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RE: Beverage of Choice.

Started by CajunCamper, Aug 27, 2003, 01:54 PM

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    I know I m probably going to get torpedoed on this one, and told to look at past postings, but what is your favorite beverage while camping on those cool camping evenings around the fire?
    Mine is a shot of single malt, with a chaser.
    Keep your kindling dry.


 hoppyI like a nice cup of hot chocolate or a cup of spiced hot apple cider. In the summer months, I like an ice cold beer and we have been known to bring along the blender for daquaries and margaretas


 hoppySprites and Gatorades. Occasionally hot apple cider.


 hoppyDiet coke with lemon.......[:D]


 hoppyLight beer ? Ice cold, light beer !  And if I am by myself, maybe a sip of scotch !


 hoppyBoy this is a toughy.  Depends on my mood.
 My options:
 Very Very cold beer
 Wine Coolers
 Strawberry Daquirri Cooler
 7-UP with Vanilla Rum or Vodka
 Boy am I thirsty now!!!!


 Maybe a little more Beer
 and then some hic-cup............. mooa beeeeeeer
 an jus one moooooooorrrree


 hoppyWith my mood changes, so come the taste changes. I carry a portable bar with gin, vodka and a martini misto filled with dry vermouth, along with different bar implements. Then I bring mixers and lemons ad limes. Sometimes we take wine also and some irish cream for coffee. Sometimes we take nothing. Just kinda depends...


 hoppyI want to camp next to kathybri! [:D]
 All we carry is pepsi and Bud light!


 hoppysince my camping family doesn t drink alcohol I would have to say......
 diet coke or water...
 Now if I were out by myself with some friends then it would be
 gin and tonic


 hoppyCoke here or once in a while hot cider.  I know boring.


 hoppyBeer or Marcy s banshees!   (or even a diet coke or bottle of water)


 hoppy Pepsi One  is my drink of choice....
 I m not a big drinker alcohol wise, but do enjoy a cold beer once in a while, but not often. I do bring a bottle of wine once in a while, but again, not much of a drinker these days. A shot of Rum is good in cooler weather (ok, several shots)...[;)]


 hoppyWe generally have a nice bottle of wine.  But, I ll never refuse a very cold bottle of beer[:D]

Ab Diver

 hoppyWhile I do enjoy a good microbrew, or even a (gasp!) Coors, sometimes nothing.... and I mean *nothing*.....  tastes a good as an ice cold glass of milk.  
 (Hey, it s my mouth---  I can drink what I want with it. [;)] )
 There s always a gallon or more in our cooler before we leave for the hills.