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Have you ever had an ocular migraine?

Started by Camperroo, Jan 27, 2004, 07:37 PM

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It's amazing how many people get so many forms of these migraines.  Even today I still have just a dull headache and my eyes hurt, but that might be from all the eye drops they gave me yesterday.

My husband gets the type of migraine where he sees almost lightening like streaks before his eyes and then has difficulty seeing and then gets a killer headache.  He got one when we were in the Class C we had rented for our cross country trip, glad we were in that at the time because it was boiling hot out and we pulled into a reststop, turned on the generator to run the AC and closed all the blinds because he needed darkness and lay down on the bed for almost 4 hours!!  I assumed that was what a migraine was...not what I experienced, but now I know.  Bugs me to have such a weird thing happen because it's so out of one's control.  Doctor said they could really happen at anytime or not happen encouraging and scary because I'm always driving the kids around town!!!

For all migraine sufferers you have my complete sympathy and I wish you a comfy ice pack, darkness and peace and quiet till they subside!!


I too suffer from migraines and was down and out yesterday with one. They always seem to come on fast when things get messed up in my life (I get too busy and stressed out). Spent 4 hours in a dark blacked out room with NO noise. I get so sensitive to smells also. The nauseau is also common with migraines. Mine often come on with a sudden change in the barametric pressure. DH now calls me his storm watch system LOL. How you handle them is different for us all Ibuprofen and gravol work for me the next person it doesn't touch. I do know that when its bad enough its off to the hospital for a shot of demerol.  Unfortunately I am not one of the ones who get warning signs I just wake up or develop this lovely feeling of my head being in a vice.


Consider that some of your migraines might be brought on by allergies to food or environmental things.  That's what happened to me.  Try eliminating a lot of salt from your diet and chocolate, peppermint, anything with caffeine in it even if it says caffeine free.  Most decaf drinks and coffee still have minute quantities that can set off/trigger a migraine.  Only Sprite, 7-Up and Ginger ale don't have caffeine in them.  Try the elimination for about 6-month to a year.  It worked for me and I now limit chocolate and other things that bother me.    Another thing that can set off a migraine is being around smokers...some people do not realize that second hand smoke can cause a migraine.  It has happened to me and to others.  In fact, I was sent to the ER twice with a migraine plus broken out in hives before it was discovered that I had a severe allergy to cigarette smoke.  Therefore, my problems were caused by both food and environmental things.  In addition to certain foods and smoke, other things like mold and mildew can trigger headaches.  I can also tell you when a storm is coming because I can feel the pressure in my head, mainly in the sinus areas.  These things left unchecked can just continue to be troublesome and affect the way you feel and the way you work.  Sometimes it can get debilitating. Finding the causes takes quite a bit of patience and trial and error.  When there are visual disturbances, pain, and/or dizziness, any one of these or a combination is your body sending signals that it cannot handle something.  Just because you have eaten and been around these things all your life does not mean that it is alright to continue to the way you are.  It might be that your body has just been stressed to a certain point that it can no longer handle these allergins or environmental concerns.  It might be something that has built up over a long period of time until something now is happening in your body.