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surgery went well

Started by MommaMia, Jan 27, 2004, 07:57 PM

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Both of my DDs had their tonsils out as soon as was allowable in our hospital. We had so many troubles with sore throats, tosilitis and ear infections that the dr's said it would be for the best. With the first it was he***** she wouldn't drink or take her meds unless we pinned her down and forced her. Finally it came down to being straight out honest with her even though she was 3 drink or go back to teh hospital for another iv. Now dd #2 was the opposite. she was/is my iquisitive child she found ketchup potato chips in the rec room left over from the pj party the night before and ate them before we seen her. She munched them back like nothing had happened. I freaked out called the dr who got a good giggle and told me just to be vigilant for bleeding (she was fine)
Our kiddos take their q's from us and we can influence a lot including attitude.
My prayers are with you today and for the next few days. Before you know it life will be back to normal without that problem of possible infections hanging over your head.


I hope everything has gone well for your DD. My son had his adnoids and tonsils removed when he was 6. All went well and now he sleeps with no breathing problems (no snoring!!). It was easier than I thought, because like you, it was the first time any of my children had gone in for surgery. He has since gone in for surgery on a lazy eye and that was corrected, no more patches. I have your DD in my prayers and wishes!!


Zoe is doing well for now.  Her throat is still numb so she's not feeling too bad... YET!  I know what's coming.  I feel so bad that she's going to be so miserable very soon.
Everything went smoothly. It was quick.  When they came out to the waiting room to get me I was surprised she was done so soon.  I got into the recovery room just as she was waking up.  She was so out of it!  Crying and very disoriented.  She was worried that something was wrong... kept saying "Am I OK?  Is it too soon?"  She saw the iv in her hand and thought something was terribly wrong.  I had told her before she went in about the iv.... they didn't put it in until after she was out and she thought it would be gone by the time she woke.  So when she saw it she was scared.  Poor baby!  They had me climb in bed with her. They gave her some morphine to ease her out of her frightfulness.  She dozed for about an hour and when she woke again she was much, much more relaxed.
Erik left while she was dozing so I had Noah (3 year old)to take care of too.  But he was such an angel!  Played quietly with his cars.  When I had to get out of the bed to go to the waiting room to get our jackets he asked if he could climb up in the bed an snuggle Zoe so if she woke up and I wasn't there she wouldn't be scared.  When I came back in Zoe was awake and Noah was stroking her face and hair, softly saying "It's ok Zoe... you did a good job."  It's a moment I'll never forget!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.  Keep it up!  The next couple days are going to be rough.


Our kids amaze us sometimes, don't they? Those memories are priceless. So glad to hear all is going as well as expected. Now to pull out her favorite videos, games and books.


Quote from: MommaMiaEverything went smoothly. It was quick.  When they came out to the waiting room to get me I was surprised she was done so soon.  

I had tonsils out, adnoids out, and tubes put in my ears when I was seven.  My mom says she went through the same thing.  They came out so quickly and the first thing they said to her was, "It's over."  The first thought that came to her mind was they meant I had died!  

I'm so glad your pretty little girl is through with the surgery and on her way to feeling better!  :)


Glad to hear that she is thru with it. Hopefully the next week will be easy on everybody and soon she will forget all about it. Giver her a big pat on the back from us  :W


Quote from: MommaMiaThe thing she is most nervous about is the neddle in her hand.  She's not so bad with shots but I think she's creeped out by the thought of the needle just sitting there.

Diane has some good advice. Also tell her the needle is actually taken out when the IV is inserted. The flexible catheter is "mounted" on a sharp needle. The flexible plastic (actually, Teflon) catheter is left in the vein. If the needle were left in, a wrong movement could damage the vein. But maybe if she knew it was plastic and flexible, she might not freak so bad about it.



Our DD was shocked to see the thingie to come out of her when she was discharged from the hospital. Good thing she didn't know that all that thing was in her vein :)

Quote from: brainpauseDiane has some good advice. Also tell her the needle is actually taken out when the IV is inserted. The flexible catheter is "mounted" on a sharp needle. The flexible plastic (actually, Teflon) catheter is left in the vein. If the needle were left in, a wrong movement could damage the vein. But maybe if she knew it was plastic and flexible, she might not freak so bad about it.



Glad to hear she's OK.  How sweet of your son brought a tear to my eye (I'm a sap).  Give her our best wishes for a speedy recovery.


I'm so happy your DD is ok.   Such scary stuff when our kids are ill or need surgery.  My DD's pediatrician recommended we think about having her tonsils out because she keeps collecting these big white calcium deposits in them (sorry don't mean to be gross) that she eventually has to cough out.  As a result when they are brewing she too has yucky breath which at 14 is a huge concern for her...but honestly I'm too scared to let her have the tonsil surgery and she isn't so into doing it either.  We're hoping salt water rinses will help elminate the calcium deposit.

I'll be keeping your DD in my thoughts tonight and hope the next fews days go well for her and she gets through comfortably.


Cindy, your DS is such a sweetheart!  Be sure to talk to your DD and tell her how wonderful everything went and that it will take just a little while to get better.  She is going to be fine, I know.  

