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RE: Are you tired of dumping that potty?

Started by brainpause, Aug 23, 2003, 11:35 AM

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 Are you tired of dumping that potty?
 Then you need the [link=]Envirolet[/link]!! With Envirolet there are no more trips to the waste station, no fuss and muss. Just let the aerobic microbes and the small bit of peat moss break down the waste and soon you too can grow a beautiful garden!


 Not to mention...if someone were to grow vegetables in their " garden,"  that would pose a serious health hazard. That s why we don t use honeywagons in America for fertilizer.


 ShirleyTbrainpause I hate to break it to you but they do use honeywagons in the good old US of A fro fertilizer.  I had my vehicle hit by flying sh#$ one day when the farmer was spreading near the road.  I never saw one that flung the stuff so far.


 ShirleyTTracu, you ll find that manure and manure based fertilizers used for food based " gardens"  and farms are from herbivours.
 Carnivours and Omnivours dung can t be used as they contain much more toxin substances. I don t know all the chemistry, but it was explained to me that the latter two are higher on the food chain and concentrate toxins.
 It s one reason why cattle feed lot s don t have a problem disposing  of waste while pig farms do.
 The evirolet and other " electric toilets"  aren t new, for example in Japan where sewage treatment plants & septic tank fields have to compete for ground space they are used in  apx 20% of residential housing and in certain areas are required in new construction


QuoteORIGINAL:  mike4947
 Tracu, you ll find that manure and manure based fertilizers used for food based " gardens"  and farms are from herbivores.

 I knew about the herbivores, but I didn t know about Japan.  Thanks for the information.


QuoteORIGINAL:  mike4947
 Tracu, you ll find that manure and manure based fertilizers used for food based " gardens"  and farms are from herbivours.

 I knew about the herbivores, but I didn t know about Japan thanks for the info.


 ShirleyTHoly Crap!!!
 Back in the late 1970 s and early 1980 s, I went thru a period of my life that I can only call my " back to earth"  stage.  I read Mother Earth News magazine voraciously, and took many hints and tips that I found there seriously enough to have raised for 3 years running a garden that was only 12 ft x 12 ft. but so packed full of crops that no one could believe I had the gardening skills to do.  Anyway, I m way off the topic and I m sorry.  The reason that I bring this up is because way back then the Mother Earth News was publishing articles and ads for  toilets  such as this one.   It s definitely not a new concept, but one that could really solve some problems if there was a way to sterilize the resulting product.   When raw material is composted using the conventional manner, there is high heat produced during the composting process that does this to some extent, so it seems like there should be a way to generate heat for this toilet, making the composted material safe for use.  Even if only on lawns or flower beds or something non edible.


 ShirleyTIf the heat in the composting contaier becomes to high it would kill all of the micro-organisms rendering the " fertilizer"  useless.


 ShirleyTDon t think I would want to use one of these[: (]. I was just trying out my commercial voice on this product[:D].  Since I didn t make any sales guess I better find another career[:(].


 ShirleyTHoly Sheep S&#T Batman!!!  Look at the price of that thing!


 ShirleyTThey are expensive, but if you look at the price of the piping need to hook up a toilet and in the case of rural area a septic tank and drain field it becomes very, very cheap.
 These are also becoming popular in watershed areas. There traditional septic tanks are no longer allowed and the only other choice is a vault and monthly pumping or an old fashioned out house.
 Some versions we saw in Japan not only dry the waste but actually turn it into ash.


 ShirleyTJust had a new septic tank and leach bed put in last month cost $1950.


 ShirleyTAround here sewage sludge is a hot item as a fertilizer.  And has anyone ever used Milorganite in their gardens?  It is a commercially available fertilizer made from sludge from Milwaukee sewage.


     Mike, my in laws at Skaneateles Lake were made to have one installed because the county done away with the bucket service. When we were there in July, every time the electric went out we had to get out of the camp.  This is not something I wold want to use due to the smell and the time it takes to operate it. What a pain in the neck....


 wssfetchI don t think I ll be using anything that has the word " sludge"  anywhere around my gardens!!!  I get the idea, but EEWW!