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sobering thought: deadly flu epidemic this year

Started by NightOwl, Nov 26, 2003, 11:21 AM

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hey guys, I  heard on MSNBC earlier today that 4 little kids have died of flu in Colorado.  And many more are infected and in hospital.  Funny thing is, the ones who died did not show the usual symptoms (kids dont, it turns out) we associate with flu like aching and  fever and bad respiratoiry problems.  

So, be sure to get your flu shots--it only takes 2 weeks now for it to confer immunity.  (Unfortunately, this year's vaccine does NOT protect you from at least  one strain making the rounds  which is particularly  severe.)  while you wont be completely safe, it will at least help to receive the shots.


We have had a number of schools with 30 to 40% kids out. A few of them have just shut down for a week at a time. Lots of people gone from work too. It may be a long winter in more ways than one.......


Quote from: MtnCamperWe have had a number of schools with 30 to 40% kids out. A few of them have just shut down for a week at a time. Lots of people gone from work too. It may be a long winter in more ways than one.......

Yes, Gary--and now all we need ts a SARS ourbreak   :(

  I just saw a heartbreaking interview with the stunned parents of the "perfectly healthy" 8 year old boy who died yesterday.  Their remarks haunt me and remind me how unpredictable and uncertain life is.  

Be sure to hug your kids often, everyone--I know that everyone here fortunate enough to still have their kids around, makes good use of hugs and "I Love You's".  Our two DD's are grown and live far from us with  families of their own but I never fail to say I love you when we talk on the phone  Yes, even when the little imps irritate me ;)  :eek:  (and they still do now and then--after all, they are STILL my  KIDS!  :D


Very well said about the flu shots.  Also, to help prevent some of the germs from getting into your system, be sure to wash your hands before meal time and try to stay away from those coughing and sneezing.  Hey, those mints in the reach in jar are said to be carriers of lots of germs.  Just be careful and try to stay healthy all winter.

Miller Tyme

Around here, it's whooping cough. Yep, in our county alone, there's been 80+ confirmed cases. Our kid's school has at least 6 cases, but our kids are vaccinated against it.


They give us flu shots at work each fall.  This year to save money the state decided not to give us the shots :mad: ...but then the state legislatures got their shots and word leaked out that they had received them so now they have to give them to everyone.  Monday at 11 AM I will have mine. :)


Quote from: tlhdocThey give us flu shots at work each fall.  This year to save money the state decided not to give us the shots :mad: ...but then the state legislatures got their shots and word leaked out that they had received them so now they have to give them to everyone.  Monday at 11 AM I will have mine. :)
Isn't it nice, when some of us are more equal than the rest ? Of course they are in the ligislature, sheeeesh ! Stuff like this makes me so upset !

About the flu, I heard about the little boy last night, all he had was a tummy ache, it is so sad  :(  :(


Quote from: tlhdocThey give us flu shots at work each fall.  This year to save money the state decided not to give us the shots  :)

Ah, yes, Tracy, another example of government fairness at work.  This is so funny--what genius beancounter came up with this brilliant idea?  Does the state of Pennsylvania not provide  sick leave to its employees?  (Statistics  reveal that  millions, perhaps even  billions,  of dollars are  lost to our economy each year because of  flu and similar diseases. )

 Flu shots are dirt cheap and without them  the state of Pennsylvania (using TAX PAYERS' MONEY)  would probably   spend far more on lost work time and compensation as well as people working sick spreading the disease and only halfway doing their jobs.  OF COURSE, the Pa Legislators need free flu shots! Everyone knows how important it is to take care of the legislature.  State legislatures are the REAL workforce that  keeps things running on a daily basis all around the USA, aren't they?--oh yeah, ahh hah, yep.  Too bad we dont have an icon for total disgust.


Well, they are off on a particular strain of the flu this year in the shots, but that shouldn't keep anyone from taking the shots that are in the "at risk" group.  I would be concerned about the strains that are covered by the shots.  Those shots are cheap, so it should help one build resistance and not get so sick.  tlhcoc, you are very wise to get your shot and protect your health.

Acts 2:38 girl

After reading what Nighowl wrote about the 8 year old boy (Man, to close to home!) I'm calling to get EVERYONE thier flu shots tomorrow!


4 deaths in Ontario reported because of flu today, one of them a child  :(


If you want to read more about this.....
Click here


That is sad news.  I hope everyone will take precautions.


Kids got their flu shot on Monday.  I got mine too, except I get a half dose the first shot and then the other half dose a week apart.  This eliminates my arm from swelling and pain which is a reaction I get when I get the shot all at once, I'm not sure why.  

Wash, wash, wash your hands as much as you can after you've been out in public or carry hand sanitizer in your car so you can use it as soon as you get in it.  If you are touching grocery carts, elevator buttons, even pens at the bank or store to write with and someone else has the flu and has used those items, well the virus could be on them, and once you touch it and then touch your eyes or nose to itch them...well you've just given it a highway to travel through your system.  I even have no hesitation to pull my shirt collar up over my nose if someone sneezes next to me especially if they are gross enough not to cover their own mouth!


I'm scared to get a flu shot because I know five people this year (from different areas, but all in Oklahoma) who came down with the flu the day after receiving the shot, and now they have a sore arm to go with it!
I know it's a killed virus and doesn't cause the flu - I'm not doubting that.  But my theory is that your immune system is down a bit from your body making the antibodies so if you are exposed the virus (or were already exposed at the time of the vaccination but your body unbeknownest to you was busy fighting it) what might have otherwise been a slight case that you barely noticed because your white blood cells had it under control could become a full-fledged flu.
*shrug*  I have no idea, but I'm just leery of it at this point.  I'm not sure if I'm going to take the kids in to get their shot or not.  :(