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Fitness and Good Health for '04 and Beyond

Started by NightOwl, Feb 14, 2004, 01:32 PM

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Chocolate, my favorite veggie!!!     Old moose does have some really good recipes there, and I've been collecting them to save for days when I feel a treat is in order.    
Want to tell y'all, I have been having some problems with some pain that hasn't bothered me for a while and is now back.  Went for a visit with my Dr on monday, he advises that I'm having a bad flare-up of the old fibromyalgia, and suggests that's what's holding up my weight loss.   (more pain means less activity, less exercise)  He's asked me to give a try to some meds that I took a year or so ago, but haven't taken lately.   I'm not overjoyed at the idea, but want relief of the pain, so I'll give it a try.   Unfortunately, these meds slow me down a little til I get acclimated to them.   Any suggestions any of you may have to help give things a little boost to get me back on track will be appreciated.  


Well sis, we've got to get you moving somehow. HEY, I've got a great idea!!!  :screwy:

Just pretend that it's Thanksgiving morning & you haven't prepared anything. Get into that kitchen right now & start cooking a 20 course meal. Rick & I will be glad to eat it for you & you'll feel better after all the exercise!

 :o  Yes, leave it to me to help my little sis in her time of need.  ;)


Thanksgiving morning!!!!   OMG, i have to get up, it's already 4:15 am and the turkey and the stuffing and the pies and the potatoes and the rolls and the squash and the.........wait, who said it's Thanksgiving?   My lil brother who is always trying to get me to cook MORE for him?!   I think this year for Thanskgiving Peggy ought to give him a Tofu Turkey!   (the worst part is, he'll probably like it anyway.)


Allen, this is a HEALTH and FITNESS thread!  As a senior member here, you are supposed to set a good example for all the little Popuppies and not be bringing things up like CHOCOLATE and Old Moose's rich recipes, and  the Thanksgiving feeding frenzy.  

You are BAAAAD--now go stand in the corner and meditate on your sins for 30 minutes (and dont take any Snickers bars into that corner with you!)


Quote from: wiininkweChocolate, my favorite veggie!!! ;)
Well after does come from the Cocoa BEAN!  :D

Ab Diver

Well, bad news... my knee has not healed enough to run a marathon. :mad:  

I stayed off it as much as possible before we went camping, and hoped I could get in some high-altitude running while camping in the Sierra's, but no go. I can't begin to express how bummed I am, and that I feel as though I've somehow let my friend's family down. Yeah, I know-- "stuff" happens that you have no control over, but still...
 I've been fighting depression for the last few days, and have finally come to terms with not being able to run in this race with my friend's family. I *know* all the stuff that I would say to somebody else in this situation, and I've already said it to myself. But sometimes, the hardest butt to kick in the whole wide world is your own. Know-wud-I-mean?
I do NOT feel bad about all the time and miles I've invested in training for this race. Those miles were for *me*, not this race in particular. My friend has inspired me to run for a lifetime of races, not just run to train for one race. I will continue to run after my knee feels better, and keep on running because I like doing so. I like the feeling I get during each run, and I like the feeling I have during the time between runs. I'm in better shape than I've been in for many years, my BP and resting heart rate are down, and I've lost that "winter coat" that seemed to never quite go away since the winter I turned 35. ;)
*That* is my friend's legacy to me. There will be other races, and I'm already looking over the horizon for a likely candidate. I know my friend is watching over me (maybe that's why I was able to jump out of the way of the vehicle that caused me to slip and twist my knee, instead of getting a worse injury by being hit by that same vehicle), and he'll be there where-ever, and when-ever, my first race is located.
Take care, all. Keep up the good work, and don't forget that little setbacks happen, but the longer view is what we have to keep in mind. Sometimes that can be hard to remember.


Dave/Ab Diver, sorry to hear about you knee.  Like you said, your friend is watching over you and was your inspiration to do the hard training that you did.  He is probably smiling at you now because you are so bumbed and he knows all the good intentions you had.  As you said, you will keep doing this for you and for his memory.  You can't get any better than that .  I know you are loved by all of us NNC'ers and many others, especially your lovely family.  So take heart and work at getting that knee back in shape so you can get back to the "me" time you so deserve.

BTW, has Ellen (Mrs. Ab Diver) decided on a board name yet?
Take care and give the family our love.


I'm so sorry to hear about your injury.  But... I know that this is only a minor setback for you, you've already shown your 'mettle' and this is just a test of your patience.   You've been a real source of pride and inspiration for the rest of us, Thanks for all the loyal and strong thoughts from you.  You know we feel the same way about you.   Heal well, and run fast and strong.