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RE: Are we dying, surely but slowly ?

Started by MommaMia, Sep 30, 2003, 05:17 PM

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 birolI like it the way Cindy put it.  A large campfire with everyone sitting around.
 Yes we are family and we get along just like a " well adjusted"  family -- loving, friendly, bickering (of course).  Differences and oppinions is what keeps people together - it would be too boring otherwise.[;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Jeffrey
 Me being positive:
 No this board is not dying it s great here, and it s so much easier to keep-up with the reading. I only need to check-in once a week, and read for 2 minutes now.[:)]
 Me being negative:
 I think we are very close to the point, Where everyone will stop bothering to check here anymore. At least that s what I ve been noticeing.[:(]
 Take your pick!

 Oh, I would have replied sooner but now I check in a lot less and keep up fine[:(]


 birolAre we dying, surely but slowly?  Or as some would say, slowly but surely?  Whatever.
 This thread may be an indicator.  Having nothing much else to do I counted the post & replies just to see who s doing what on the board.  Of the 3-1/2 pages there are 64 posts, counting the original and the replies and it works out as follows:
 3 people account for 35 of the posts - over 50%
 6 more account for 15 of the posts - over 23%
 23 members made 1 post each to make up the other 27%.
 So far that gives us 9 people making 73% of the posts, which if a person would take the time to count all the threads on the forum would probably hold true for the whole forum.   Wonder who will be the #1 (fluff) poster when it s all over?  
 With deep stuff like this on the forum, we just might be dying, slowly but surely because I doubt that stuff like this will do much to keep members interested, much less draw new members.
 I think my reply makes a total of 65 posts to this never ending bit of fluff.  Now, like the 27%, I think I ll shut up and let this thread hopefully die a natural death.


 birolIs the glass half full, or half empty?   Guess it just depends on each person s own perspective.  


       What do you mean?


QuoteORIGINAL:  wiininkwe
 Is the glass half full, or half empty?   Guess it just depends on each person s own perspective.  
A shot is a shot is a shot, no matter how they are sugar coated.
 Must be clique thing (see that s a shot)


 birolWhat I meant was, that some of the posters to this thread see no threat of us fading away into the happy camping grounds.   Others are just as sure that we will.   Some are optimists, and some are pessimists, hence, you may see the glass as half full (optimists) or half empty (pesimists).   Whatever happens, will happen and we will deal with it when it does.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Wayfarer
 With deep stuff like this on the forum, we just might be dying, slowly but surely because I doubt that stuff like this will do much to keep members interested, much less draw new members.
Not nitpicking, but, I have heard this a lot. This is the " The Campfire"  forum where we indulge in non-camping stuff.  As everyone else has a right to not to post anything to do with camping in the general forum, we have the right to post and discuss various stuff in this forum.
 Can we be done with the fluff argument please ?


QuoteORIGINAL:  birol
 Can we be done with the fluff argument please ?
Birol wanting to stop a " fluff"  post -- he must not be feeling very well right now[;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  wiininkwe
 What I meant was, that some of the posters to this thread see no threat of us fading away into the happy camping grounds.   Others are just as sure that we will.   Some are optimists, and some are pessimists, hence, you may see the glass as half full (optimists) or half empty (pesimists).   Whatever happens, will happen and we will deal with it when it does.
Let?s not start making generalization about people because of their view on THIS subject. If you do that the next thing you know, someone that is offended by being called a pessimists, half empty kind of person because of one single opinion on a subject might begin to generalize and say you, the optimists on this subject aren t being a realist and are acting like the preverbal ostrich.
 You are right about the fact that whatever happens, happens. All of us dues paying members will deal with it when it happens



QuoteIMO keeping this message board does their Mag more harm than good.
 Best thing that could be done now IMO, is close the board.

 And still, you chose to post here.  hmmmm....



 birolSorry, didn t mean to offend any doomsayers, and heaven forbid that anyone get the idea that the ostriches are a clique.  


QuoteORIGINAL:  wiininkwe
 Sorry, didn t mean to offend any doomsayers, and heaven forbid that anyone get the idea that the ostriches are a clique.  

 I sure I just misunderstood you, lets see anyone that is of the other thought on this post has now been called a pesimist, glass is half empty kind of person and doomsayers. Sorry for the misunderstanding I sure you didn t mean to offend.
 oh and [;)]