"Call Of The Wild" NON-rally join if you like w/e, April 16 - 18

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 31, 2004, 07:08 PM

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Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaAny George Harrison fans out there?

I'm listening to the "Concert For George" cd.  Ringo's "Photograph" has a whole new meaning.  Wow.  George's songs were/are my favorite Beatles tunes.  What a great song writer!

we saw the video of this on the airplane the other day....

I was thinking I "have to have this!"

Did you see his son?  He looks just like him!

We are off to camp at Sunset Beach for the weekend.
We will miss you all very much!

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Mr. LuckyI'm pretty giddy right now. :D  The reservations have been made for an 8:30 drop off for Max on Friday morning and tonight DW is finalizing the plans on who gets stuck with DD. We plan on leaving Sac at 9:00 on Friday morning so that should put us at the CG sometime between 10:30 and 11:00.

Jeff- Who are the final attendees?

Looks like the Champ's are going to spend a lot of time inside their PU.   :rolleyes:  ;)

Attendee's as far as I can tell;
Friday -
Darth Rvr
Nick (& tenting cousin's on their site)

Saturday -
Nick's cousin

Glad you guys can make it earlier on Friday!   :)

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Mrs. Too-good-for-our-groupwe saw the video of this on the airplane the other day....

I was thinking I "have to have this!"

Did you see his son?  He looks just like him!

We are off to camp at Sunset Beach for the weekend.
We will miss you all very much!

His son does look just like him, lol!  I've only got the cd, but have seen the dvd a few times on PBS.  Almost chokes me up.  Well, except for the sitar stuff, lol.  I know it's very spiritual, but just not my sort of instrument or music.

Have a great w/e with your "other" camping group!   :D
You and Pete will definitely be missed!!!!!!!


What's this about rain? :confused:  I'll bring my EZ Up and I always keep some tarps in the PU. Nothing like Ab/Daves pool cover though. This looks like a fun group so I'll try to keep our time in the PU to a minimum.


Quote from: Hybrid HollyWe are off to camp at Sunset Beach for the weekend.
We will miss you all very much!

I just drove out to Castroville for some artichokes. The weather is still nice and sunny but there is a cool breeze blowing.


Quote from: champ521What's this about rain? I'll bring my EZ Up and I always keep some tarps in the PU. Nothing like Ab/Daves pool cover though. This looks like a fun group so I'll try to keep our time in the PU to a minimum.


If you do that what will the rest of us have to talk about ?  :D  :D

Red neff Barchetta

If we bring awnings & tarps then we'll have gorgeous weather.  "They" have been changing their predictions every single day now for over a week.
Whatever, we're camping!   :)
I'm trying out one of those 12-volt coolers I bought for $30.00 off a customer who only used it once.  We'll see how it works.  I've read that they only get 40 degrees colder than the outside temperature.  If so, that's not too good in 100 degrees weather.  Drinks are still warm at 60 degrees.   :(   If it does work well though, then it would be great for some of our semi-secluded dry trips we have planned for this summer where ice is at least 1 1/2 hrs. away.  It's pre-cooling on 110-volt right now.  We'll see if I wasted $30.00 I guess.
We're just about ready to go.  Just need to pre-cool the PU fridge and load food, drinks, clothes, & bikes.
Can't wait to take a nap on Z's fancy new chair!   :D

Where is everyone else?  Strange.  Usually there's much more banter as the w/e approaches.
Maybe everyone is in last-minute tax shock.   :mad:  :D


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaCan't wait to take a nap on Z's fancy new chair!   :D

Yea, while we watch my battery monitor counting electrons  :rolleyes:

QuoteWhere is everyone else?  Strange.  Usually there's much more banter as the w/e approaches.
Maybe everyone is in last-minute tax shock.   :mad:  :D

Yea, at least where the heck is Ray...Ray, can you hear me...  :D  :D


Sorry Jeff for not popping in more, but work is a bit hectic right now.
They even asked me to work this weekend  :eek:
but I told them it was impossible, as I was going camping.

Last weekend was great, we were camping at Seacliff, and even thought the weather was a bit overcast, we still had a great time.
The plan was to stay till Monday evening, but unfortunately I had to fly to Phoenix on Monday, so I left Margaret, the 4 kids and my parents camping, while I went to work.
Then the plane was delayed coming home, and I didn't arrive in San Jose till 9:00pm, and then had to drive over to Seacliff, finish packing up, and tow the trailer home. We didn't leave the Seacliff till 10:00pm.
Then Tuesday morning, start on a new project, which requires 10 to 12 hour days.
Looking forward to getting a break this weekend,
and counting the electrons from Z's battery

Red neff Barchetta

Dang Kevin, that's a busy schedule you have there lately!   :(
We'll have a cold beer and a comfy chair waiting for you on Saturday and all of the other kids can keep your kids busy while you & Margaret take a break.   :)
Guess I won't mention then about scheduling a light week for myself this week due to the school break.  Or that I'm done by 12:00 tomorrow.   :D  ;)

Speaking of eating up battery electrons, that's another thing I'll be monitoring this w/e on the 12-volt cooler.  Not much good it will do dry camping if it draws a big load out of the battery.
Just might have bought myself a cheap drink cooler for the garage.  We'll see.   ;)

