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RE: Two Years ago...

Started by rednekrubbrduck, Sep 11, 2003, 07:21 AM

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 I remember it well. I was at work getting ready for the day. As usual, I steered toward checking PopupTimes. (Actually this happenned about every hour at that time). There was a thread that caught my attention about a plane crash. It was the first that I had heard about the tragic events that would soon be known world wide. A refresh brought more news my way. Iopened another window to try and access CNN. They had a streaming video. Apparently the home office workers knew what was happenning because there was not enough bandwidth for me. So, back to PopupTimes I went again, reading the updates and learning about the second plane. and then the third. It was as if I had multiple reporters all to myself that were gathering the news and providing me more information that I could imagine. I m grateful that you were all there for me. It was horrible news but it came to me by the most thoughtful individuals. Thank you.


 homecrewI was on top of a high rise here in KC working on some alarms for a cell site.  The cell tech told me over the phone what had happenned.  I thought he was messing with me, so I wrapped up what I was doing, and headed down to the lobby.  When I was checking out, the security guard told me what had happenned also.  Called my boss, and he told me to get back to the office now.  Headed back, and every cell installer just about was there watching the news.  Word came down that work was cancelled, and to head home, and check in the next day to see if we were coming in.  SWB had done a lock down and started getting contractors out.  I guess this is what it s like when my dad tells me he remembers when Kennedy was shot, and will always remember where he was and what he was doing when he heard the news.


 homecrewI was at K-mart returning something and the lady at the desk said  a plane hit the world trade center... I was thinking ok must be one of those little planes... while I was doing the return my husband went to the TV section and watched. when he came back we went home and watched the day unfold.... I had to go to work but was worried so I bought a TV to work with a little antenna . the boss was actually happy I bought it in!! WE live about 1 1/2 hours from the city and tons of parents were freaking out here getting there kids from school and all. Since we live 10 mins from a nuclear power plant!!!! that made it worse...


 homecrewI was here at work when a co-worker informed us of a plane crash into one of the towers of the world trade center.  I remember everyone thinking it was just a small plane -- thinking it was just an idiot trying to buzz a building or something.  I couldn t get anything from the internet as everyone else was there as well.  I listened to it unfold from a local all news radio station.  My daughter s daycare called to have me come pick her up as everyone was freaking out and the kids were not doing too well.   I had no problem with that as I work 1/10 of a mile from a small, but busy, airfield and I wanted no parts of airplanes for a while.
 Even though my daughter was only 4, we went home and watched the rest of the day as everything happened.  Some people would shield their kids from such horror, but I knew my daughter well enough that she would want to know what was happening.  We had many discussions as we watched in horror.  She now understands that there are bad people in this world who think they are better than/above others and how wrong those people are.  She now knows to NEVER judge others just because they may be different than her.  
 I think those images will stay with her (and all of us) forever.  I hope she will grow up and feel that she needs to be involved to continue to change the world in a positive way so that this should never happen again -- anywhere.


 homecrewHere is a tribute
 [link=]God Bless America[/link]


 homecrewI was checking emails and such, when our warehouse manager came in to ask if I could get news on the computer and I said of course.  He proceeded to explain that he heard something about a plane crashing into the World Trade Center and I truly thought he was kidding.  I found it to be true, so we went into the bosses office and turned on the TV and basically stayed glued to the TV the rest of the day.
 I have a personal friend who works a short distance from and with the Pentagon.  I immediately emailed him and found out he had to stay home to wait for a repair person and didn t have anything on -- I was the first to advise him.  He was truly upset as he had personal friends working at the Pentagon (which he did loose I believe 2, but had trouble getting information for several days).
 His mother lives locally here and I did the phone tag with her as you know people were having trouble with the phone lines.
 This hit him hard as he was in PA near where the plane came down a few days earlier, in NY next to the Trade Center the week before and worked very closely with the Pentagon.  For him too many coincidences.
 Except for him, I had no ties to NY, but to this day, I still think almost everyday about this tragic event.  Life is too short and you never know when it ll end, so I tend to be easier on my teens.

