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2ManyToyz - Lets talk RC Trucks!

Started by LoadedCamera, Feb 22, 2004, 10:38 AM

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I've seen your website about all your toys!  The one that interests me the most besides plinking is your RC Trucks.
I'm going to be getting the T-Maxx from Traxxis soon.  I'm interested in any info you might have about what to look out for on these toyz...


I don't know anything about the RC Truck you mentioned, but DS is really into the XMod RC cars from Radio Shack.  He loves changing the gears, wheels, suspension, etc. :)


There's a big difference between toy level RC vehicles, and hobby level ones.  The hobby level equipment is made for abuse, spare parts are readily available, and they usually have a big aftermarket support.

The Traxxas E-Maxx and T-Maxx are excellent examples of high end hobby level equipment.  When you come off a 10' jump, race across the track at 30+ mph, and do it all day long, you can really appreciate how well these are made.

I used to run nitro cars quite a bit, but they tend to be noisy in a neighborhood and the oil residue REALLY picks up dirt.  You'll spend a good bit of time cleaning your truck at the end of the day.  With an electric truck, hit it with an air hose and you're done.  In the past, nitro was the only way to get any real power.

Times have changed.  I now prefer electric.  The E-Maxx has twin electric motors, and also accelerates quicker than the nitro version.  It also has enough torque to pop wheelies on demand, an issue the nitro camp complains about.  Traxxas has now officially approved 14 cells for use with the electronic speed control, without voiding the warranty.  Now it has the same top end as the nitro version.

The big advantage to me of the nitro over the electric is battery cost and charging.  I have a large collection of batteries, so I charge them up the night before.  I can run for a couple of hours before I run out.  Not many have as many batts, so they have to wait between runs to recharge their packs.  With nitro, you only need stop long enough to refuel.

As for upgrading either the T-Maxx or E-Maxx, I'd highly recommend adding RPM hardware.  I've hit a telephone pole at full throttle and had my truck spin about 30' through the air, nothing broke.   The stock steering servo is too weak.  Many upgrades available, but I went with the Tower Hobbies TS-70MG servo.

These trucks are FAST!!!  They get up to speed quickly with their 2 speed transmission, and you quickly run out of track.  You'll soon get the hang of power sliding with its 4WD.   :D  

If you have any specific questions, let me know.  I competitively raced for a couple of years until the local tracks closed.  Now I either backyard bash, or go to one of the local schools.  Keep in mind this can be dangerous.  10 lbs going 30 mph would flat put a hurting on someone!.