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RV owners manual ?

Started by woodthumb, Dec 31, 2003, 02:23 PM

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Hey guys.. any ideas where my friend can get an owner's manual for his just bought 1990 Cobra Malibu RV ?  It's a 28' Class A that needs a little work, but he is excited... just can't figure out all those switches and stuff. Many thanks. ( Cobra went out of business in 1994 )


Things like the water heater, refrigerator, stove, water pump, etc. are made by companies that may be in business.  If they are, your friend can check on the web and find information on the "appliances".


Not too many users here have owned much more than a PU, though a few here have. Though I hate to endorse other sites, you might find more useful information about MH's at or in their forums.


I would suggest contacting the mfg or an RV repair place, and I'm sure you can purchase for a few $$.



Ask Pete at the following link. (But, don't use all caps when typing the question....he doesn't like "shout" questions)! ;) Pete...master mechanic

Used 2B PopUPTimes

Cobra was purchased by Forest River, try contacting them.