Red neff Barchetta

Here's the initial post again;

We have a reservation for 2 nights at Sugarloaf Ridge SP (reserveamerica.com) which is between Santa Rosa & Kenwood off of Hwy. 12.
We are arriving on Friday, April 16 and departing on Sunday, April 18.
Total cost was $31.50.
They are non-specific reservations. Choose a site upon arrival.
Be sure to state that your trailer is only 24 feet long (hey, mine is only 19' (when closed  )).
This is DRY CAMPING (with NO hook-up's) so I thought I better mention that.
There are plenty of communal water spigots and there are flush toilets (no showers). The camp host has firewood for sale ($5.00 a bundle IIRC). I will have a box of kindling at my site that everyone is welcome to take from.
Bring lanterns & flashlights as this is a SP, not an RV Park (Wait until you see all of the stars!).
I can bring my generator & battery charger if it makes anyone feel more comfortable regarding power.
This is a beautiful SP great for hanging out or doing some terrific hiking. There should still be some water in the creek that runs past some of the sites in mid-April.
The site loops are a terrific place to ride bikes around and keep the kids in view. Also, there is a giant field/meadow in the center of the largest site loop with no sites in the center. Great place for playing ball, stomp rockets, frisbee, etc...
Dogs are fine, but they are not allowed on the hiking trails. (But horses are! What's up with that?! They drop bigger bombs than dogs do, lol.)
There is an observatory and it will be open Saturday night if that interests you;
Our friend is a docent with the observatory so we would get our own personal star guide if she works that night.
Jack London lived nearby in Glen Ellen and used to ride up to Sugar Loaf regularly. You can visit his home and park. There are also a lot of wineries in the area.
The SP (& cg) is simple to get to;
From Hwy. 12, turn (left if coming from Santa Rosa or right if coming from Kenwood/Sonoma) onto Adobe Canyon Rd. & follow this for a little under 4 miles until you reach the ranger/check-in station.
*The final 1 1/2 miles (+/-) is up a very steep grade as you climb the mountain, but levels off right before you approach the ranger/check-in station.
At the corner of Hwy. 12 & Adobe Canyon Rd. is a great mexican restaurant called "Vineyards Inn" (where we have been known to cheat & have dinner at while camping at Sugarloaf  ).
The phone # for the ranger/check-in station is (707) 833-5712. *This is NOT the reservation phone # btw.
We love this SP, and not only because it is close to our home. There is also a Safeway (9 miles) nearby also.
Just thought I'd mention it if anyone is interested.
We'd love to have you join us!
Last note;
I will be arriving on Friday about 11:00 in the morning, so if anyone joins us you should send me your reservation info. so I can grab you a site next to or near us. The rangers are very cool here (usually).

If I am gone or busy when you arrive;
On my LP tanks will be a white plastic hose (used for a dishwasher) about 4' (+/-) long that you can grab as you drive around the cg loop. Pull up to a cg water spigot (that is on the driver's side of your trailer) and fill up your fresh water tank using this hose. Most of the spigots at the cg are NOT threaded so the rubber end on one end of this hose slips right onto the spigot nicely. Please replace the hose on top of my LP tanks when you are finished with it so the next arrival can use it. This way you can start with a full tank of fresh water before you un-hitch.  

Lists (for Ray) -

Don't forget;
- to fill your WH at home (this is 6 gallons you won't have to fill at the cg)
*don't do the above if your WH is behind your trailer's axle*
- fully charged battery(ies)
- charger (if you have one)
- full propane tank(s)
- grey water tote
- fresh water tote
- flashlights & lanterns
- allergy medicine if you are an allergy sufferer

9 1/2 PU's
2 Hybrid's

*11 on Friday & 12 on Saturday


Quote from: Kevin-on-the-run-quigsThen the plane was delayed coming home, and I didn't arrive in San Jose till 9:00pm, and then had to drive over to Seacliff, finish packing up, and tow the trailer home. We didn't leave the Seacliff till 10:00pm.
Then Tuesday morning, start on a new project, which requires 10 to 12 hour days.
Looking forward to getting a break this weekend,
and counting the electrons from Z's battery

Wow !! I think you need the break, along with a few nice cool Harps  :D  and we can just sit there and watch the electrons flow.... oh, oh... "Connor, Brendan, Shane...".

Too bad you won't be up til Saturday !!!  :(


One Day Left two days for some :mad:

Just hope this rain stays away, Luckily it has so far!
With some luck we shoulsd get an early start on Saturday morning.
We still have to finish cleaning up the trailer from last weekend's trip, and take out some of the 120 volt appliances we won't be needing


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaI'm trying out one of those 12-volt coolers I bought for $30.00 off a customer who only used it once.  We'll see how it works.  I've read that they only get 40 degrees colder than the outside temperature.  If so, that's not too good in 100 degrees weather.  Drinks are still warm at 60 degrees.  

I'm sure you've already got some mod in mind for it that will have it freezing your drinks in 100 degree weather.

What's on the list for the potlucks?

Red neff Barchetta

We've decided to head out in a few hours (& cheat & have dinner at Vineyards Inn).   :)
I'll see everyone there.  Drive carefully!!   :)