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Main Menu more suffering

Started by Danusmom, Oct 27, 2003, 03:25 PM

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I want to thank you all for the prayers you've offered as my FIL has suffered from ALS (AKA Lou Gerhig's Disease) for the past 3 years. DH just called after receiving the call saying his father has passed away (~1 hour ago). We are very grateful DH could spend time with him this past weekend out in suburban Chicago area. I'm off to pack us up to head out tomorrow morning.


so sorry to hear your sad news. Drive carefully adn remember to take care of yourselves. You and your family will be in our prayers.


My sympathy is with you, as are my continuing prayers.   This is a hard time for all of you, but remember to take good care of yourselves right now, too.


Sorry to hear about your loss.  My DH was able to be at home with his father when he passed away from emphysema.  I know it was a time he treasured.


My deepest sympathy to you and your in-laws family.


Sorry to hear the bad news, we all come and go .... God be with you all .....