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It's Happened Again -- Pancreaitis

Started by angelsmom10, Jan 01, 2004, 08:41 AM

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It's happened again -- well at least to us, this past year, we have dealt with our largest dog having pancreaitis 2 times, now our beagle is at the vet and being treated for it.  Our dogs get better medical than we do.


Hmmm...Seems strange that two different dogs are getting pancreatitis. Is there something in their diet that might be causing it?

I hope they get better! Dogs are like our kids, aren't they!



We asked the vet -- he said that a change in diet can do it.  -- Let's see, we use Science Diet (which the vet recommended), never switch, do no give table scraps -- no change.

Growing up, we had at least 6 dogs and their diet was...  table scraps from every meal.  Dog food was whatever was the cheapest when we needed to purchase.  They had dry and canned and it was always what was on sale.  DH had 3 dogs and they all got table scraps.
My grandfather (rest his soul) - had a large farm in TN and always had a ton of dogs, and their diet was strictly table scraps and no problems.
With DH out of work, the funds are just so tight -- more vet bills is not what we need.
We just want answers, and MIL asked her vet and he had no answers either.