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Something Completely New For '04

Started by NightOwl, Feb 03, 2004, 09:57 PM

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Well, the flap over the "Costume"  is over, I hope.  And even here in  Georgia we cant go camping quite yet (although today was close.)  So we need games, always more games, you can never have too many games to help pass the time until you can camp again!.

So let's play a game of  WHAT NEW THING DO YOU WANT TO LEARN OR DO IN THIS NEW YEAR?  We can all say, and then look back later and see what we have done to make our dreams come true.

I'll get things rolling.  My Dad was a skilled welder and I always thought it would be useful for ME to know how to weld.  And fun!  So when I heard that North Georgia Technical College was offering "Welding for Artists" I signed up.  There are only six of us in the class.   It is of course a very brief and simple introduction to welding, but nonetheless, it will teach me the basics.  And we WILL actually make things.  (No muffler repairs or replacing of fenders, though.)

Meets once a week for 4 hours.  Last night I used the oxyacetylene torch to cut some steel.  Next week we start on actual projects.  I want to do something "sculptural" with steel tubing for our garden and combine the welding with some of the stained glass and beads I have been working with.  (Last year, Billy bought me an oxygen-propane torch set-up for lampworking [forming glass beads]  so at least I am used to handling a torch, even though a smaller one.

ROBERT,  Billy has already said "And I'm NOT buying you a damned welder!"  :J  :J  :J  (He thinks I already have 2 many toyz.)  But we dont have to buy a welder--a friend's  retired husband has both an arc welder and an oxyacetylene torch he says I am welcome to come and use. ( I doubt I'll ever get experienced enough to need  TIG welding but that shouldnt be a problem.)

You should see me in my welder's hood--I look like Darth Vader in drag :D  :W


When I completed college, I tried to "audit" some classes just for the hands on skills since I no longer needed the credits. I tried signing up for the welding class (not an art version), but it was so popular, they limited it to those whose degrees were welding related.

Oh well I thought, so I bought a cheap Sears arc welder, and learned the hard way. It also does carbon rod brazing, which is VERY easy and I much prefer it over oxy welding. The big advantage is you have 6500+ degrees of heat, but no pressure to blow the molten metal out of the weld. I use flux coated bronze filler rods. I've done sheet metal welding on my first conversion van that even impressed me. Still have that old welder, but it's only good for thin stuff.

Never Mig welded before, so no peeking at my work for a while, okay?  

I've always been very hands on technical type person, but I have zero art skills. I'll leave the sculpting to you.   :p

The Mig welder is surprisingly affordable. The model I'm considering is a Lincoln model 135 (comes with a regulator). It's $424 at Lowes. The gas bottle is $69 at our local gas supplier, and it's $19 to get the bottle filled with an argon mix. My wife and I are in the mode of not buying any new toys until unused ones are sold. Off to Ebay I go once again. I'll have the money soon enough. Just paid for about $600 worth of other toys with Ebay money.

So to answer your question, I want to learn how to Mig weld proficiently.

Remember, it's not my fault if you get in trouble with your spouse's for buying toys, okay?!!!   :cool:


I would like to learn the history of and the 12 basic movements of Tai Chi, and also QiQong.  I have read that it is very beneficial for arthritis sufferers, and promotes a calmer healthier lifestyle.  Since I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, and hate taking meds for pain (not that they actually help, anyway) an alternative that would help would be wonderful.  I've found an instructional tape by Dr. Paul Lam, it gives slow, detailed step by step examples of each movement, and talks about the history of the exercises.  It looks simple at first glance, but is actually more complex than you think.  I'm hoping to become proficient enough to be able to put in a Carlos Nakai flute cd (my fav is Canyon Trilogy) and do the movements without having to look at the tape.


I want to learn how to completey tear down my bicycles and rebuild them to give them a complete overhaul instead of the bike shop doing it for me. From what I understand getting the proper tools is half the battle.


I want to learn the finer points of the Reuptake of Norepinephrine and Nitroprusside in the Alpha-1 and Alpha-2 Receptors of the Myocardium, and also the Physiology of Nitric Oxide and Endothelin during Enhanced External Counterpulsation Therapy.

Actually, I just want to pay my bills this year. And get Holly through school.



This past year I bought DH a welder, he always wanted to learn to weld. A friend who does welding for a profession taught him.  We have a ulility trailer to use up at the property that needed to be rebuilt, so I encouraged him to do so, for a hobby.  (Well, I think we could bought one at Home Depot cheaper than it cost us for the welder, metal and paint. Like I said it was a hobby.) It still needs a little tweeking but he did a really good job.

So I commend you for your interest and your follow through. Keep us posted how it goes. Thanks for sharing.
Mary Romeo


I want to be able to learn to maintain both cars completely myself ! Got myself the Haynes books and I have a bunch of tools ! Can't afford to pay 78 bucks an hour for someone to do things on two cars I should be able to do myself. I am not exactly dumb, and I am very handy, so some hard steep learning  days are ahead of me.


My goal is to master FrontPage and begin using it to create a website. I want to leave the free sites which are great but are really restrictive. I have been paying for webspace for 4 years now (it comes with my internet provider) that is sitting there unused. I just purchased webuilding for dummies and am hoping to at least get started before spring hits.


I want to learn how not to work so much so I will have more time for camping.;)   Actually, I'm  going to be learning more about investing and building up my retirement nest egg so I will be able to camp more when I do retire.  Investing has become a rather complex science these days.

Acts 2:38 girl

Toni - Tai Chi is pretty hard - my Mom had a video, and there was no jumping involved, but boy did I sweat!  Good luck!

This year I would like to learn to play the violin well.  I started taking lessons a few weeks ago, and so far, so good.  I want to be able to play very well, and by memory (what's left of it!)  
And I want to have more patience with my kids!  That's a learned thing too! :)


I want to learn just what the heck everyone here is talking about!

Russian MIG welders, chinese food, mastering front pages, nest egging, playing violin, 78 bucks an hour to watch someone do things on 2 cars,  tweaking a trailer, upchucking ??phrines, ??sides (& 200 other words not in the dictionary), and disassembling your bike so you can put it back together.

Has everyone gone nuts?? Geez, when will it be warm enough to camp? I've got to get away from here.  :confused:  ;)  :rolleyes:


aaahh, Oshkiinini, only you could read Tai Chi as Chinese food.   Peggy, make sure he gets out to your favorite Asian or Thai restaurant this week.   He's having withdrawals.


topcat, this is the beginnings of PUT university with all the 101 classes.:J   Check in again soon for all the new course offerings.:D

Acts 2:38 girl

To quote myself:  
QuoteTai Chi is pretty hard - my Mom had a video, and there was no jumping involved, but boy did I sweat! Good luck!

 Chineses food??  I can see how your confused, but I must add a disclaimer of my own (it's getting very catchy Brainpause - WHAT did you start??!! :) )

DISCLAIMER:  Andrea has NEVER jumped around a Chinses resturaunt and sweated while dining.     :J   :D


I was going to start flight lessons a few years ago, but the plans fell apart.  I doubt that will happen this year, with two in college and (currently) no income.

I will probably begin studying for my MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer), which means learning things I never knew about stuff I've been paid to do for many years.
