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Board Killers

Started by bearbait, Nov 06, 2003, 10:57 AM

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Someone must have had a bad day to be so cranky to try to make a problem of the things others have fun with.
   Please, remember that no one can have any power over how you feel unless you let them.  So don't feel as if you should drop away from the board only because someone else doesn't agree with your posting 'style'.  
  There are a lot of members of this board who are facing challenges in their daily lives, due to the economy, health matters, and other causes.   The board has become a lifeline of sorts for them, and is important to them.   A lot of these people are my friends, and it's a shame to see anyone make them feel as if their feelings are less important.  


Quote from: wiininkweSomeone must have had a bad day to be so cranky to try to make a problem of the things others have fun with.

 I don't think he had a cranky day but was trying to make a point.

I remember one thread that I looked at that had about 10 one or two word quick answers between two people.  Nothing to do with camping or the topic.  Did look like a lot of posts on the topic though.

There is not a lot of traffic on the board so there is not a lot to read.  If I get on a thread with a lot of "fluff" this gives me the impression that there is nothing to talk about and this is just stuff to make it look like there is info on the board.


It would be nice to see the board make it and have something of interest going on here to actually come and visit and post again.
Before everyone jumps on Lee and call him a Glass half empty kind of person, nay sayer, pessimist or something else maybe she should step back and look at his motivations, no evil intent.


Quote from: GeneF[It hurts to be called Board Killers. I find it offensive to be called a BOARD KILLER.


No one was mentioned as a Board Killer.

I believe that the term was used generically.  Any other term could have been used.

I don't know what you are trying to say but, People who write fluff were called board killers, here it is :

Quote from: bearbaitThis has little to do with "fluffing" anymore.  What some posters are accomplishing here is killing this board, so the name of the group "formally known as fluffers" shoud be, is board killers.

What other term did you have in mind ? It is quite offensive that you make the above statement.

When I see people chatting away about stuff I am not interested in, I just do not look at that thread anymore. I do not try police other peoples actions. Not being very active in the board and all of a sudden criticizing people who are having fun in a few threads is a very interesting very of showing ones devotion to PUT.

General forum is where all the POP-UP activity is supposed to take place, I do not see a lot of activity there. And all of a sudden a few posts in the Campfire forum is responsible for this lack of activity ? How about when Bearbait also made similar statements few months ago, were we also responsible for the lack of activity ? There was no fluff going on at that time. I was amongst the people who did his best not to lose any members, including bearbait. I think we all have to put things in perspective and be tolerant of each other. We can make this place a miserable  or a very pleasant environment by how we relate to each other.

If the idea is to cut down on the friendly talk, I think that objective has been achieved. Can we now see the activity on General forum pick up and get bigger ?



You are too sensitive.

No one's name was mentioned so I don't know who the fluffers are.

I still agree with Lee's point.  If it has offended some people so be it.  It has happened on this board before and will happen again as you well know.


Quote from: wiininkweThere are a lot of members of this board who are facing challenges in their daily lives, due to the economy, health matters, and other causes.   The board has become a lifeline of sorts for them, and is important to them.   A lot of these people are my friends, and it's a shame to see anyone make them feel as if their feelings are less important.  
You couldn't be more right, I know that's why Bearbait would not want to loose the forum but only make it better. After all he has been out of work because of an on the job injury for over three yrs. So I do agree it would be a shame to belittle his feelings


OK guys, I admit that I have been a bit slack on posting on the General Thread and on contributing there, so just go over and check out my reply on the one about tow ratings for a Grand Caravan.;)


why are we wasting all this bandwidth space on all of this fluff!?   It's no different than any of the other so called nonsense threads.


All who are complaining about the lack of meaningful info on the General Thread must now go over there and post something meaningful.:D


I keep trying to post to this thread, even though I know I should not.

You can call me a board killer too because........
I've totally lost interest in the PU camping topic.
But I keep looking here, and I also get frustrated like Lee - when there is nothing to read. Don't know why I look? I'm not obsessed with any other board?

Honestly, I've contributed nothing worthwhile in months.

I've known for a long time it's time to move on.
So before I offend anyone, because I have no reason to do that.

So for the Last Time....All good things must come to and end, and it was fun!  
"Always Wear Your Nametag'
Jeffrey    AKA -A Major Security Risk

Good luck with all the PUT changes.
They sound interesting but IMO 9 months too late for me.

(I put in a bogus email and a new password with a blindfold on.
So I won't be tempted to ever check in again. I know that's pretty pathetic, but it's cheaper than hiring a Hypnotist. ROTFLMAO!!!!)


