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Not Another Winter Storm !!!!!

Started by birol, Feb 05, 2004, 02:26 PM

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We are expecting another winter storm to brew up tonight till tomorrow night ! SO MUCH FUN AND JOY !

And I am supposed to do trucking tomorrow night, yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(  :D

Starcraft Dad

Hey Birol, Just where is Whitby located.  Seems the weather you have is usually about the same we have here.  We have the asame thing coming here tonight. Snow, freezing rain and sleet into and through tomorrow.:mad:


:D :D I love the "bad" weather.  Since selling our dairy herd this fall I now have a job with the town highway department.  Storms mean overtime:)  which is something we didn't have on the farm;) .  OT means a bigger check that can go towards camping "toys":cool: .
Take care


25 miles east of Toronto ......

Just zoom out twice after clicking the link below ...

Quote from: Starcraft DadHey Birol, Just where is Whitby located.  Seems the weather you have is usually about the same we have here.  We have the asame thing coming here tonight. Snow, freezing rain and sleet into and through tomorrow.:mad:


Hpmfff. Overtime, happy that it is winter ! Hmpffff ! You just wait till those dd's grow up and blow up all the OT you make at Claire's  :J  :J  :W

Quote from: farmerI love the "bad" weather.  Since selling our dairy herd this fall I now have a job with the town highway department.  Storms mean overtime:)  which is something we didn't have on the farm;) .  OT means a bigger check that can go towards camping "toys" Take care


Birol, remember that farmer is one of those snow plow operators and if you are not careful he will be waiting around the corner just as you have shoveled out your drive.:D :D ;)


Arrrrgggghhh, I haet the snow plower guy over here ! he dumps all the snow into my driveway ! I swear, he bypasses the neighbours (keeps his distance) and dumps it all into mine ! I am going to file a complaint about it !. MY driveway is so frozed solid with the compressed snow/ice, I can't even shovel it anymore  :mad:

Quote from: B-flatBirol, remember that farmer is one of those snow plow operators and if you are not careful he will be waiting around the corner just as you have shoveled out your drive.:D :D ;)


Quote from: birolWe are expecting another winter storm to brew up tonight till tomorrow night ! SO MUCH FUN AND JOY !

And I am supposed to do trucking tomorrow night, yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(  :D

Birol, old buddy, let me get this straight:

You live in Ontario, CANADA! (in Wibby   ;) )

It is Winter time!

And you feel that yet another winter storm is an event worthy of a whole thread????   :J  

You were expecting maybe that the banana trees would be in bloom by now?
 :eek:  :Y


Winter storm? Hmmm, we had our "Blizzard of 04" a week or so ago when we got a whopping 2 inches! Looking forward to spring, which BTW is right around the corner for us...Temps should warm and tree's start budding in about 3-4 weeks!!!


Absolutely, Spring is in the air around here, especially with that groundhog seeing his shadow in PA, so the winter weather will be there.  It's going to be well into the upper 60's the next few days.  Can't wait for the RV show so I can go and do some dreaming and planning.  Yeah, Birol, it's winter for a long time in Canada.


Hang in there Birol.  I'm going to Toronto the first week of March, so please get the weather straightened up by then.  Out here on the priairies was interesting last week.  Temps were hitting -40 over night with windchills exceeding -50...then to end the week an old fahioned blizzard hit Friday night.  Windchills of -35 and lots of snow.  Shovels and the snow blower got a good workout.  Where's this "global warming" when you need it?