Self-service Negative Bouyancy Rally II, Jan. 16.17 & 18

Started by Surfcal, Dec 06, 2003, 09:26 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: 6QuigsArghhhh,

Well I'm home, but not camping yet.
It looks like I will not get out of here till 8:00pm,
which means not arriving at Chabot till after 9:00pm.
Sure hope Surf brought his portable daylight with him :cool:
I'll be sure to wake you up when I get there tomorrow Kevin.   :D

You should call Mike for some setting-up-in-the-dark tips.

Red neff Barchetta

Btw, my paperwork says they lock the gate at 10:00 tonight.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaTo pour salt on the wound is the fact that I had done all my pre-trip stuff I do before I bring the PU to the house -
Fill tires, check lug nuts, fill fresh (flush) H2O for the CP, fill LP, etc...   :(

Oh well, at least it's ready to roll if we can find time to go soon.   :)

Hey Neff,
We'll be hanging out at the Santa Cruz KOA in two weeks (Saturday night), you could be the first to see the new wheels.  So if you head out camping feel free to join the party.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: RTurnerHey Neff,
We'll be hanging out at the Santa Cruz KOA in two weeks (Saturday night), you could be the first to see the new wheels.  So if you head out camping feel free to join the party.
Thanks Rojana!
We just might do that.   :)
We have a membership to the Monterey Aquarium that gets anyone with us in free too.
Let me kick this around for a few days and I'll let you know.

Red neff Barchetta

Headin' out in just a bit.  Going solo.

I'm now the only healthy one in the family so it's definitely good that we didn't go camping this w/e.  I guess that's one good thing about being the first one to get sick - you're the first one to get better.

Can't wait to see how they all settled in and which sites they set-up in.

Red neff Barchetta

Just returned from a terrific laid back rally!
Got my fix of a roaring campfire, blue sky amongst the tree tops, PU smell, mod's., fresh air, bike riding, food, & drink in today.
What a great group of fun people.  They were just dropping the 2nd. turkey into the fryer as I left at 8:30 tonight.  Everyone offered up a bunk for me and if Amy wasn't here with 2 sick kids I definitely would have stayed.  What hospitality!
Tania's birthday party was a major success.

An added bonus for me was on my way out of the campground tonight I was high on a ridge and was treated to the lights of Oakland & S. F. off in the distance which were absolutely spectacular!  The neat thing about Chabot is that the campground and lake are away from all of the city noise & lights, but you're only 15 minutes away.  My drive was only about 65 minutes each way.

Really glad I went today and spent the day with good friends!   :)   Just wish I could have stayed the night.


Glad you and everyone was having a great time. Sounds like the weather was real nice for this weekend adventure.
 Jeff hope everyone gets better real soon.
 I can't wait for OLEMA RALLY. I should have the banner back from the graphic place by then and I think it's pretty cool.   Chat later.


Looks like Jeff and us had the same day yesterday; only we crashed the Madonna group.  I guess they were late getting sites at Chabot so went to the next closest place.  A great campfire, as always great food and lots of laughs along the way.  Lon and I left about 9 and were treated to the lights of Watsonville, Salinas, and Santa Cruz on our way down the mountain; certainly not SF and Oakland, but very nice anyway. 45 mins and we were home and warm.
Lon is doing his scuba thing and I am trying to get back in gear after the holidays and compnay.
Happy Birthday, CA-Girl.  Sounds like we missed a great party!!! Best wishes for a Grrrrreat year.((((hug))))
I promise to keep in better touch.  Looking forward to Olema (although we won't get there til Friday thanks to this darn scuba class grrrrrrrr).  But we will get there.  Anyone staying over til Monday?  


This was a boy's only weekend, as Margaret & Ash stayed home, and I took the 3 boys off camping with me.
We managed just fine, and thanks to Surf for holding the flashlight to guide me back into my site.
For those that couldn't make it, once again you missed some great moments, many of which we will be told at future rallies, like Pete breaking the handle on the blender, then Surf filling the blender with ice & tequila, and lifting it, but the bottom was not on, so it just poured on the ground.

Strip zoom was an interesting variation.
Funny how everyone paid more attention, and we never did resolve if 100 and 101 are zooms, as they have two number 1's in them!!

Tania's party was great, thanks to Holly and Surf for putting your heads together and pulling it off.

Kids are cleaned, and the trailer put away, so I'm off to spend time with my wife,
Will check back in later



We're home now, just finished a turkey sandwich and a beer - guess I'll miss out on my Blue Fin tonight  :rolleyes: .

Ray, I now know how to use the timer on the camera  :confused:. Of course, you know I'll post the group shot that doesn't include me - gotta keep my air of mystery  ;).

I think I captured the picture (or 2) that really define the weekend. How do I get them onto the WEB site ?

Hope everyone made it home alright and had as good a time this weekend as we did !!!

Red neff Barchetta

Hey Steve -
Which is it? -
Z-mommies or Zeye-moe-mies (Like Simonize)

Your answer is very important to the competancy of Ray/Cough.  I need to know if he was setting me up or just simply drunk.   :)

Red neff Barchetta

Btw Kevin -
You handled the 3 boys very well!  I was very impressed and also glad to hear that Margaret was able to have a well-deserved girls only w/e.
I bet take-down/packing up was a snap this morning.  Hopefully you found all of your fryer accessories as I watched the kids carry different parts all around Holly & Pete's site, lol.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaBtw Kevin -
You handled the 3 boys very well! I was very impressed and also glad to hear that Margaret was able to have a well-deserved girls only w/e.
I bet take-down/packing up was a snap this morning. Hopefully you found all of your fryer accessories as I watched the kids carry different parts all around Holly & Pete's site, lol.
Sorry again folks about cancelling last minute. If you recall, we had something unavoidable come up. That unavoidable thing was purchasing a 1999 Starcraft Travelstar 17CK. Yep, that's right, the Sactocampers bought a little 17 foot hybrid. Has AC, furnace, fridge, TV antenna, outside shower, dual lp tanks, dual batteries (6-volts I think, I can't actually see them), microwave, and other goodies. I was a little apprehensive with the minivan but we test towed it with three adults a toddler and a full tank of water (30 gallons I think, 20 at least) to simulate being fully loaded and it towed fine. Yes, I could feel the added resistance, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's the same width as out popup, so only additional height added to the drag. 57 mph gave me 14-15 mpg. Predictably, hills slowed us down some but we always had enough for 55 mph. We towed from Richmond to Davis and there were some decent grades. It tracked really well even without WD or anti-sway, which I will be installing.
It needs a thorough cleaning but was in otherwise good condition and the price was good.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaHey Steve -
Which is it? -
Z-mommies or Zeye-moe-mies (Like Simonize)

Your answer is very important to the competancy of Ray/Cough. I need to know if he was setting me up or just simply drunk..

It is Zeye-moe-mies.



The Los Lonely Boys are playing Santa Rosa at the Last Day Saloon on Thursday February 5th. They will be at Slims on Friday the 6th. That's the extent of their california club dates.

I will check with Anne Marie (as soon as she wakes up from her knapp  :p ) and let you know if we will fly to San Diego on Friday or Saturday. If we leave on Saturday then I will definitely be going to Slims to see these guys on Friday !!

I'll keep you posted.