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Started by birol, Feb 22, 2004, 10:10 AM

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There was this one job opportunity, that was almost going thru ! I was lined up to be hired by a company as soon as they got this lucrative contract from a major corporation ! They have been working on this for almost 6 months now actively, and for a total of almost a year. I was being kept in the loop about the job, technology, where we were etc all this time. I was very hopefull that this would be the turning point for me going back to be gainfully employed, doing my profession. Friday they informed the company that they didn't get the bid, and I was informed on Saturday !

I am feeling so down right now, I don't think I will ever do my profession again :( I want to go hide somewhere .....


Quote from: birolI want to go hide somewhere .....

Come and hide at the Eastern Rally. :)

Sorry the job fell through. :(



I'm really sorry to hear that.  It's not fun to have your hopes up for so long only to have them pulled out from under you.
We are here for you if you need to talk...  Just remember you have tons of friends here!


Birol, this must make your heart sick, but you have to keep believing that around the next corner or over the next hill is a good job waiting for you to find it.  And remember, this latest experience is not an indication that someone has  rejected you or your talents, but is a case of plain old bad luck which could happen to ANYONE!.  Dont give up.  And you never know--this same company may someday win a bid and  remember how impressed they were with you in the past.

Keep faith with yourself and remember that when  things improve, we will happily share your joy just as we share your disappointments.  (And you will always find us ready to  "listen" no matter what you need to get off your heart and mind.)


Sometimes things are just not meant to be.  That's probably the case right now and I know you had your hopes up very high.  Just keeping looking and trying and something will come along when the time is right.


In my culture, we believe that a door closes only because another one is opening.  Keep that in mind.  I know that you must be so discouraged right now, and I don't blame you.  But, please dear friend, don't let it seem like the last chance for you, because it sure isn't.  As someone else mentioned, they were already impressed with your skills and abilities, and those things haven't changed.  And, we here who know you, are here to support you, and listen and lend a shoulder when ever you need it.


what type of job are you looking for?


Computer engineer, any kind of management type in the IT world, or technically Lotus Notes, networking etc .... I will do anything :) as long as it is a job related to my profession.
Quote from: dee106what type of job are you looking for?


Good grief Birol...sure wish the DC area wasn't so far for you!  :(  It's horrible to be waiting for a job and so disappointing when they don't pan out.  We're all keeping our fingers crossed for you!


Seems to me they have advertisments in the newspaper every week for those type of jobs around here. Maybe you need to think about re-locating to the states (yeah I just bought a new house....but look at the camping opportunities!!!!) :D


IF birol was to move to the USA

finding a job, sooner                                      
VA area homes are less expensive  then most places        
camping for 7 to 9 months of the yrs      
camping all around you                        
being closer to the rallies
being closer to most of us
less snow!
warmer temps
lots of nice places to visit
cost are normally lower for things
leaving your country
leaving your family and friends
up-rooting your kids
free medical insurance


closer to your camping buddies
closer to your friends of the board
low cost camping at state parks
low cost camping at national parks & forests
plenty of higher paying jobs in the technology field

Yes, come on down and get a job and go camping. :cool:


Wish the job situation looked better around here....DH in the same field and still looking.


wow...and we're looking for a couple of computer engineers!!!...:eek: least one, one may have been found today...   We have had a couple leave recently as the market has picked up a bit here for even better paying jobs...they weren't making shabby pay to begin with!!   Birol....wanna commute?  LOL  ;>


VJM... I might be interested in that...what's the job requirements specs? I don't have a degree, but there is very little I don't know about computers!!!