RE: I have an idea, but I need your help and the help of Popup Times.

Started by homecrew, Oct 16, 2003, 07:37 PM

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 CajunCamperI m in - just love those virtual camping trips- all the beans & chili you can eat and no fumes!!!!!  Should I start baking the bricks of pumpkin bread????  Where s NightOwl Elisa?


Count me in.  I've been wanting to get out the cast iron cookware to make cornbread to go with the chili.  Let me know when y'all will be arriving so I can have the field mowed all the way down to the pond.  Where is Chubs?  NightOwl had better get back soon so we can get this trip on the road.;) :D   Now this will make me get back on track! (after that terrible login episode in the wee hours.):D


Well, this seems to be one of the threads that lost its first posts.  Cajun was asking about a virtual rally.

Well, count all of us at PUT in!

As always, we will even bring some give aways to the rally :D


Might be the only way I could attend a rally. So when is it? Shall I bring fire starters?


OK, when are we having this rally.  I could use some camp time :eek:


OK, I'm in, but I work weekends, so can you guys go camping during the week?


Quote from: MtnCamperOK, I'm in, but I work weekends, so can you guys go camping during the week?
Me too.  Let's do it during the week, say on Mondays & Tuesdays?


Quote from: tim5055OK, when are we having this rally. I could use some camp time :eek:
Quote from: tim5055Right now I'm on day number 17 working without a day off. looks like about 14 more.
You sure can use time to camp.  Sure hope that you're not salary.  If so, what a lot of comp time ---hmmmmmm long camping trip for comp time OR overtime -- that's a tought decision;)


I'm ready for a trip :p , when are we leaving???


Twinddling my thumbs waiting, but getting the problems squared away with the board is more important right now.


Let's get this camping trip on the road.  I have already loaded the chili vat on top of the popup.  I am waiting for Topcat to show up any minute as he will catch the wonderful smell of chili in the air.  The plan is to go a bit north from NC until cold weather is encountered and then we will all come back to NC for a bit of camping time in the big field of my farm.  From there we will head further south toward Camper Jones and then swing back up toward NightOwl's farm.  Anyone can join in this campout at any time from anywhere.  There's no telling just where we may end up on this virtual camping trip.  Anyone who wants us to stop by their place or to join us, just let us know.
Now the chili vat is all bubbling on top of the popup.  I was careful not to exceed the popup loaded weight but it was difficult.  I put in the other cast iron in the back of the TV so we can have some cornbread.  I need someone to bring more wood, so I can build a campfire to cook over for the cornbread.  I am heading up to Virginia to pick up Dave at Pop Up Times and the webmaster.  They will be monitoring the board by wireless connection through the big radio tower attached to the roof of my tow vehicle.  That means that I may have to bypass some bridges and power lines, but now to worry about that as wiininkwe has loaned me some blades from her lawnmower. These blades are installed on the tower so the whole tow vehicle with the tower and chili vat can become airborne.  Where is Buford, NightOwl and Topcat?  Now who will join us next?  Let's get going.:D


I'll join in when you come our way.  Chili sounds good right now.  Nice campfire, a few cold ones, and nice conversation will help out nicely.  Maybe we'll bring a few of the mutts with us anyone have any problems with "MORE THAN 2 DOGS":eek:


All dogs welcome. Let me rephrase that, bring your dogs.  Buford is at the back of the popup and trailing behind.  He won't mind at all, except the time when I went over a pothole in the road and some of the chili jumped right out of the vat and onto his back.  Ouch that had to hurt.  Well this popup parade is on the way up to Elon and brydr1's place where he will join in with his new TT (gone to the darkside) and then we'll head down to wahoonc's and get him and AirAngel to go along and even down to Fly's and MrGadget's so they can all join the fun.  It may take a few days to get up to Dave's and Pop Up Times.  They had better get their stuff loaded with all the freebies to hand out around the campfire when we set up camp and take some break time.:D