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Let's go on a Rating Binge

Started by AustinBoston, Mar 25, 2004, 08:26 AM

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Here's something to do...rate all the threads on the first page of this forum.  Just scroll down to the bottom, and on the left side is a drop-down where you can rate each thread from 1-5 stars.

I believe 5 stars is good, 1 star is bad.  Use your own criteria for rating, but some ideas are:

1-too controversial => 5-very family friendly
1-boring => 5-exciting
1-too wordy => 5-very concise
1-too touchy-feely => 5-solid technical
1-hijacked thread => 5-stayed on topic

Of course you can turn these around if so inclined...

1-Too dull => 5-Fight! Fight! Fight!
1-raises blood pressure => 5-relaxing discussion
1-empty platitudes => 5-thought out answers
1-too technical => 5-very romantic
1-narrow focus => 5-went with the flow

Don't tell us what your criteria are, just be consistent and go rate them.  It would be interesting which topics end up with 5 stars in everybody's rating system, and which end up with 1's.



Where will the rating show?  Does it just average or will you get a rating showing for every rate????


Ratings (average I guess) are shown when you look at the forum, viewing all the threads.

I already voted for all :)

Quote from: angelsmom10Where will the rating show?  Does it just average or will you get a rating showing for every rate????


I thought I had bumped my head when I returned here and was seeing all those stars. :confused:  :eek:  ;)  :D   Just goes to show that when I stay away a little while and come back, someone has messed with this place. :Z  :J


I found the reason why I don't see them is that I only go to "view new posts" and the stars don't show up there.


Bump...time for a new ratings binge...