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Old Camping Friend Having.....

Started by whitestar505, Feb 18, 2004, 05:07 AM

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My old camping friend is having a hard time hanging on for her first camping trip of the year. Sparkle my 14 year old is having heart problems, of course it goes along with all her other problems she has. Now I have not had her 14 years but it seems like I just got yesterday. I adoped her when she needed help.
[size=-1]Posted November 19, 2000[/size]

Sparkle remained on the URGENT page of our website for some time after hear adoption. Most or our readers know that she was adopted by a special couple, who already adopted Barrett from us last year. I did this because, even though Sparkle finally reached her happy ending, we remained deeply in debt for her care.

I am so pleased to report that Sparkle fully turned the corner and made it through her trials, but what it took to ensure her survival and recovery cost us in excess of $4000. I cannot tell you how many people have told me I was crazy to have ever saved her in the first place. The powerful response from all of our supporters on Sparkle's behalf tells me otherwise, though. Sparkle herself tells me otherwise. Her will to live has been inspirational, and she is completely precious.

We deeply appreciate all the donations and all the kind and encouraging words and prayers sent on Sparkle's behalf. So many of you have helped us so much. Unfortunately we're not out of the red, and many more dogs need our help to keep going.

For those of you new to our Center and to Sparkle's story, please read on. Our faithful supporters may want to remind themselves of what they have helped us save.

Sparkle is eight years old. She belonged to an elderly lady who was forced to move in with her daughter and son-in-law, and neither wanted Sparkle.They treated her very badly,keeping her chained to a railing inside the house, letting her out only to do her business. She could hardly move. The old lady called me and begged me to take Sparkle, which of course we did. Little did we know how sick Sparkle was.

The day following Sparkle's entry into her foster home in Columbia, Maryland, she began bleeding from the mouth, nose, and eyes. There was blood in her urine and feces, and she was vomiting blood, too. We immediately thought she'd been poisoned, which was not surprising under the circumstances where she'd been living.

Extensive tests at the emergency vet clinic finally revealed an autoimmune disorder. Sparkle's platelets were being destroyed by her body's cells. We treated her with a variety of medications and aggressive veterinary care. She had transfusions, and -- after many tense days -- miraculously, she turned a corner. She started getting better and better every day. Even when she faced the sudden onset and removal of mammary tumors (benign, thank God), she was nothing short of a little trooper.

Sparkle is now entirely off prednisone. She's won the battle at last! Her wonderful foster mother never gave up on her, telling me over and over that "no one told Sparkle she's sick." She has amazed all of us.

When I remember that brave look in Sparkle's eyes -- even when she could hardly lift her head, dribbling blood on anyone who touched her face -- I know we did the right thing for her. I am proud that we fought so hard for her life. We won. Please help us continue to fight for others like Sparkle. They have no chance without us.


Touching story ..... It is amazing how people treat their pets and don't deserve how to have another one for the rest of their lives ! I wonder how they treat their kids !

I hope you will have a lot of happy camping trips with Sparkle !


My thoughts and prayers are with you and Sparkle. It is so hard when our furry family members get old and sick. Bless you for adopting an older dog with health issues. So many of these guys end their lives without a loving family to take care of them in their golden years. If more people only knew the reward.


Glad Sparkle is doing better.  As you can tell, we have a soft spot in our hearts for dogs also, as 1 was rescued from SPCA locally, 1 we took in from my Aunt in TN as she could not keep the stray and would have had to take to animal shelter, 2 were strays that came to visit for a meal and ended up staying, and the last one, was just because....
We are currently having a 6th one as MIL is on a trip and we could not see him sitting in a cage for over 2 weeks when he's used to having the run of the house.  
We just have "sucker" written over our forehead...with times being tuff for us, we are struggling, just hoping that shots can be held MORE pancreatis attacts, and that the one with a cyst and continue without surgery (vet said that unless it got infected, there would be no problem..thank goodness).


:'(  please pass the kleenex.  I lost my Taffy last August at age 18.  She was the best pup anyone could ever have.  Even in her last days when she had difficulty seeing and couldn't hear, she was still ready to go with me everywhere and it was painful at times when I couldn't take her with me.  She kept me on my toes waiting on her when she needed to go out and watching for those signs as it became more difficult for her to know "just when." Well one day she just drifted off to sleep and never woke up and I'm sure she will be there waiting for me on the "other side" someday.  We had so many happy times together and plenty of rides together.  She saw me raise my children, send them to college and loved them tremendously when they returned for visits. In particular, she would get "out of her mind" when my son would come to visit.  No one can tell me that dogs don't know or understand our language....they know probably better than we do!  Ride and go often had to be spelled in our house or else she was between us and the getting out without taking her.  I miss her so much. :(



   During Sparkle's heart thest last week the noticed she was losting all her hair.
The vet is now running a test for Cushing Disease. This could be a reason for a lot of problem neaver answered. Hopefully we can it stable.. First trip is coming up.


Hope things start to look up....
My MIL dog had hair loss and after changing vets, it was discovered that it was due to a thyroid problem...he's on meds and hair has grown back.



Yep! Cushing Disease it is and it is bad now. Hair lost, urinating the works.. She is on Lysodren which started today. Hope this works.


Sorry to hear this, hopefully the meds work.


I have a 14 yr. old Sheltie that has arthritis, tyroid problems, has had several strokes and she is still going strong.  Recently her vet thought she had cushings - but thankfully that does not appear to be the case.

People who say - "It's just a dog" just don't get it.

I hope that Sparkle responds well to her new meds.  Please keep us posted on her progress.

Acts 2:38 girl

Poor little girl  :(   I hope she feels better soon.  Keep us posted, it sounds like she's a fighter!   :)