I had mine out at age 19 and it was no fun.  There were problems....first they left me waiting too long after the prep before surgery and were cutting into me and I was yelling in pain.  So, they stop a bit and prep again.  Next they thought I was having too much bleeding after the surgery because I had thrown up...a whole entourage (maybe not the right words, but it is what I thought at the time) of nurses  and doctors were hovering over me, wired me up for "sound" and all.  This goes on for what seems an eternity but was probably about 30-45 minutes until they decided it was all a false alarm.  I was so much better after that surgery.  Next, want to hear about my gall bladder surgery?;) :D :J


Quote from: CamperrooMy DD's pediatrician recommended we think about having her tonsils out because she keeps collecting these big white calcium deposits in them (sorry don't mean to be gross) that she eventually has to cough out.  As a result when they are brewing she too has yucky breath which at 14 is a huge concern for her...but honestly I'm too scared to let her have the tonsil surgery and she isn't so into doing it either.  We're hoping salt water rinses will help elminate the calcium deposit.

This was the reason for Zoe's bad breath.  I had them too and it's why I had my tonsils out 8 years ago.  Doctors vary with their explanation of the chunky (and yes, VERY smelly) things.

 One Dr. told me that it was infected, solidified mucous... another said it was actually bits of necrotic(dead) tissue.  Zoe's ent agrees with the last suggestion.  He says it's mostly little tiny bits of sloughed off tissue from the mouth that collects in the deep honecomb-like folds of the tonsils.  Once there, they stick together with plaque (like what's on your teeth) and mucous and starts to rot.  That's why it's so stinky.  

Mouth plaque is millions of little bacteria that live in your mouth and process the sugars from your food into an acid.  That's how you get cavities.  The acid eats away at your teeth.  But those plaque bacteria also produce waste (poop) just like every other living creature and this is another reason for the stinky smell. (I am a dental assistant)

People with the chunky things that come out of their tonsils have tonsil structure that is more honeycombed with deeper pockets than people who don't get these grody little things.  The ent said it's also like to be herdeitary.  If a parent has bigger deeper honeycombs than most, then the child is more likely to have the problem too.

I was 26 when I had my tonsils out and it was rough... But as bad as it was, I'm am extremely happy that I did it and don't regret going through the week or so of pain one bit.

The ent said NOBODY should have to go through life with smelly chunks and embarassment from bad breath.


Quote from: B-flatCindy, your DS is such a sweetheart!  Be sure to talk to your DD and tell her how wonderful everything went and that it will take just a little while to get better.  She is going to be fine, I know.  

I had mine out at age 19 and it was no fun.  There were problems....first they left me waiting too long after the prep before surgery and were cutting into me and I was yelling in pain.  So, they stop a bit and prep again.  Next they thought I was having too much bleeding after the surgery because I had thrown up...a whole entourage (maybe not the right words, but it is what I thought at the time) of nurses  and doctors were hovering over me, wired me up for "sound" and all.  This goes on for what seems an eternity but was probably about 30-45 minutes until they decided it was all a false alarm.  I was so much better after that surgery.  Next, want to hear about my gall bladder surgery?;) :D :J

WOW!  UUGH!!! You were AWAKE?!?!?  Everyone I have ever spoken to has been under general anesthesia (asleep) for the procedure, me and Zoe included!

I like the gory stuff so if you want to get into details about the gall bladder go right ahead!


Yep, I was awake and the anethesia had begun to wear off when they started!  They had some kind of emergency and left me waiting while they took care of whatever.  Later when they started, they had to stop and do the prep again.  I am glad that got overwith.  I didn't have the white spots on the outside but most of the infection was on the inside.


Written Fri 10 am...

   The night before Zoe's surgery (tues night)  Lea woke up in the middle
of the night and came to my room telling me she puked in her bed!  Uugh.

 Zoe had been doing fine, eating pretty well and drinking just fine...
until yesterday at about 6pm.  Around the same time, I started feelin a bit
queasy.  Zoe said she felt ok... just wasn't hungry.  She was still
drinking ok.  Didn't want icecream for dinner.  I only ate about 1/3 of my pasta
before I decided I had had enough.  Zoe fell asleep around 10pm.

Well, around 1 am, the puking began... not for me, just poor Zoe.  She's
puked 4 times.  After the second time she didn't want to even sip any
water,afraid she'd puke it up again.  I convinced her to drink quite a bit,
telling her that way if she pukes it will be easier since the water would
come up and not just the terrible wretching you get when it's just the
stomach juices.  When she puked again, she agreed the water made it
 The last bout (hopefully) was around 8 am.  She's been sleeping since.

 I think we are getting enough fluids in to keep her hydrated, I hope.
Even if she pukes most of it back up, at least a little gets absorbed.  I have been holding off giving her the Tylenol with codeine... she seems to puke that right back up.  Getting the regular Tylenol down and staying down longer has worked better.  Her throat must be killing her.  Poor kid.  I have a call into the dr. I know it's not a sy complication because I am sick too but I want them to be aware of her condition.  The receptionist just said push fluids, go to er if throat starts bleeding or she runs a fever.

 My stomach is still a bit flip-floppy this am but I am feeling better than last night.

Update.... 12pm Fri.
Zoe is awake and miserable.  Throat hurts so bad.  Ate a fla-vor-ice. She's
alternating dozing and whimpering.  I want to cry for her!