stay with the same family of folks even if it costs a little.
 To me it is a years worth of entertainment for $30. That s cheap compared to anything you do these days.
 Keep it going Dave![:D]


 popuptimesmagazine would be great, but then again we have access to info any time right here on the site......


 popuptimesThis is by far my favorite site.  I check it out at least once every day.  I will be glad to pay my renewal.
 Thanks for such a great magazine & web site!

Turn Key

 popuptimesBeen hashing this one over since it was posted the other day.  Had decided that I wasn t coming back for the same reasons YellowXterra gave but I ve been here so long now I think I d really miss it.  Will probably not make a decision until a day or two prior to the deadline.  Don t see a need to.
 PS: I have a feeling that the decision will be made for me if I wait.


 popuptimesIf you re doing so well, why wait? Make the subscription to the magazine part of the Arvee club now.