gsm x2

 homecrewG-whiz and I were swimming early in the morning and she mentioned hearing something about a plane that crashed into the World Trade Center.  We also thought it must have been a small plane.  She went off to work and I went about my business. She called me about five minute after she got to work and said, " I think you should turn on the news, this thing at the Trade Center is really something big."
 It was.
 gsm x2

Turn Key

 homecrewI was at home, getting ready for a 2-day camping trip.  Nearly ended up not going and it was no fun anyway.  Came home after one night.


 homecrewI was sitting in my office with another Government group here in Arlington, a couple miles down the road from the Pentagon. I had just, an hour and a half before,  dropped off two military guys at the Pentagon and driven right past the area that was hit by the plane on my way to my office.  We heard the news that the Trade Center had been hit by one plane and turned on various streaming news reports just in time to see the second tower being hit.  We knew this was not an accident  now and everyone stopped working and glued themselves to the screens.   Immediately when the Pentagon was hit we were instructed to get out of our buildings and go home now.   It was horrible gridlock on the area highways...they re a mess when everyone isn t trying to go home at the same time...They were unbelievable after this.  I was taking a coworker home and we could see the smoke coming from the Pentagon while we were stuck in traffic praying they wouldn t decide to attack all the people sitting stuck in traffic.   We couldn t get through the cell phone lines to let our families know we were on our way home.   We were sitting there, stuck in traffic, listening to the news of the horrendous things going on all over and being so horrified, bewildered, and more than a little scared.   The friend with me had family in New York City and we both had friends and coworkers that worked at the Pentagon.  The next day the Pentagon and area government offices opened as normally as was possible....  It was bizarre dropping off people at the Pentagon to work while smoke and flames were still coming out of the building.     It was certainly a time I ll never forget.....


 homecrewI too was at our government office.  We are jsut accross the bridge from the Pentagon.  My staff was still coming in when the first place hit.  I told everyone to look at the TV.  We all saw the second plane hit and moments later we heard about the Pentagon and could see the smoke.  We are a small Federal Agency and we were lucky to have an Acting Administrator.  
 In " Beltway language"  that means he was a non-political, career civil servant, acting for a not yet Senate confirmed, presidential appointee.  He made an immediate decision hearing about the Pentagon and told all of us on the Executive staff to release our Staff immediately.  We were the first agency in the building to be released and most were home before the towers collapsed.  Unfortunately, if we would have had a political, (the party affiliation does not matter) the decision would probably never have been made.  In fact, the Office of the Secretary of the Department were not released until after 11:00.
 I was unable to leave until much later.  Folks were parked three levels down and sat in there cars trying to get out, but since the roads were jammed, nothing was moving.  Rumors then spread about an attack on the FBI and on the State Department.  For those who don t know Washington, D.C., the Federal buildings are in clusters.  
 Federal workers were walking around the buildings, not knowing which way to go.  You could actually see folks take a step in one direction and then go the other and then turn again, and again.  The Federal Credit Union ATM lines were huge.  Many people walked accross the bridges and right past the Pentagon.
 As was mentioned, all of the phones were disrupted.  I was getting information only because I had an Agency Blackberry providing general news updates.  My family, like most others did not know where I was for about 6 hours.  Washington D.C. is a strange place.  Everyone is either a Government employee, former government  employee, current or former military or a Federal Government contractor or a combination of all of the above.  Many people commute to NY.
 Everyone knew someone or in the schools it was common for a classmate to have lost a parent.  The Secretary of our homeowners association was killed at the Pentagon.  A year later we were hit with the sniper.  Nothing will be the same and noone will forget that day.  We now have regular shelter in place drills at the agency and other things have been put in place.  No one was prepared and everyone was touched.
 God Bless America!


 homecrewI also found out from PopUp Times, and turned my TV on.
 It was an exact reinactment of what I went through with the Oklahoma City bombing, but on a much larger scale.  The same pacing, crying, wishing I could do something...  It was just horrible.  My prayers are with the survivors today.


 homecrewI was getting ready to leave for the office but stayed glued to the TV most of the day.