This has been some interesting reading, to say the least.  Some valid points have been raised by all responses.  I believe that Bearbait is just trying to get us all to stop and think about why we all joined this board way back and why we are still here today AND what we can do to make it better.  Some posts do annoy me--I try to skip those and go on.  I'd rather not sift through one line comments that add little.  I was gone last week-end so didn't check in for 3 days.  There was only one page of new posts in both the general and campfire forums.  (a scrappin' board I frequent has that many posts in 15 minutes).  What is happening to PUT?  I know most of us are experienced campers; but there used to be so much more around here. Maybe we don't need the questions answered, but what happened to the sharing of other things like camping stories, good deals on "stuff", etc?  I know we all have very diverse lives but camping drew us together and is seemingly driving us apart.  Yes, we are busy but how much time does it take to check this board out?  It's time to stop making excuses and get this board back to something great.  If not, I fear we'll see the active membership continue to dwindle.  (and please don't jump too hard on Bearbait--his ankle can't take it.)


Quote from: cycloneIf not, I fear we'll see the active membership continue to dwindle.  (and please don't jump too hard on Bearbait--his ankle can't take it.)

Everytime attacks are made on people who make PUT what it is, we are loosing people. I wonder who is going to disappear this time, Angelsmom10 ? wiinkiwe ? B-Flat ? Me ? Oh yeah like Nightowl and others who already chose to leave laast time something very similar happened , we don't make up this board. I am sorry I even mentioned it. All I see is negative effect on PUT. Another axe at its roots. Not to add or continue to damage PUT, I am not going to post anymore in this thread.


"(and please don't jump too hard on Bearbait--his ankle can't take it.)"
Sorry, I just had knee replacement surgery, so take it easy on me, too. And on a few others who are having problems.
I agree with Birol, and this will be my last post on this thread too. But many of us have been out of work, or had medical problems, or both. We aren't attacking others for the way they post. We try to maintain the friendly spirit of the board. If you want to read fluff, then read our posts. If not, then don't. It's that easy. If the administration wants us to stop posting fluff, I assume they'll tell us so, and then I'll stop posting it. But no one else has the authority to tell the rest of us how to post. That's why we have the campfire forum, to post the things that appeal to us.


I can see both sides of this but if I must admit I feel much the same way Birol does.  Yes, calling the "fluff posters"  Board Killers was pointing a finger, especially at Birol, since Birol has actually been referred to as Mr. Fluffington.  Using the term Board Killers is name calling, just as Mr. Fluffington is.  But the difference is that Board Killer is  derogatory name calling and Mr Fluffington was a jesting name posted in good spirits between friends.  But I don't think anyone should hold anything  against you, Bearbait, for using that term.  If anyone takes offense to that term, then maybe that person, in a little subconcious part of their mind, feels like they are guilty of "board killing" and I don't think they should  feel guilty.  I don't think there is anything wrong with fluff.

I think the reason there are so many fluffy posts is just that there isn't a usable chat forum to do the fluffy stuff at.  The  fluff posters are generally very good about keeping their fluff in the campfire forum.  Campfire is for OT.  OT is just that... Off topic and fluff is OT.  And it seems to me that means that anything fluffy can and should be discussed there.  If anyone is bored with the content of what's posted in a thread in, just move on.  Nobody is forcing anyone to read all the posts in a topic.  If anyone thinks a post has gotten too fluffy, then by all means, post something to the thread that is more meaningful to get it back on track.

Sometimes I stop reading a thread because of the fluff but I admit, I post fluff too and if anyone is annoyed by that... well, oh well.  I am not going to change my actions just to conform to what pleases somebody else.  And I don't think it's fair for anyone to expect me to.  That would be just as bad as me saying I don't think anyone should post threads or post in threads that  raise confrontation.  Everyone should be able to post what they like and not be discourage from doing so as long as the posts follow the rules of allowable content.

Thank you Bearbait for posting this.  It's a good topic of discussion and it's nice to hear from you.  We don't hear from you very often anymore.


This has made for some interesting reading with my morning coffee.
  OK, this is how I see it....take it for just that, my thoughts on this issue.
  While there are many time a subject gets waylayed by one liners, I just skip over the one liners and continue thru the post. The amount of "Fluff" in the campfire section dosen't phase me. That's what it's here for. Even I am guilty of "fluff".
  What the issue really is, is the lack of activity in the General and other camping related sections. All though using different terms, even Birol brought up this same subject not long ago himself.
  The lack of activity is caused by ALL of us. As I have said in the past when this subject gets brought up, the Board is what WE ALL make it. The lack of posts on camping subjects is brought on by everyone here.
 Instead of sitting back and watching things die slowly and complaning about the board being slow, if everyone pulls out their keyboard and uses it, things would change.
Until that happens, I'm afraid nothing will change and the board will get slower and slower until there is nothing left.:mad:
 The thing that boggles my mind is , why would someone pay their membership fee to do absolutely nothing but sit and wait for the activity to begin. It beigins  or ends soon as we all log on.....regardless of how often that is. Once a day, once a week or once a year.