Hometown Buffet Brunch, July 24th or 25th

Started by griffsmom, Mar 04, 2004, 12:47 AM

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Does anyone know if they will allow us to have a tent on our site along with the popup? I have a friend and her son that we might like to bring if they will allow it...


yes they allow 1 tent WITH an RV there is an extra charge, I'm sure Lori will have the fee amount

Sue Hardee

I have send you two e-mails and posted once and haven't heard from you and so you must be very busy..  This is concerning the campsite I picked for the second anual trick or treat...I e-mailed you that we might bring our grandchildren.  Please could we have another site that wouldn't be so busy...You sent me an e-mail that it was a busy intersection and we have never been there so don't know what sites I wanted ...as we might have a three year old with us and traffic could be an issue... I would like to be away from a busy intersection, I just didn't know what site to pick. I have already send you a check for the week end.  Hope there might also be some shade...hopefully I'm not asking for too much if so I guess we can deal with the site we were assigned...  Sue


Quote from: Sue HardeeLori,
I have send you two e-mails and posted once and haven't heard from you and so you must be very busy.. This is concerning the campsite I picked for the second anual trick or treat...I e-mailed you that we might bring our grandchildren. Please could we have another site that wouldn't be so busy...You sent me an e-mail that it was a busy intersection and we have never been there so don't know what sites I wanted ...as we might have a three year old with us and traffic could be an issue... I would like to be away from a busy intersection, I just didn't know what site to pick. I have already send you a check for the week end. Hope there might also be some shade...hopefully I'm not asking for too much if so I guess we can deal with the site we were assigned... Sue
Hi Sue!
Sorry about my delay in getting back to you.  Work and life in general have been intruding on my PUT time!!!:mad:
Yes, the site you selected, while close to the bathroom, is right where the cg's truck goes on the haunted hayride and so will be quite busy.  Plus, it wasn't one of the sites that we have reserved.:eek: :D   I have moved you over to site 164, which is next to Kimrb266 who has children about the same age as your grandchildren.  Unfortunately, this end of the cg isn't as close to the bathrooms as the other end, but this was what was available when I called them the morning they began taking reservations for this weekend.  There is a restroom up the hill and isn't too far from your site.  I hope that will be okay for you.  If you'd rather have a different site, just let me know, but I would stay on that back road, as the other one will have more traffic--people going to and from the pool/playground/stable areas.


Here's the lastest update as of  6/11/04:


Heather and Bryan: 163
oldmoose: 126
Chez Way 130
Darksiders: 131
JStubbert: 135
Allenbaugh Family: 136
Sue and Dave Hardee: 164

Kimrb266: 165
Dee4j: 167
MrFlinders: 172

Griffsmom: 173
OC Campers: 174

(21 sites left)
You can also check the Web site that Randy has put together for additional details: http://www.sccampers.org/halloween2004/index.html
SUE:  There will be t-shirts available at a cost of approximately $12 (or so) for this event.  Do you and Dave, and Heather, Bryan and the kids want shirts?  If so, let me know how many and what sizes and I'll have Randy add that to the Web site info.


Lori, is the tent fee $20/night? our friends are planning on going and staying in a tent. as long as I don't wreck this vehicle 2 weeks before we go :yikes:


Here's the lastest update as of 6/30/04:
Pending: (Site #)
Jendak760: 129
Confirmed (Site #):
oldmoose: 126
Chez Way 130
Darksiders: 131
JStubbert: 135
Allenbaugh Family: 136
Heather and Bryan: 163
Sue and Dave Hardee: 164

Kimrb266: 165
Dee4j: 167
MrFlinders: 172

Griffsmom: 173
OC Campers: 174
Available sites: (20)
A word of caution:  As wagonmistress, I have to make final payment for all sites on September 30th.  I will be releasing any sites not already reserved and paid for by that date. If you or friends of yours want to attend this rally, it would be wise to make and pay for your sites as soon as you can.  :)
Finally, don't forget to check the rally Web site for additional details: http://www.sccampers.org/halloween2004/index.html


Lori can you put my friends down for 168 & 169. My High school buddy is Traci and the other site is for her childhood friend Kathy. I will e-mail her with the particulars so they can send you a check.

OC Campers

Hi Lori, it looks like we are going to have to pull out of the rally.  Randy got his transfer up north today.   I sincerely doubt we will be in So Cal in October.:(


Quote from: OC CampersHi Lori, it looks like we are going to have to pull out of the rally. Randy got his transfer up north today. I sincerely doubt we will be in So Cal in October.:(
Well, I guess Randy wins the moving race. Congratulations on your move, but I have to say we are bummed out. Do you know when you are moving? We definitely need to get together, even if it is WITHOUT our pop-ups.:yikes: I have to say that SCCampers rallies will not be the same without you.
Perhaps a last minute "Going-Away-Mini-Rally" is in order.
- The other Randy

OC Campers

Quote from: mrflinders:(
Well, I guess Randy wins the moving race. Congratulations on your move, but I have to say we are bummed out. Do you know when you are moving? We definitely need to get together, even if it is WITHOUT our pop-ups.:yikes: I have to say that SCCampers rallies will not be the same without you.
Perhaps a last minute "Going-Away-Mini-Rally" is in order.
- The other Randy
Thanks Randy, we are really happy it finally went thru but are VERY sad to be leaving our SC Campers group.  We have made so many friends, it will be hard to say goodbye.  We hope though that we will still be able to camp with with a lot of you with the "meet in the middle" rally's.
It appears that we will try to be up there by the end of August.  School starts August 23rd in most areas.
We would love to get together with everyone before we leave.  Our big family vacation is August 7-17 when we go to Bridgeport (which I hope doesn't get messed up).  We have no plans at all for the month of July. Maybe we should try and get together for that HomeTown Buffet date we talked about.  That way anyone who wants to come can.  Unless we can come up with a camping spot that takes last minute reservations.:(  (which we know probably is a long shot).


Quote from: OC CampersThanks Randy, we are really happy it finally went thru but are VERY sad to be leaving our SC Campers group. We have made so many friends, it will be hard to say goodbye. We hope though that we will still be able to camp with with a lot of you with the "meet in the middle" rally's.
It appears that we will try to be up there by the end of August. School starts August 23rd in most areas.
We would love to get together with everyone before we leave. Our big family vacation is August 7-17 when we go to Bridgeport (which I hope doesn't get messed up). We have no plans at all for the month of July. Maybe we should try and get together for that HomeTown Buffet date we talked about. That way anyone who wants to come can. Unless we can come up with a camping spot that takes last minute reservations.:( (which we know probably is a long shot).

Thanks sounds good. I believe there is a Home Town Buffet in Westmister, is there not? Would that be the closest one to you?  Unless anyone wants to chime in with a campground suggestion.....

OC Campers

Quote from: mrflindersJacqui,
Thanks sounds good. I believe there is a Home Town Buffet in Westmister, is there not? Would that be the closest one to you? Unless anyone wants to chime in with a campground suggestion.....
There is one in Garden Grove at Brookhurst and Chapman and there is one on Bristol and MacArthur.  If there is one nearer to you we don't mind the travel time.  I guess it depends on who who like to join us.


Quote from: OC CampersThere is one in Garden Grove at Brookhurst and Chapman and there is one on Bristol and MacArthur. If there is one nearer to you we don't mind the travel time. I guess it depends on who who like to join us.
Let's pick a date and a location near you and I'll start a thread and we'll see who wants to come.  How about the weekend of July 24th?  
- Randy


we'd like to come I know Kevin would like to hang out with Chris. I vote for bristol and Mcarthur. Its near South coast Plaza?? I think this one would be
more central